Pine Creek township was established by act of Assembly in 1806, and by some writers is supposed to have been named from the creeks running through its bounds, the banks of which were covered with pine trees; but we are inclined to believe that the name was given to the township by Joseph Barnett, who first settled within its limits, and gave it the name from his old home, "Pine Creek," in Lycoming county. This township was the mother of all the others, and until 1818, when Perry was organized, was the only township in the county - the only place where any kind of business could be executed. So that in writing the early history of the county, that of Pine Creek, which for over twenty years comprised all that was known of the county, has been written in the foregoing pages of this work.
No township in the county is more broken by deep ravines and valleys than this of Pine Creek. Its surface indeed is a continuous succession of rugged hills, forbidding alike to the farmer and miner, because, in the one case tillage is extremely difficult, and in the other, the rocks, with few exceptions, contain little of value.
Within its bounds are three of the principal streams of the county which unite to form Redbank. These are Sandy Lick, which flows along the southern edge of the township, Mill Creek flowing southwest across it, in a ravine no less deep than the other, though less wide; North Fork flowing south along the western side. Water level at Port Barnet (where Mill Creek and the Sandy Lick come together and make a curious succession of bends in the channel way) is about 1,225 feet above mean tide, Atlantic Ocean. The highest summits on the upland, as for example one especially prominent point on the Reynoldsville Road, east of Baum's Hotel, is not less than 1,750 feet above tide.
The names given to these streams by the Delaware Indians are furnished us by Mr. John W. Jordon, vice-president, of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. " The North Fork was 'Tangawunsch-hanne,' i.e. Little Brier Stream, 'the stream whose banks are over-grown with the green brier.' Sandy Lick was called 'Leganwimahoni.' In the Delaware tongue Sandy was, or is Legamwi-(a Lick)-mahoni, also Sandy- Legamwi- (Creek)-hanne, these are for Sandy Lick and Sandy Creek."
That the Indians inhabited Pine Creek is proved by the reminiscences of the late Mrs. Graham, given elsewhere. The names given to streams, towns and localities by the red men of the forest were generally based upon some natural characteristic, hence the name given to the Little Brier.
Fines for Misdemeanors. - In the early days of the county's history the penalties prescribed by the laws of the Commonwealth for any offense against any of the statutes was rigorously enforced, seemingly without regard to the social standing of the offender. Sabbath breaking, swearing, and intoxication seem to have been the sins most vigorously punished by the arm of the law. In an old docket, opened on the 15th day of January, 1810, by Thomas Lucas, the first justice of the peace of Pine Creek township, are the following entries:
(L.S.) "Jefferson county, ss.
"Be it remembered that on the Seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ten, Gabriel Puntus, of sd County is Convicted before me Thos. Lucas, Esqr, one of the justices of the peace in and for sd County, going to and from the mill unneasersirly upon the Sixth day of May instant being the Lord's day Commonly Coled Sunday at the county aforesaid, Contrary to the act of asembly in Such case made and provide, and I do adjudj him to forfeit for the same the Sum of four dollars. Given under my hand the day and year aforesaid.
"Commonwealth vs. John Dixkson. - Jefferson county, ss.
(L.S.)"Be it remembered that on the 13th day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twelve John Dixkson, of pine Creek township in the county of Jefferson is Convictted before me Thomas Lucas one of the justices of the peace in and for sd county of being intoxicated with the drinking of Spiritus Liquers and for Cursing one profain Curse in these Words God Dam, that is to say this Day at pine Creek township aforesaid Contrairey to the Act of general assembly in such Case made and provided, And I Do agudge him to forefit for the Same the Sum of, Sixty Seven Cents for each ofence. Given under my hand and Seal the day and Year afore s'd.
"Justices costs 35 cents.
"Constable cost 31 cents."Lewis Long is also convicted in 1815 for "having hunted an carried the Carcis of one Dear on the 23d Day of July instant being the Lords Day Commonly Coled Sunday, up pine Creek township aforesaid" and sentenced to pay four dollars penalty.
The first entry in this old docket is an action for debt. "Thomas McCartney vs. Freedom Stiles, to recover, on a promisary note, dated June 20, 1805, for $4.25."
