Chapter XVII
The Draft and The Relief Fund 

The First Draft in Jefferson County - The Enrollment under the State Call - The Quota Filled - Organization of the Provost-Marshal General’s Bureau - The Enrollment Board - Quotas under the different Drafts - Lists of the Lucky Ones - Drafted Men in the Eighty-second Pennsylvania Regiment - The Relief Fund in Jefferson County - Aiding the Families of the Soldiers


The first draft was in pursuance of the order of President Lincoln, of August 4, 1862, calling for 300,000 men. The enrollment for this draft was by States, and commissioners were appointed in each county to superintend the same. Hon. Isaac G. Gordon was the commissioner for Jefferson and Forest counties, and Dr. William J. McKnight was appointed examining surgeon. Mr. Gordon appointed the following persons to enroll the militia in the several townships:

Brookville, John J. Thompson; Barnett, Charles Butterfield; Beaver, Benjamin Thomas; Bell, P.W. Jenks; Clover, H.R. Bryant; Corsica, William Glenn; Eldred, Milton Graham; Gaskill, Henry Brown; Henderson, William E. Bell; Heath, W.P. Jenks; Knox, James E. Long; McCalmont, John Rhoads; Oliver, Isaac C. Jordan; Perry, Irwin Robinson; Punxsutawney, William Campbell; Porter, F.W. Bell; Pine Creek, Oliver Brady; Polk, R.G. Wright; Ringgold, P.H. Shannon; Rose, F.C. Coryell; Snyder, A.J. Thompson; Union, E.B. Orcutt; Washington, N.B. Lane; Warsaw, Abram Yetter; Winslow, John Boucher; Young, D.C. Gillispie.

Under this enrollment the militia force of the county was found to be 3,482, of which 1,107 were already in the service, leaving 2,375, subject to the draft, but as Jefferson county had already sent more than her quota under the call, she escaped this draft.

The act of Congress creating the office of provost-marshal general was approved March 3, 1863, and James B. Fry appointed to that office March 17, 1863. Within a very short time thereafter the network of the organization adopted under the law was extended to all the counties and towns in the loyal States, and the work of the bureau commenced, viz., the arrest of deserters, enrollment of the national forces for the draft, and the enlistment of volunteers.

When this bureau was put in operation it was found that the strength of the army was deemed inadequate for offensive operations, nearly four hundred thousand recruits being required to bring the regiments and companies then in the service up to the legal and necessary standard. The system of recruiting heretofore pursued had been found inadequate to supply the demand that the rapidly diminishing ranks of the army required. To meet this demand, caused by the casualties of battle, and the expiration of enlistments, a new system of recruiting was inaugurated. The general government through the provost-marshal general’s bureau, assumed control of this business, which had heretofore been under the jurisdiction of the State governments. The provost-marshals of the several congressional districts, aided by a commissioner and surgeon in each, were made recruiting officers, and as this manner of procedure sprang from the people, while at the same time exercising the authority of the government, it reached the masses and greatly promoted volunteering, and enabled the different boards of enrollment to examine, enlist, muster, clothe, and forward recruits as fast as they could be obtained. The quotas of districts and sub-districts were made known, each locality was advised of the number it was required to furnish, and that in case of failure to fill their quota a draft would follow.

Under this arrangement the board of enrollment for the Nineteenth Congressional District of which Jefferson county formed a part was established, with headquarters at Waterford, Erie county, and was constituted as follows: Provost-marshal, Colonel H.S. Campbell, of Erie county; commissioner, Jerome Powell, of Elk; surgeon, Dr. John Mechling, of Jefferson (Dr. Mechling was appointed April 21, 1863); first clerk, - Frothingham; second clerk, John Haldeman, both of Erie county. These constituted the regular board of enrollment. Besides these from six to twelve additional clerks were employed. Dr. Mechling resigned April 21, 1864, and Dr. C.M. Matson of Brookville, was appointed to take his place. Mr. Haldeman also resigned in July or August to accept the appointment of recruiting agent of colored troops at Fortress Monroe, Va., and Edward Souther, of Ridgeway, was appointed in his place. Soon after Mr. Souther was appointed commissioner in place of Powell resigned, and Joseph B. Henderson, the present cashier of the Jefferson county National Bank of Brookville, was appointed to the second clerkship.

The board of enrollment was ordered to move its headquarters to Ridgeway, Elk county, December 17, 1864. The several drafts were all conducted by this board, and its headquarters continued at Ridgeway, until June 15, 1865, when by order of General Stanton, Secretary of War, Colonel Campbell, Dr. Matson, Edward Souther, and J.B. Henderson were discharged, and the district consolidated with the one east of it, and the records in charge of the chief clerk, Charles Himrod (who had succeeded Mr. Frothingham), removed to Williamsport, Pa.

The work of the provost-marshal general’s bureau was a gigantic one, and the strength of the army was so materially and systematically increased, that the rebellion was soon quelled. The number of men obtained by this means is given in the report of Provost-Marshal General Fry:

Product of the drafts


Number who paid commutation money for the procuring of substitutes under act of March 3, 1863.


Number who paid commutation under section 17, act of February, 1864, (conscientiously opposed to bearing arms)



Volunteer recruits (army and navy) and regulars




In the State of Pennsylvania $8,634,300 was paid for commutation. Of this amount the nineteenth district paid $1,439,995.

The whole number drawn in the district was 3,387; number who failed to report, 263; whole number examined, 3,124; personally held, 247; furnished substitutes, 177; paid commutation, 928; total number held, 1,352; the number exempted for different causes, 1,245; number drawn who were already in the service, 60. Of the number drawn Jefferson county furnished 1,473.