The next entry is an action of surety of the peace:
"We the refferees within named refferees having heard the partis the proofs and alligations to wit, we find from Evidence that the run is to be the line between Fudge Vancamp and Henry Vasbinder, from the line of the tract of land to the corner of ---- by the camp and thence along the old fence row to the corner, thence by a direct line the same across the ridge to the run and each party to enjoy these clearings till after Harvest, next, Fudge Vancamp to enjoy the benefit of his sugar camp till the line is run and John Jones and Moses Knap is for to run the line between the parties and eavery one of the partis is to move there fence on there one ground Sd Vancamp is to leave sixteen feet and a half in the Clear between the stakes of the fences for a Lane or outlet between the partis and each party is to give surity for there Good Behavour unto each other, there goods and Chattles for the term of one year and one day from entring of surity to be entried ameditly if it can be had, if not to be had at the present time Bail is to be entred on Tuesday the Sixth day of Febuary A.D. 1810, the plaintiff to pay fifty cents costs, and the defendant the remainder of the cost of Sute, Witness our hands and seals this second day of febuary A.D. 1810.
"Before me,
"THOS. LUCAS."The fines for Sabbath breaking, profane swearing and intoxication seem to have been rigidly enforced all through the term of office of Mr. Lucas, as we find numerous entries, in some instances the fines amounting to twelve dollars for one person. Numerous other offences are entered, the most curious being the indictments of the "Commonwealth vs. Francis Godyear and Mollie Taylor for Poligamy" September 12, 1835.
In these same old dockets is the account of Thomas Lucas, fees on probates on fox, wolf and wild cats, from February 14, 1832, to June 11, 1838. Among the hunters are the names of William and Michael Long, Adam, Philip, Henry and William Vasbinder, John, Samuel and James Lucas, John and Thomas Callen, Jacob Shaffer, James Linn, Ralph Hill, John Wyncoop, William Dougherty, Frederick Hetrick, Nelson T. McQuston, William Horarn and William Douglass. The list embraces thirty wild cats, forty-eight wolves, seventy-six foxes and one panther, (shot by Thomas Callen). The justice's fee on each probate was twelve and a half cents.
On the whole, however, the early settlers of the county seem to have been a law abiding people, for, with the exception of a few actions for "assault and battery," there were no serious breaches of the peace in the first quarter of a century that this old docket legally chronicles.
The first births that occurred in Pine Creek township were those already stated of Joseph Barnett's children - Rebecca born in 1802, and J. Potter in 1803. The first marriage was that of Joseph Barnett's daughter, Sarah, who was married to Elisha M. Graham, on the 30th of March, 1807. There was no minister or justice of the peace within the bounds of the county at that time, so the young couple went to Armstrong, now Clarion county, and at the house of John Hindman had the knot tied by John Corbet, esq., an uncle of Colonel W.W. Corbet, of Brookville.
The first minister of the gospel who penetrated into these wilds was a man by the name of Greer, who had been a friend and neighbor of Joseph Barnett when he lived on Pine Creek, in Lycoming county, and who, as Mrs. Graham says, came to visit his old friend in 1800, when he spent two weeks and preached to the few settlers then in the county. A year or so after he made them another visit, and again dispensed the Word of God.
The first death we have already recorded, was that of Andrew Barnett, whose grave "no man knoweth the place thereof."
The early settlers of Pine Creek, beginning with the Barnetts, have already been mentioned. The first family who followed the Barnetts into this wilderness was that of Peter Jones, who came from Mash Creek, in the Bald Eagle Valley, in Centre county, in 1801. Peter Jones was the son of Swiss parents, who came to the United States from Switzerland in the latter part of the eighteenth century. His father, Abraham Jones, served for a time in the American army in 1812. His son, Peter, was born and raised near Philadelphia, but after his marriage to Rebecca Scott, a daughter of John and Rebecca Scott, who had emigrated from Scotland and settled in Dauphin county, he removed to Centre county.
When Peter Jones and his wife first settled in Centre county, the early settlers were in almost constant peril of their lives from the sudden incursions of the Indians. On one of these occasions the family of Mr. Jones had taken refuge, with many others, in a stockade fort, built in Penn's Valley, by General James Potter. It is said of Mrs. Jones, that "she worked with a will in making cartridges for the men to use in defending the fort." Peter Jones resided in Pine Creek township until 1817, when he removed to Armstrong county (now Clarion) and settled near Strattanville. Of his sons, John, Samuel and Isaac, the latter alone survives, and now resides in Corsica. John Jones is mentioned by Mrs. Graham as being a frequent companion of Jim Hunt in his hunting excursions, and Samuel was the father of Joshua Jones, now a resident of Brookville, Jared of Polk township, John of Clarion and Sarah, wife of John Clark, Mrs. Isaac Lyle, of Warsaw township and Mrs. James Harris of this township.
Among the early settlers was Lewis (or Ludwig) Long, who settled in 1803 on the farm now owned by David McConnell. Mr. Long, at an early day, removed to the State of Ohio, but his sons, William, Michael, Daniel and John remained, and lived and died amid the scenes of their early exploits. They were all great lovers of the chase, the two former, especially, being hunters, of whose deeds of prowess and woodcraft a volume might be written. The tragic death of Daniel has already been noted. John was the other member of the family who was, for more than half a century, connected with the history of Pine Creek township. Though a farmer he was as fond as his brothers of hunting, and on one occasion, while on a bear hunt with his brother Michael and John Vasbinder, had quite an encounter with one of these animals. They had separated, - Mike, with the dogs, was on top of a ridge, the other two on the flat below him, when Vasbinder came across some bear cubs. He shot one, and the little thing cried out with pain, which brought its mother to the rescue. As she bounded past John Long, he called for Mike to let the dogs loose, and soon bear and dogs were rushing pell-mell down the hill. The infuriated animal was just reaching for Vasbinder's heels when he jumped over a large log, which the bear, not seeing, ran against, and by the time it recovered itself the dogs had hold of it, and the hunters soon dispatched the animal and saved Vasbinder's life.
Mr. Vasbinder lived to be an old man, but nothing could induce him to go bear hunting again. Another time, while camping out, John Long's dogs treed a bear, and he started with his rifle to shoot it. A trait in a bear is, that when pursued it will always run in the same direction, and to see to shoot it Mr. Long had to get between it and the rays of the moon; this always brought him in the way of the animal when he shot at it, which he did several times, that night. Once in getting out of its way, he lost his hat and the dog and bear, in one of their fights, trampled it into the snow, so that he never recovered it. He finally succeeded in killing the huge beast.
On one occasion, a friend of Mr. Long's, from Ohio, who was visiting him, wanted to see a wolf, and they went out in quest of one. Mr. Long could call them up by howling as they did, and soon had the satisfaction of showing his friend a "big dog wolf," which the latter shot, but on going up to it he found that it was only slightly wounded. Mr. Long caught hold of it by the hind legs, and when it would snarl and turn around to bite, he would jerk it off the ground, his friend all the time trying to knock its brains out with the muzzle of his gun. The wolf snapped off his ramrod and left the marks of its teeth on the iron barrel of his gun, but finally he got in a blow that stunned the infuriated brute, and Mr. Long, letting go, grabbed up a pine knot and finished him. Mr. Long said he never liked to kill these old wolves, as they would bring a mate and rear their young upon the same ground, year after year, and up to the year 1858 he got cubs every year for which he was paid a bounty of ten dollars per scalp.
The hardest fight he ever had with a wild beast was with an otter, which he shot and wounded on the ice. After shooting it he ran up and caught it by the hind legs, when it flew around and tried to bite him, and the only way he had of killing it was to beat its brains out on the ice; but the water was running over the ice, and he had to keep swinging it around his head and bringing it down on the ice, as he carefully made his way to the shore, when he dispatched it. At that time otter skins were worth twelve dollars apiece. There was nothing the hunters so feared as an encounter with a she bear or a wounded buck.
Mr. Long continued to hunt as long as his age permitted him. The farm upon which he resided for so long in this township is now owned and occupied by his son-in-law, Edward C. Shobert.