The bounties paid for men ranged from $300 to $600. Provost-Marshal Campbell appointed Captain Madison M. Meredith recruiting officer for Jefferson county, September 9, 1863, and with the inducements held out for recruits, a number of the townships paying local bounties, several of the districts filled their quotas under the first drafts.

Very few of the men drafted in the county were sent into the service. The majority paid their commutation, others furnished substitutes or were released for some of the different causes exempting them from service.

Under the call of July 18, 1863, for 300,000 men, the correct enrollment of Jefferson county in both classes was, first class, 1,624; second class, 813; total, 2,437, making the militia force of the county over 3,000. Under this enrollment the quota of the county was 484. This quota to which was added the after per cent. in addition, was distributed in the different subdistricts of the county as follows: Brookville borough, 35; Barnett, 7; Beaver, 22; Bell, 15; Clover, 21; Eldred, 15; Gaskill, 12; Henderson, 16; Knox, 20; Oliver, 21; Pine Creek, 26; Rose, 15; Snyder, 24, Union, 19; Warsaw, 29; Winslow, 32; Washington, 31; Punxsutawney, 11; Young, 20; Polk, 5; Heath, 9; Corsica, 5; Perry, 24; Porter, 15; Ringgold, 25; McCalmont, 10.


In pursuance of the above the following names were drawn from the wheel at Waterford, Wednesday, August 26, 1863:

Brookville Borough - Richard J. Espy, Frank Kreitler, George Aaron, E. Reitz, W. Stevens, Abram Snyder, W. Dickey, T. Carroll, A. Scribner, J. Coon, J.T. Carroll, R. Cathcart, G.W. Keiser, A. Mackey, G.G. Fryer, J.S. Hubbard, W. O’Connor, John J. Thompson, J. Milliron, J.M. Pierce, John Showalter, William Glenn, F. Overbeck, C. Warner, C.S. Andrews, W. Lansendorfer, W.D.J. Marlin, F.C. Coryell, H.H. Barr, D. Rebeneck, R. Snyder, G. Johnson, S. Cale, J.B. Henderson, W. English.

Barnett Township - C. Butterfield, A. Bashline, H. Bailey, William Boyer, J. Cook, S.L. Hulsopple, I. Cassett.

Beaver Township - J.M. Burns, I. Crawford, A. Shaffer, W. Boughman, J. Johns; J. Thomas, J.E. McNutt, J. Shick, L. Boughman, L. Fenstemacher, E. Oxenrider, John Thomas, E. Alcorn, W. Heckman, B. Wessen, H. Smith, P.A. Shaffer, E. Sherman, O. Myers, Eli Coulter, Reuben Dinger, J. Shaffer.

Bell Township - W. Dunmire, J. Hoch, J. Caldwell, J. Hilburn, D. Davis, Godfrey Hilburn, J. Frederick, G. Finley, P. Kline, Henry Weis, Abram Peace, T. Davis, W. Steffy, H. Peterman, T. Dunn.

Clover Township - M. Love; P. Vandevort, L. Jack, M. Knapp, A. Vandevort, L.C. Carrier, A. Hettrick, C.B. McGiffin, S. McGiffin, J. Hime, S. McGiffin, J.B. Ferguson, E. Campbell, John Brocius, I. Welch, R. Fitzsimmons, S.M. Rodgers, G.A. Carrier, Andrew G. Hildrich, Grisswold Carrier, A. Alcorn.

Corsica Borough - H. Love, G.W. Gardner, J. B. Long, E. Depp, J.S. Espy.

Eldred Township - J. Singer, J. Brown, I. Graham, R.B. English, J. Plyler, C. Weaver, E. Forsyth, E. Lindemuth, H. Maxwell, W. Gallagher, E. Love, A. Butler, J. Lindsey, J.T. English, M. Gailey.

Gaskill Township - A. Bower, J.M. Bowers, S. Remaley, I. Bowers, J. Bowser, D. Remaley, J. Peterman, J. Brooks, E. Sheasley, Joseph Young, J.R. Bowers, Abe Bowers.

Heath Township - A. Zimmerman, J. Fowler, S. Wallace, G. McCoy, J. Dearhalp, N. Kirkland, G. Brocius, William Winlack, Thompson Crow.

Henderson Township - G. Emry, D.S. Slemmer, P.E. Smeyers, J. Bonnett, I. France, H.J. Weaver, William Null, Solomon Knisely, I. France, G.W. Ream, B. Boyer, H. Shaffer, A. Lott, B. Welder, P.J. Anthony, Jacob Davis.

Knox Township. - D. Wolf, S. Harriger, D. Rhinehart, A. Wiley, F. Shannon, A. Averell, S.A. Hunter, H.J. Wise, P. Bailey, I. McKee, Isaac Harriger, A. Eshbaugh, John Farringer, S.F. Wilson, A. Burdoff, J. Cummins, J. Rhoads, D. Rhinehart, Adam Mohney, Jefferson Barber.

McCalmont Township - J. Smith, W.R. Pifer, J.G. Ernst, John Varner, J.W. Means, J. Straithoff, A.H. Deemer, Abram Warner, I.W. McGee, John Bell.

Oliver Township - J. Montgomery, W. Pantall, S. Horner, J. Smith, J. Fishel, J.J. Miller, D. Coulter, S. Stahlman, L.J. Boyington, Miles Smith, H. Doverspike, W.H. Fishel, W. Jordon, D.W. Hoch, I.M. Depp, J. Shaffer, T. Wadden, J.M. Clyde, S. Dobson, A. Hill, A. Miller.