Among the earliest settlers in Pine Creek township were the Butlers, - David, Cyrus, and Nathaniel. Their father, James Butler, was a native of Vermont, and died there in 1812, in the seventieth year of his age. He had served during the Revolutionary War, in a cavalry regiment. His wife was Esther Wadsworth, niece of that Captain Wadsworth who so boldly saved the charter of the State of Connecticut, when it was demanded by Sir Edmund Andros, in 1685.* Mrs. Butler died in Brookville, in the house recently torn down by C.C. Benscoter, esq. On her tombstone, in the "old grave-yard," is this inscription : "Esther Butler, born in Hartford, Conn., December 25, 1759. Died June 29, 1840." She was an estimable woman, a worthy representative of the name she bore.
The Butler brothers came from their home in Connecticut, and after remaining some time in the city of New York, made their way to Jefferson county. Cyrus located in Brookville and the other two in Pine Creek township. David came to Pine Creek in 1816. He was employed on the Susquehanna and Waterford turnpike, and as there were no white women in the neighborhood except the Barnett family, he was cook for the rest of the men employed on the section east of Port Barnett. The "Barnett girls," who baked the bread for the men, made a calico dress and cap and sent it to the pseudo cook, who donned the feminine garments, and while busily engaged at his unwonted task and habited in his unwonted garb, was accosted by a traveler with, "Madam, can you tell me where this road leads to?" "Yes; this is the right road; just follow the blaze on the trees," said "Madam," nervously, as he saw the stranger glance very suspiciously at the heavy cowhide shoes that showed below the rather short dress.
David Butler settled and cleared the farm upon which his son David and his mother and sister, Mrs. Chloe Wadsworth Hallet, now reside, building the present house about fifty-three years ago. He married Catharine Fey, of Clearfield county, who now, in the eighty-third year of her age, is the only one of those early settlers who yet remain. Mr. Butler died August 12, 1860. Of their eleven children a daughter died in infancy, and Colonel Cyrus Butler, the oldest son, was killed in Clearfield county during the war, (an account of which has already been given); the rest are all living. Mr. Butler was one of the first Methodists in Jefferson county, - one of the pioneers, as will be seen in a history of that denomination, and was a good citizen in every sense of the word. He also held several offices in Pine Creek township, being elected at the election held March 20, 1829, both supervisor and fence viewer.
Nathaniel, the youngest of the three brothers, on his arrival in this county, worked for a while on a saw-mill on the North Fork, situated about the head of the present mill dam of T.K. Litch & Sons. In 1827 he was married to Rebecca Barnett, daughter of Joseph Barnett, the first white child born in Jefferson county. He removed to the farm, upon which he resided until his death, in 1828. Mr. Butler was one of the foremost citizens in the county, and was appointed county treasurer in 1841, and in 1830 was elected township auditor. Mrs. Butler died June 17, 1875. She was an excellent woman, and took great delight in recounting to the younger generation the history of the early days of the county, among which she was reared. She remembered the Indians well, and told of one poor squaw who sickened and died, and was buried near Port Barnett, telling how grateful the poor, dusky stranger was for the delicacies that she and her sisters carried to her during her illness. Nathaniel Butler died in March, 1878, being at the time seventy-eight years of age. His family consisted of five sons, three of whom, Samuel, James and Charles are living, all residents of this county.
In addition to those already mentioned there appears to have been the following persons residents of the township, up to 1808: Jacob Mason, Richard Van Camp, Freedom Stiles, George Reynolds, Henry Graham, William Brooks, James Potter, Henry Fey, Jesse Kelsey, Samuel Dixson, Elisha Dickes, William Lucas, James Monks, Benjamin Carson, Jacob McFadden, Samuel States, John Hice, Henry Lott, Joseph Clements, Charles Sutherland, Robert Dickson, Innis Van Camp, Frederick Frants, John Mason, George Evans, Robert Knox, William Hayns, Izrael Stiles, Hulett Smith, John Templeton, Joseph Greenawalt, whose names all appear in the official records of the county.