Pine Creek Township - S. Baughmon, J.B. Campbell, J.T. Alford, N.S. Geere, J.E. Long, W. Kirkman, J. Bliss, J. Kunselman, J. Heasley, J.S. Geere, J. Moore, S. Siple, A.W. Livendorffer, C. Murphy, J. Rhodes, Henry Startzell, E. Huffman, J. Dempsey, R. Vantassel, H. Horn, I. Alsehouse, T. Clark, I. Shoemaker, W.C. Evans, J. Dunham, J.W. Dempsey.

Punxsutawney Borough - Jacob Zeitler, J.W. Hughes, J.J.J. Bishop, W.A. Means, A.C. White, G.W. Zeitler, B. Zeigler, W. Beck, T.K. Hastings, O.N. Nordstrom, W.R. Evans.

Polk Township - B.K. McLure, W.H. McKillips, J. McGiffin, C.F. Hartung, George Heitzenreider.

Porter Township - T.J. Bish, William Postlethwait, D. Bish, G. Marsh, H. Snyder, J. Brombaugh, P. Bish, Joseph Bish, F. Ellenberger, J. Dibler, A. Hinterliter, M. McDevitt, J.C. Hoover, E. Hoover, C. Miller.

Perry Township - D. Whitesell, P. Beam, J.N. Heckendorn, N. Croasman, Darius Blose, Thomas Reed, M. Depp, Bennewell Raybuck, S.T. Means, W. London, T.S. Mitchell, D. Moser, S. Watkins, T.F. Adams, J.J. Lewis, A. Lingenfelter, W.B. Sprankle, J. Stunkard, A.B. Sivering, G. Palmer, J. Wachob, Joseph Postlethwait, J.B. Freas, Philip Weaver.

Ringgold Township - S. Michael, G. Hain, D. Mowry, S. Shaffer, P.W. Filler, D. Dinger, J.M. Miller, J. Milliron, J. Peters, W. Geist, B. Bush, D. Timblin, J. Hunger, J. Powell, A. Mowrey, E. Reed, C. Smail, J.H. Wynkoop, Levi Boyer, S. Minich, H. Snyder, D. Falk, E. Dinger, A.H. Divin, Jacob Farringer.

Rose Township - J. Lehman, H. Vasbinder, J. Ross, S. Shirey, T.C. Witherow, J. Matson, E. Brocius, J.E. Huffman, E. McGarey, M. Dowling, W.H. Brown, E. McAnnich, P. Kitchen, J.S. McGiffin, Robert Clements.

Snyder Township - I. Smith, S. Whepley, C. Grant, T. Calhoun, J. Bryant, C. Clinton, W.G. Noblitt, C. Arthurs, J. Robinson, P. Hefflefinger, L. Burgess, W. Sibley, B. Shaw, J. Kearney, W. Grant, B.F. Mullin, J. Kearney, Ira Welch, A. Phelps, C. Klein, G.W. Chamberlain.

Union Township - J. Hughes, S. Lamb, J. Howe, J. McLaughlin, J. Clark, R. Hughes, P. Rensell, J.L. McCullough, J. Casey, J. Hindman, S. Summerville, J.W. Kelly, T. Trumbull, J. Cochran.

Washington Township - W. Dougherty, A. Patton, W.A. Gordon,W. Britton, J.M. Smith, A. Hunter, J.G. Smith, J. Clinton, T. Long, R. Tedley, W. Conn, J. Tobin, J. Fitzsimmons, S. Crawford, W.P. Kearney, S. McConnell, A. Burtop, R. Miller, S. Davenport, G. Nelson, J. Burtop, J. Bovaird, H. Groves, D. Bovaird, H. Beck, J. Moore, A. Bovaird, B. Molter, R. Stevenson, C.R. Calhoun, W. McConnell, D. Dennison, J. Conn.

Winslow Township - N. Strauss, Levi Shugars, T.B. London, E. Saxens, J.N. Hanna, J. Booth, P. Doverspike, S. Phillipi, J.H. Johnston, A. Snyder, I. London, J. Smith, Hiram Smith, T. Clayton, J.P. Sugars, W. Foltz, J.M. Foltz, A. Cathers, J. Lyons, P. Rockwell, J.J. Deemer, T. Reynolds, R.S. Cathers, H. Phillippi, A. Kuhnley, S. McCreight, P. Brown, S.M. Crawford, A. Welsh, D. Cyphert.

Warsaw Township - J.W. Irvin, A.O. McWilliams, I.D. Smith, P.C. Fox, L. Lockwood, R. Wilson, B. Lindemuth, I.M. Temple, M.R. Bell, J. Bullers, N. Smith, R.W. Anderson, J.N. Riggs, N. Keys, I. Graham, T. Moore, J. Miller, T.T. Crawford, A.J. Bartlett, John Clinger, S. Smith, J.R. Trimble, E. Perrin, G. Vasbinder, E. Russell, S. Sartwell, A.E. Moore, C. Clinger, J. Miller.

Young Township - J.M. Graffius, H.W. Smith, D. Barnett, W. Graffius, W. Crissman, G.M. Long, J. Barnett, W. Craft, T. Pantal, Christ. Smith, Adam Smith, J. Work, W.P. Gaskill, R. Kerr, T.J.S. Henneigh, E. Berry, W.G. Carmalt, S. Phillips, J. Kerr, C. Clawson.

The second draft was commenced about the 15th day of April, 1864, and was for the deficiencies under the calls of the president of October 17, 1863, for 300,000 volunteers for three years’ service; February 1, 1864, for 200,000 men (in addition to the call of October 17) for three years’ service, and March 14, 1864, for 200,000 men to supply the wants of the navy, and to provide for contingencies, or, the calls being added together, for 700,000 men for three years’ service. The quota for Jefferson county, under these calls was 672, viz.: Brookville, 54; Barnett, 10; Beaver, 32; Bell, 22; Clover, 28; Eldred, 27; Gaskill, 16; Henderson, 23; Knox, 27; Oliver, 29; Pine Creek, 36; Rose, 27; Snyder, 30; Union and Corsica, 24; Warsaw, 37; Winslow, 43; Washington, 44; Young and Punxsutawney, 48; Polk, 8; Heath, 13; Perry, 29; Porter, 18; Ringgold, 32; McCalmont, 15.

Under this draft the following names were drawn at Waterford, June, 1864.

Barnett Township - George W. Stoner, John Beasom, Isaac Cassett, Frank E. Jackson, George Frazier, James W. Daniels.

Beaver Township - Henry Hettrick, B.S. Raybuck, Isaac N. Byers, Henry Saucerman, Peter Wells, George Smathers.

Gaskill Township - Augustus Winslow, Peter F. Bowser, Isaac Bowers, John Miller.

Henderson Township - Daniel F. Smyers, Samuel R. Spencer, Jacob G. Zufall, Jacob Bonnett, Henry Hammerman, James D. Anthony, Ludwick Preston, Elias Frease.

Pine Creek Township - Ephraim Weidner, Eli Johns, James P. Black, Reuben Scott, Joseph Zimmerman, George Rhodes, Joseph Parmeter, Peter Emerick, James McFadden, John McCullough, Bennewell Kroh, John Carrier, Solomon Baughman, Emanuel Weiser, James. F. Lowry.

Winslow Township - Henry Smith, John Clayton, Martin Foltz, John Douthett, Richard McClure, William Cathers, George Brodhead, Lewis Ludwick, Mathew Leigle, Noah Syphert, Solomon Dickey, James Foltz, Levi Knapp, Levi Shuckers, James Sheasley, Simon Sheasley, Warner G. Repshur, Charles B. Clark, Henry L. Lindsey.

Heath Township - James Guthrie, John O’Neil, Adam Zimmerman, Brown Galbraith, James Delong, George Brocius, Jonathan Pike, Oliver Crossman.

Porter Township - Robert Elkin, Hugh McDowell, William H. McDonald, James Stockdill, William Snyder.

McCalmont Township. - Jacob Kuntz, Jacob Zimmerman, Hiram Nicholson.

The other districts in the county having raised their quotas, thereby escaped this draft.

The draft under call of July 18, 1864, was made under the provisions of the amendment to the enrollment act, approved July 4, 1864, for 500,000 volunteers for one, two, or three years’ service, and fifty days was allowed to fill quotas by volunteering before the draft took place.

Under this draft the quota of Jefferson county was four hundred and fifty-three, viz.: Brookville, 36; Barnett, 6; Beaver, 21; Bell, 17; Clover, 21; Eldred, 19; Gaskill, 13; Henderson, 13; Knox, 17; Oliver, 19; Pine Creek, 23; Rose, 18; Snyder, 18; Union and Corsica, 17; Warsaw, 25; Winslow, 20; Washington, 30; Punxsutawney and Young, 33; Polk, 6; Heath, 7; Perry, 23; Porter, 11; Ringgold, 21; McCalmont, 11.

Out of those townships not filling the above quota, the following men were drafted:

Barnett - Henry Bailey, Henry Ream, William Cook, Leonard Agnew, S.L. Holsopple, John Agnew.

Beaver - Henry Reitz, Israel Osman, Philip Plyler, Jonas Himes, Thomas Guthrie, Thomas Shaffer, Frank Hettrick, Peter R. Reitz, Samuel Thomas, George J. Reitz, Samuel Gearheart, George Smathers, Charles Plyler, Jacob Shick, Jacob Wagoner, Isaac Shaffer, Henry Byerly, Daniel Byerly, Lawrence Baughman, Jonas Sowers, Samuel Reed, Henry Myers, Michael Brocius, Jacob Hettrick, Isaac Motter, John Lang, jr., John Cabel, John Funk, Peter Shrauger.

Eldred - Bastian Miller, Simon Miller, John Lindsey, William McCaskey, Henry Peters, James Gallager, Luther L. Hackett, William Carroll, Thaddeus Hall, Joseph Lindsey, William Hall, James Kerr, John Anthony, Henry P. Beer, Harman Miller, James McNeal, Thomas McNeal, Isaac Kerr.

Gaskill - Martin H. Parker, Abraham Bowers, John F. Atwell, John Wainright, John Bowers, John Frampton, Henry Shields, Daniel Kelener, David F. Bowser, William A. Bowers, Philip Smith, Johiel Brooks, Robert S. Miller, Daniel Remaley.

Henderson - Frederick Koher, John Heim, John France, David Slemner, James Gourley, Jacob Philhart, Benjamin Yohe, David Pifer.

Knox - Christopher Mills, George P. Wiley, John Rhodes, John Ferringer, George Newcom, Joseph Bower, William S. Love, Michael E. Steiner, Samuel A. Hunter, Franklin Doubles, Henry Sivelong, David M. Cochran, Eli Rhinehart, Henry J. Wise, Samuel P. Davidson, George S. Cochran, Philip Kitchen, Henry Gilhousen, Samuel Yount, William Bailey, George W. Harriger, James Wills.

Oliver - John Lash, Solomon Shirey, Joseph Clontz, Amos Raybuck, John Spare, Jacob Hettrick Joseph Gaston, Christian Shick, John Dobson, Josiah Miller, Charles Hickox, Lyman J. Boyington.

Snyder - Silas Whelply, J. Briggs, Justice Gage, Frederick Walker, Russell Felt, James Penfield, William Kearny, John Wilson, William H. Wilson, McCurdy Millen, Samuel Holt, J.B. Rice.

Union - John Trimble, Francis Winters.

Corsica - John Thompson, A.L. Russell.