Farms. - There are some good farms in Pine Creek, which have been reclaimed from the wilderness by hard work and sturdy blows by the pioneer settlers, and those who came after them.
One of the first that is reached on leaving Brookville, on the Ridgway road, is the old McCullough place, settled by Joseph McCullough. He was one of the first to settle in that neighborhood, and raised a large family of children, nearly all of whom settled in Jefferson county. This farm, now owned by John, and part by Harry McCullough, sons of Joseph, are good farms, with good buildings. Next comes the farm first settled in 1803 by Lewis Long, and then owned by John Lattimer, who sold to Hamilton Moody, and which is now owned by David B. McConnell. This farm, which is one of the best in the township, with good buildings, formerly contained one hundred and thirteen acres; but since Mr. McConnell became its owner he has sold forty acres to Barton Hutchens. One of the features of this place is an excellent market garden of over an acre in extent. The land is all cleared, and in an excellent state of cultivation, except thirty acres of woodland.
The Nathaniel Butler farm, on which Mr. Butler settled in 1828, is now owned by Elijah H. McAninch. This farm contains about two hundred acres, all cleared. It is under good cultivation, and has good orchards. Mr. McAninch has erected good buildings, and much improved the property since it came into his possession. He raises some of the finest stock in the township.
Then we come to the place where Mr. Graham says "Fudge Van Camp built his cabin." This man, who was the first of the colored race to set his foot within the bounds of' Jefferson county, that cold wintry day in 1800 when he and his companions almost perished by the way, seems to have been a provident sort of a fellow, for it is recorded of him that he brought apple seeds with him and planted them upon this place from which was raised the first fruit ever grown in Jefferson county. This farm soon passed into the hands of Samuel Jones, a son of Peter Jones, and at his death became the property of John Clark, whose wife is a daughter of Mr. Jones. The farm originally contained two hundred and eighteen acres, but about twenty years ago it was divided, and Joshua Jones, a son of Samuel, became owner of one-half, Mr. Clark retaining the old Jones homestead. The buildings are old, but in good repair. These two farms are both good, and yield good crops of grain and hay, with good orchards of fine fruit.
The next farm is where William Vasbinder settled in 1802 or 1803, and which for many years has been known as the Kirkman homestead. Mr. Thomas Kirkman has sold it to his son-in-law, Charles Frost. This is an excellent farm of over two hundred acres; buildings good.
The Harris place, for a great many years the home of Thomas Harris, sr., was first settled in 1802 or 1803 by Adam Vasbinder. It is a good farm of eighty acres, well cultivated. James Harris purchased this farm of his father a year or two ago. Thomas Harris, now one of the oldest citizens of the county, was born at Clithero, Lancashire, England, June 29, 1805, and emigrated to the United States in 1842, locating in Philadelphia in April of that year. The sea voyage consumed six weeks. Mr. Harris remained in Philadelphia until 1849, when he removed to Brookville, where he lived two years, until he purchased the farm now owned by his son James. His wife, née Ellen Whitaker, was also a native of England, and was born in Yorkshire October 22, 1806, and came to this country with her husband and family in 1842. She died on the farm in Pine Creek, January 17, 1878. Of their eight children John died in Brooklyn, N.Y., and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery; Mrs. Anna Fetzer resides in Greenville, Mercer county; Mrs. Mary McLain in Brookville; James on the old homestead; Mrs. Sarah Kirkman in Brookville; William in Ringgold; Mrs. Ellen Carrier in Brookville; and Thomas R. in Warsaw township. Mr. Harris now resides with his daughter, Mrs. McLain, in Brookville, and is in the eighty-third year of his age. In a grove of pines on this farm is an old grave-yard, where some of the old settlers were buried.
Just beyond the borough limits, on the "Creek road," is the place known as the "Cummins farm," where Dr. C.P. Cummins resided during his residence in Brookville, as pastor of the Presbyterian Church. It formerly belonged to William Jack, and is now owned by the children of Ira C. Fuller.
John S. Barr owns the next place in this vicinity. It is the place settled at an early date by John Roll, then owned by Peter Ostrander and David Mason. Mr. Barr, since he purchased the property, has greatly improved it, and it is now, with its good buildings and pretty lawn, one of the nicest farms in the township. Three large apple trees planted by Mr. Roll, are still living.
The Jacob Hoffman farm was first improved by Charles Sutherland. Mr. Hoffman, whose age will not allow of such active work as farming, has retired, and the farm is now in the hands of his sons, John and Ferdinand.
Parliament Hutchins owns the farm originally settled by Joseph McCullough. He has it under good cultivation, with excellent buildings.
The L.S. Geer place, now owned by A.L. and C.M.M. Geer, was originally settled by Daniel Long, who was residing upon it when he was killed by the Greens in 1843.
John Geer owns a good farm with good buildings, and in this neighborhood is to be found the farms of Wadsworth and Perry Butler, Jeremiah Oiler, John Alford, J. Dunham, Joshua and William D. Knapp, G. Wank, J. Miller, J. McMillen and Cornelius Stahlman. Mr. Stahlman owns a tract of timber land also in this part of the township. Henry Parker's farm adjoins that of John Clark, and is well improved, with good buildings.
Leaving Port Barnett by the pike going eastward, we first come to the farm of Oliver Brady, containing one hundred and fifty acres. It is one of the very best farms in the township, with good buildings. It is part of the Barnett property, and was first improved by Andrew Barnett. Mr. Brady has resided here since 1855. Adjoining this is the old Long place, already mentioned, then comes the Baum farm, first settled by a man named Talmadge, who sold to John Baum. It is now owned by Mrs. Joanna Baum. C.G. Baum, Mrs. Hatten and W.A. Andrews own small farms in this vicinity. William D. Kane, the present county treasurer, owns the farm improved by his uncle, Quinton O'Kain, in 1843. It contains ninety-five acres, the last of the original purchase of four hundred acres. Mr. Kane raises excellent fruit. George Ossewandle, Sr., Andrew Ossewandle and George Ossewandle, jr., own farms in this neighborhood.
The "Mile Hill" property is one of the prettiest located places in the township. It is just one mile west from Emerickville, and derives its name from the traveler being able to see all the road for that distance. It was originally a portion of the Jeremiah Parker lands, and then became the property of the Portland Land Company, who in turn sold three hundred and seventy acres, comprising this property, to Joseph E. Hall and E.H. Darrah, in June, 1857. It was heavily timbered with magnificent pine, which the new firm at once began operations upon. The first boarding-house was kept by Samuel Lyle, who was succeeded by Mrs. Julia Darling. In 1865 Joseph E. Hall sold his interest in the property to W.R. Darrah, and then E.H. Darrah sold the east half of the tract to Henry Buzzard, who resides upon it. W.R. Darrah sold his half to B.F. Taylor, who in 1887, disposed of it to Mrs. Hettie Haines.
Benewell Kroh owns one of the best farms in the township, upon which is one of the finest orchards to be found in the county. The George Ford place, on the Warsaw line, is also an excellent farm, with good buildings and excellent fruit. D. Mason and Henry J. Kroh own farms in this part of the township. The Patrick Smith farm, that of William Ohls, and Joseph Stahlman, are all situated north of Five Mile Run.
West of Emerickville there is quite an area of waste land, so rugged and utterly unfit for cultivation that no one has ever been hardy enough to attempt to settle upon it. There is considerable unseated land in the township, the principal tract being the Sulger lands, which contains over three thousand acres. P.P. and H.W. Carrier, James Humphrey and Clark & Darrah are the principal owners of the rest of the unseated.
The first to settle in the vicinity of Emerickville was Isaac Packer, who located on what is now the Peter Baum place about 1830. He erected a log house and kept a hotel in primitive style. Henry Vasbinder was also one of the first to settle in this vicinity, on what is now the John Emerick farm.
The principal farms around Emerickville are: John Emerick's, which was cleared by Hance Vasbinder, then owned by John. Emerick in 1834. Mr. Emerick has now twenty acres of this farm, and Emanuel Schuckers one hundred and twenty-four acres, upon which he has good buildings. The land is under excellent cultivation, and yields good crops of hay, oats, corn, etc.