Warsaw - Thomas Aljoe, George Walker, Martin DeVallance, John A. Fox, Martin Smith, William Evans, Benjamin E. McMurtrie, John Leper, Samuel M. Humphrey, John A. Adams, Norman I. Pierce, Jeremiah Allen, John Bailey, Milton J. Miller, Jasper Suffolk, Frank Lindemuth, J.C. Andrews, George W. Corbin, Henry L. Lithgo, John H. Pearsall, Lyman L. Lockwood, John Templeton, Thomas Jamison, Jacob M. VanOrman, James Suffolk, Jacob Raught, Robert Wilson, Joseph Miller, Henry Bullers, Lewis Evans, Jason W. Cochran, Martin Hoffman.

Young - Henry Haugh, John Hutchinson.

Polk - Lewis Evans, J.H. Starrett, Jesse Claypole, William Hettrick, Robert Corbet, John Chamberlain.

Heath - James Guthrie, James Burrows, Brown Galbraith, Victor Picknin, Jonathan Munz, Thompson Crow, Campbell Blair, James Moore.

Porter - Jacob Howard, John Elkin, Samuel Secrist, James Kennedy, Thomas B. Adams, Ephraim A. Adams, George R. Timblin, Jonathan Eberhart, Joseph D. Allen, Charles Gahagan, Daniel McGregor, William Coleman, Garrett B. Shrauger, Daniel C. McGregor.

Ringgold. - Henry Hinderliter, Isaac Richards, William D. Reitz, John Hollebough, William Geist, William Martz, Joel Reitz, John Imhoof, Abraham Thomas, Michael Hettrick, William F. Butler, John Mowry, Michael Shoafstall, Daniel Sherry, Alvin Startzell, Edward Paul, George Shugars, Daniel Hinderliter, James Geist, Corneilus Geist, Simon Minich, Henry Johnston, Elias Martz, David Weaver, John Freas, John B. Postlethwait.

The next draft was ordered December 19, 1864, on the call of the President for 300,000 men, and Jefferson county quota was 364, viz.: Brookville, 12; Barnett, 3; Beaver, 18; Bell, 15; Corsica, 4; Clayville, 4; Clover, 16; Eldred, 16; Gaskill, 13; Heath, 4; Henderson, 12; Knox, 16; McCalmont, 10; Oliver, 14; Punxsutawney, 13; Pine Creek, 20; Perry, 20; Polk, 2; Porter, 10; Ringgold, 21; Rose, 15; Snyder, 9; Union, 11; Warsaw, 21; Winslow, 24; Washington, 24; Young, 17.

The following is the official list of those drafted:

"RIDGEWAY, PA., March 7, 1865.
"JOHN SCOTT, ESQ., Editor Republican:

     "DEAR SIR: - For your information I furnish you a list of the men drafted in your county.
     "The names are given as they are drawn from the wheel - the one hundred per cent. included.
     "Yours Truly,
                                 "H.S. CAMPBELL, Prov. Mar."

Brookville - John E. Carroll, Charles McCain.

Barnett - Jackson Cook, William Wallace, David Walters, George Frazier, Robert P. Seaton, James Truby.

Beaver - Leander Tetrick, Joseph Fenstamaker, Adam Gumbert, Henry Hettrick, James B. Wattenbaugh, William Edmonds, William Brocius, Daniel Keefer, Peter Wells, Solomon Byerly, George Myers, Thomas Jones, John L. Barr, Tobias Himes, Jacob Brocius, William Barkhouse, Milton Edmonds, Henry Guthrie, Joseph Spare, Henry M. Emhoof, Samuel Valentine, Frederick Myers, Elias Thomas, Thomas Alcorn, B.S. Raybuck, John James, John W. Osborn, Patrick O’Loughlin, George Geist, Jacob Ames, George Byerly, Christian Funk, Joseph Thomas, David W. Smith, John C. Smith, Isaac Reitz.

Bell - John Redden, Silas Brooks, Aaron Smouse, David Rudolph, John R. Grube, George Bair, David W. Couch, John Green, David Bair, Henry Kuntz, Augustus Dougherty, William Orr, William D. Carey, Samuel Neel, Reuben Williams, Conrad Smouse, Henry Sheasley, Charles Spindler, David Grube, Jacob Hoch, Samuel Smouse, Solomon Harrold, Joseph Frederick, Fred Hummell, John Shetter, Jacob Grube, Andrew Hawk, John Caldwell, Joseph Steffy, Daniel McElwain.

Corsica - James M. Mapes, Dennis Rensel, John Espy, William Rensel, William D. Wadding, James H. Elliott, George Rensel, Joseph Elder.

Clover - John K. Covert, John S. Thompson, Charles Shingledecker, James E. Walmer, Abraham Wayland, David F. North, Euphrastus M. Carrier, Dwight A. Wesson, George W. Burns, Thomas Mitchell, David C. Simpson, Samuel Moore, Edwin G. Carrier, Spencer Inman, Barton B. Welden, Samuel McGiffin, Hiram Carrier, John Hice, James Dickey, Joshua Knapp, James C. Anderson, James M. Shields, Joshua Vandevort, George Scott, John B. Porter, Watson H. Anderson, George Brocius, Benjamin Brocius, Jonathan Horner, Clark B. Haven, David Ditty, Frederick Hice.

Clayville - Thomas Rodgers, Lewis R. Davis, Hugh Dorning, Jacob C. Pierce, Daniel Updegraff, Peter Hettrick, Elias Richner, William S. Perry.

Eldred - Hugh Maxwell, Noah Stahlman, David Craft, Daniel Bear, Conrad Brenkley, Albert Pearce, Charles Ackley, John Nolf, Thomas Stewart, James T. English, Robert J. Matson, Michael Hoffman, Thomas Graham, William Lewis, Levi Lindemuth, Mathew Gailey, William Hughes, Andrew M. Larrimer, James Cowan, John W. Wynkoop, Joseph Songer, Frederick Kahle, Isaac Buzzard, Peter Catz, Jacob Mineweaser, Charles Bowen, James Moore, R. Lyle, John White, James Irwin, Reynolds Buzzard, Washington Kahle.

Gaskill - Joseph Young, John Winslow, Christian Hoover, Henry Sheesly, George Keller, James M. Bowers, Peter Bowser, Isaac Bowers, Jacob Bowser, William Crossman, William McKee, John P. Murray, William E. Coffman, Augustus Kinter, Daniel Cornman, Jacob Smith, Levi Shirley, Lewis May, John Brooks, Augustus Winslow, George Shirley, Peter Welder, Robert Swartz, Solomon Bowers, James Dougherty, Samuel P. Hoover.

Henderson - Charles Miller, Charles Miller, John Frederick Bonnett, James D. Anthony, George Kunley, John Kunley, Jacob Kunley, Mathias Foere, Jacob Davis, Peter Weaver, Isaac M. Cougharon, Henry Scott, jr., George France, Frederick Boyer, John Rider, John Miller, Andrew Hammond, Jacob Bonnett, Izrael France, Ludwick Pruister, Henry Hammerman, James C. Cougharon, John Gourly, William Smith.

Heath - Henry L. Dunmire, Levi Snyder, William O’Harra, John D. McNeal, John O’Neil, Charles O’Harron, John Dearhalps, Robert Painter.

Knox - Solomon Harriger, William Davidson, Lott Anderson, Harvey Barr, Isaiah Johns, Jacob Shilling, William Reed, John Futts, John Ney, Franklin Miller, Silas Anderson, Edgar Rodgers, David Chitister, Henry Sentner, Daniel Friedline, Alexander Shirey, Daniel Sarvey, Robert Campbell, Thomas Anderson, William Rice, Elias Eshbaugh, Jacob Johns, Daniel Wolf, Daniel Rhoads, Christopher Rhoads, Sylvester McAnnich, William H. Wyley, Jacob Shaffer, Philip Guthrie, Jacob Miller, William Yoder, Jackson Gearhart.

McCalmont - Augustus F.W. Lorring, Jackson Sheasley, John C. Pifer, Elias Bests, Jacob Straithoof, Jacob S. Smith, Thomas Brown, jr., John H. Hopkins, Philip Moot, John B. Zeitler, Solomon S. Yoter, Robert Whitesell, Jacob Kuntz, Jacob N. Means, Lewis Elbel, Benjamin McCann, James McGee, Samuel Rhoads, Charles Moot, Alexander Dickey.

Oliver - William V. Reed, Jacob Kaylor, William Eisenhart, Philip Hettrick, John Drayer, James M. Hadden, John Clontz, Samuel Burkett, Nicholas Shaffer, Godfrey Reitz, Benjamin V. Reed, William Mauk, Jacob Beightel, William A. Gibson, Ezra Shirey, Thomas Wadding, Andrew Huffman, John R Pantell, Alexander Parks, John Miller, Charles Hickox, Eli Miller, John Miller, of J., Charles Wonderley, Harrison Ickes, Adam Raybuck, George Startzell, John Coleman.

Punxsutawney - Thadeus Campbell, Franklin Fickenger, Reuben Winslow, Cyrus M. Wilson, Martin L. Heinnigh, George Long, John Zeitler, Frederick Hauck, Charles S. Reese, George T. Gray, J.G. Myers, James S. St. Clair, Alexander G. Hughes, Nelson D. Porter, Joseph Shields, William Henry, Valentine Snyder, J.J.J. Bishop, John R. Evans, Stacy B. Williams, James E. Mitchell, Oscar Winslow, Robert A. Bouch, V.S. Murray, John B. Bair, John B. Wilson.

Perry - John Frampton, James P. Kelly, Samuel Mauk, Sanford Neal, Thomas S. Mitchell, James Wachob, James Gray, James McHenry, James Hamilton, Joseph Newcom, Samuel Sprankle, James Crossman, Christian Laubreck, George H. Grove, Jacob L. Coon, Samuel Curry, John Crissman, William Moser, Hugh Bell, Philip Whitesell, Samuel A. Weaver, Isaac M. Knapp, David M. Postlethwait, Thomas T. Adams, William P. McHenry, David Weaver, Nathan Crossman, George Gourly, Henry Kennedy, George Newcom, George E. Blose, Joseph W. Sharp, Martin Reitz, Jacob Mauk, James Young, William G. Cummins, George H. Shrock, Henry Shilling, Thadeus Means, Archibald Hadden.

Pine Creek - Niman Chitester, James Dykes, James Weidner, Abel Fuller, Joseph P. Taylor, John Hutchins, Izrael Snyder, Hartley Holden, William Vandevort, William Ishman, Emanuel Weiser, Josiah Harman, Jacob Kroh, Samuel Work, Eli Johns, Jacob Krisher, Webster Butler, Sylvester R. Milliron, William Moore, William Harris, John C. Wilson, Charles Murphy, Henry Bussard, Jared Jones, Charles Wetzel, Michael Mowry, James Kelly, Michael E. Kroh, Isaac Cable, Joseph Lattimer, Wadsworth Butler, Alonzo Andrews, John C. Long, William Cable, Samuel Wilson, James Butler, George Zettler, Joseph Dempsey.

Porter - Hugh McDivett, Elisha Hoover, John W. Potts, Charles H. Coleman, James M. Timblin, Michael Bish, John McClelland, Noah Marsh, Elisha C. Barnett, Peter Stear, Thomas T. Coleman, James Stockdale, Jacob Dibler, William Snyder, W. McGregor, William H. McDonald, George Bish, John Y. Gahaghan, Johnston Welchons, William Bish.

Polk - Samuel Coon, George Smith, Thomas Davis, Sylvester Davis.

Ringgold. - Charles Martz, Christian Shaffer, Solomon Martz, William Bush, William Young, Levi Gearheart, George Shaffer, William Keil, William Gearheart, Benjamin Bush, Nathan B. Crossman, Solomon Shaffer, Joseph Powell, Simon Shaffer, Elias Lettick, A. Falk, Joseph Mottern, Elias Dinger, Philip Snyder, Moses Powell, Levi Boyer, Francis Upenbacker, David Buck, John Smathers, John Wise, Isaac Brocius, Moses Ferringer, John Yount, J.C. McNutt, William Milliron, Lewis Mottern, John H. Hinderliter, R.B. Farr, James Postlethwait, Simon Hilliard, Charles Kaylor, Amos B. Lerch, James Richards, Conrad Geist, Jacob Koons, Daniel Snyder, Edward Falk.

Rose - John Carr, John Sylvus, John Lewis, John M. McGary, Mathias Honadle, Amos Reitz, William H. Smith, Joseph Montgomery, John J. Warey, Joseph S. Oxenrider, Thomas M. Witherow, Martin Richards, James R. Witherow, John J. Campbell, Alexander McMannigle, Joseph McSparrin, Henry Alsehouse, Anthony Arnold, John Brown, Lawrence Neal, William Sarvey, George Ohl, Adolphus Verbeck, Alexander Campbell, J. Greely, Joseph Thrush, Thomas Edmonds, Samuel C. Witherow, John M. Haugh, S.A. Morrison.

Snyder - Benjamin F. Townley, William Tolbert, Allebert Galusha, David Dean, John W. McIntosh, Webster N. Johnston, W.H. Wilson, H. Shleet, Isaac Chamberlain, John Briggs, Valentine Mohny, John Robinson, David Walker, John Robinson, J.W. Green, Samuel Holt, Mathew Bovaird, Alonzo Myers.

Union - John H. Monks, John M. Kelly, Enoch Steele, Newton Taylor, John Orcutt, Philip Aaron, Reuben Klingensmith, Jeremiah Kohler, Joseph Summerville, James H. Brown, John Brown, Jacob Howe, G.H. Kennedy, William McKee, Washington McKinley, Isaac Siars, Amos Hinderliter, William Jones, David Sharp, Simon Snyder, Robert M. Siars, James White.

Washington - Joseph Waterhouse, William Dean, William McConnell, Robert McDonald, John G. Smith, Robert Tweedy, Charles R. Calhoun, David Dennison, William McCullough, John A. Crawford, John C. Groves, Nesly Senior, Robert Wait, James R. Groves, Ezekial Sterrett, Thomas G. Groves, Robert R. Smith, William Stevenson, David McGarey, William Dellmore, Alexander Keys, Mathew Wright, James Dennison, William J. Calhoun, James Britton, Robert Stevenson, John H. Nopsken, George Smith, Robert Patterson, James H. Ross, James L. Smith, Joseph Brittain, Archabald McCullough, Elisha G. Evans, Joseph Keys, David Moore, James Patton, George McClelland, Joseph Hutchison, Robert H. McIntosh, William Cooper, Robert Miller, James B. Smith, Samuel McConnell, Simon Barkhouse, Thomas Brown, Miller McCurdy, James Shaw.

Warsaw - John Reed, John Clinger, Jackson Moorhead, Eli Vasbinder, William Russell, jr., John Miller, Joseph Bowers, Tobias Painter, Jacob Yount, Isaac Graham, Gabriel Stahlman, E.A.R. Clark, Conrad Clinger, L.E. Bartlett, Anthony Arnold, Thomas T. Crawford, L.J. Boyington, George Wilson, Fergus Craven, Charles Horn, A.J. Bartlett, W.W. Bartlett, Abram Vandevort, N.P. Smith, Richard Humphrey, J.A. Richards, Gideon Lindemuth, Joseph McCracken, Adam G. Clark, Michael Reitz, Lester Lockwood, Abraham Snyder, Nathaniel Wilson, Isaac Carrier, William Foust, Clinton Johnston, William Butler, Lewis S. Dunham, Joseph Dunn.

Winslow - William Daily, Charles B. Clark, Charles H. Prescott, Andrew J. Johnston, Lewis Ludwick, John H. Rishel, John Painter, Charles H. Gordon, Jacob Cherry, Frederick Brooks, Henry Doling, Gordon Harris, David Hillis, George Strouse, Jonathan Deemer, Henry Kroh, William A. Stewart, William Fathims, Isaac London, Peter Burkett, William Best, James Sheasly, Henry Rhoads, Robert Douthett, jr., Ephraim Murray, Jacob Best, Samuel N.R. Boyer, Gould J. Scott, Hugh Lowry, Edward E. Seeley, Jesse B. Wayland, George W. Rea, Joshua Fey, Charles Cerp, Abraham Boyer, James Fey, Jacob Boyer, Adam Glazier, Noah Strouse, Thomas J. Reynolds, Henry C. Moore, John B. Snyder, Henry Foltz, Abner Reed, Robert Morris, James Cathcart, Henry W. Hoak, Bennewell Snyder.

Young - Richard Berry, Benoni Clawson, Jacob Kesslar, Jacob Covert, Tobias Long, John B. Henneigh, Daniel J. Graffius, Frederick Hawk, Charles B. Hutchison, John Painter, jr., Israel McElvain, Joseph H. Bowman, Emanuel Fetterman, Peter Keslar, Christian Weaver, Joseph Williams, James Saltsgiver, Benjamin Frampton, John N. Hawk, Levi McGregor, William S. Hughes, Thomas Carpenter, David Brown, Joseph R. Craft, Philip Smith, Henry Wingard, jr., Charles Shwartz, George Long, Moses A. Smith, Samuel Craft, John Burley, Alexander Campbell.

The time for the men drafted under this call to report was fixed by Colonel Campbell for the 20th of April, but before that time arrived Lee had surrendered to the victorious army of General Grant, at Appomattox, and an order was issued by the provost marshal-general releasing all drafted men who had not already reported at the general rendezvous.

This was joyous news for the drafted men and caused them to enter with doubly intensified enjoyment into the general rejoicing that filled the hearts of all classes of citizens over the glad tidings that the war had closed.

It can be said of the people of Jefferson county that they promptly responded to every draft, and in no instance was there the least resistance offered to the officers in the discharge of their duty. This submission to the will of the administration, and acquiescence in the plan for filling up the army, which the exigencies of the service demanded, did not prevail in all portions of the country. In Clearfield county the enforcement of the draft was met with armed resistance, and troops had to be sent to arrest deserters from the draft harboring there.

In the discharge of this duty one of the bravest soldiers of Jefferson county lost his life. Lieutenant-Colonel Cyrus Butler, with Lieutenant George VanVliet, had gone to Clearfield county under orders from Provost-Marshal Campbell, to arrest deserters, and on the 30th of October, 1864, proceeded to the house of Joseph Lounsbery, who resided two and a half miles from Clearfield town, a deserter from both drafts, to arrest him. On perceiving the officers he ran up stairs, Butler and Van Vliet following after; when Lounsberry shot Colonel Butler on the stairs, mortally wounding him. When Butler fell VanVliet tried to arrest Lounsberry, but the latter, clubbing his revolver, knocked the lieutenant down, and escaped.

Colonel Butler was removed to the town of Clearfield where he died the next day. An inquest was held over his remains, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. His remains were then taken to his home in Brookville, where a stricken wife and four little children received them. He was laid to rest in the cemetery there on the 3d of November, followed by the sorrowing and indignant citizens. Colonel Butler was born in Pine Creek township, his father, David Butler, being one of the first settlers in the county. He had always resided there and in Brookville, until the breaking out of the rebellion, when he enlisted in Captain Brady’s company and was promoted from first sergeant to second lieutenant of Company K, Eleventh Pennsylvania Reserves. He resigned on account of wounds and disability April 17, 1863, but again enlisted and served as lieutenant-colonel of Colonel Porter’s regiment Emergency Men, and then while still in his country’s service, he died by the hand of a traitor.

The board of enrollment held a meeting on receipt of the intelligence of Colonel Butler’s death, and passed resolutions condemning the cruel murder, pledging themselves to use every effort to bring Lounsberry to justice, and condoling with the bereaved family in their sorrow. They also recommended that Mrs. Butler be granted a pension by the government, which was subsequently done, she receiving a pension until her death, and her children being admitted to the soldier’s orphan schools on the same equality as the children of other deceased soldiers.

The enrollment board at this meeting raised the sum of one hundred and fifteen dollars, which was forwarded to Mrs. Butler, with the resolutions of condolence.

It is impossible to give the regiments in which the drafted men of Jefferson county served. Nearly all of those who went into the service under the draft of 1863 were put into the Eighty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers, and the rolls of that regiment give the following names:

Company A. - Corporal John Fishel; Edward Barry; William H. Fishel, killed; Mathew Keys, died; Wilson Keys.

Company B. - Joseph Bowdish, killed; David Dinger, John Deeter, William Geist, J.N. Heckendorn, David Hoch, John Ross.

Company C. - Sergeant John W. Irwin; Peter Bish, Daniel Bish, Amos D. Hinderliter, Edward Forsythe.

Company D. - Peter Bish, killed; Jefferson Dempsey, Samuel Horner.

Company E. - Henry Fisher, William Kirkman.

Company F. - William C. Evans.

Company G. - James Bullers, John McNutt, Josiah Shoemaker, Jacob Shirey.

Company I. - Ephraim Bushley, Henry Doverspike, died; L. Lockwood; Lyman Lockwood, Levi Vandevort, Wilson Fisher.

In the Seventy-sixth Pennsylvania Regiment were the following drafted men from Jefferson county:

Company C. - Andrew G. Hettrick.

Company E. - Gabriel Vasbinder, killed; Russell Van Tassel, Benjamin F. Martin.

Company G. - Elza McAnnich.

Company K. - John C. Hoover.


In the fall of 1861 it was found that a great many of those who had volunteered in the army from this county had left their families without adequate support. To relieve the wants of these wives and children of the volunteers, a relief fund was raised by special taxation. The relief board was composed of the associate judges and commissioners of the county, who furnished aid to all families of absent soldiers in need of such assistance. The assessments and expenditures for the different years, were as follows:

Real and Personal Property $1,186.25  
Real and Personal Property, additional assessment 1,802.41  
Unseated Lands 556.24  
Real and Personal 2,823.03  
Militia Fund, Transferred: 335.49  
Unseated Lands 527.67  
Real and Personal 2,723.93  
Unseated 484.83  
Balance Militia Fund 845.76  
Real and Personal 2,693.56  
Unseated 488.50  
Militia 454.33  


Real and Personal 3,285.55  
Unseated. 697.10  
Militia 476.25  


Militia. 39.17 39.17
Balance transferred to County Funds   116.15
Total amount paid for Relief   $19,353.92


Source:  Page(s) 200-214, History of Jefferson County by Kate M. Scott. Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., 1888.

Contributed by Nathan Zipfel for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project (

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