E. Weiser farms fifty-eight acres, with good buildings thereon. It was cleared by Weiser and Jacob Weidner, in 1860. Good spring crops and a fine yield of hay are raised on this farm. Joseph Schuckers in 1882 purchased the farm originally cleared by Artemus W. Purdy. It was successively owned by Robert Darrah, John K. Smith, John Emerick, Charles Murphy and F. Schuckers. Mr. Shuckers has since he purchased it added to it sixty acres purchased from Sarah P. Moore in 1886. The improvements are good, and this is one of the best farms in the township. The James F. Moore farm, now owned by his daughter, Sarah P. Moore, was cleared by Mr. Moore about 1830. It is a good farm of over one hundred acres, with a good house. The William Moore farm, cleared and improved by Archibald McMurray, in 1840, and sold by him to James F. Moore, is also a good farm, with pretty good buildings. The James Murphy farm, now owned by Mrs. Susannah Emerick, was cleared and improved by Mr. Murphy in 1840. The farm of Joseph Zimmerman, first improved by his father, Joseph K. Zimmerman, who came to the place from Schuylkill county, in 1845, is a good farm with good buildings. George Zetler now owns the farm cleared in 1845 by David Ishman, who sold it to George Ossewandle. It is under excellent cultivation, with good buildings. The John Cable farm, improved by Daniel Cable, the Gerson Doney farm first settled by John K. Smith, the farm of Mrs. Emeline Fails, the Levi Cable farm, the Milliron farm, the Ishman farms, August Huntzinger's place, and that of Perry Britton, are all in the neighborhood of Emerickville.
John Emerick, now in the eighty-fourth year of his age, came to this part of the township in 1847, and bought the farm originally improved by Hance Vasbinder. Mr. Emerick only owns a small portion of this place now. Sarah Emerick owns seventy acres and Henry Emerick forty-two. The farm improved and owned for a number of years by Jacob Kroh, which is one of the best in the county, is now known as the Peter Baum property. Izrael Snyder owns a good farm near Baum's.
All the farms in the vicinity of Emerickville are well tilled, and show thrift and good management on the part of the owners. The apple seeds planted by Fudge Van Camp, and the three trees that sprang up from seeds sown by his fellow-traveler, Roll, on the spot now occupied by Adam Miller, followed soon after by the fruit trees planted in the flat by the Barnetts, where James Humphrey's orchard now is, have yielded an hundred fold, for Pine Creek is famous for its excellent fruit; on all its farms where there is any pretense made in the way of living, are to be found good orchards and apples, pears, plums, cherries and grapes are raised in profusion, and of excellent varieties, while every hillside, woodland pasture and ravine furnish blackberries in luscious profusion.
The stock in Pine Creek is generally native or common, very few thoroughbred animals being found, John Clark, E.H. McAninch, David Butler and W.H. Miller being the only ones who have improved stock. Some fine Jersey cattle are to be found on their farms.
Geology of Pine Creek. - The most noticeable feature of the geological formation of Pine Creek township is the massiveness of the Homewood and Connoquennessing sandstone. The former is extensively quarried for building purposes, and is found over fifty-five feet thick; the latter, of a greyish white color, and micaceous, is found seventy feet thick in the cut at Garrisons; unlike the Homewood, it is irregularly bedded, and in weathering breaks into small fragments.
By some the first coal discovered in Pine Creek is said to have been dug out of a run on the Harry McCullough place, by a colored man named Douglass, while it is also claimed that it was first found by David Butler, on his farm. The principal coal banks in the township are those of William Carberry (first opened by Nathaniel Butler). This vein is from 3'2" to 3'6" thick, with a hard slate roof, and fire-clay floor. The David McConnell bank is said to be 5' thick, with an upper seam from 2' to 3' thick. John McCullough's, David Butler's and P. Hutchen's banks are about the same in size and quality as the others. The coal is the Brookville seam, and the coal is all of a fair quality, good for home consumption, but containing too much iron pyrites to make it of value for shipment.
The most extensive coal operations in Pine Creek were made a few years ago by the Jefferson and Rocky Bend Coal Companies and by Abel Fuller, in the vicinity of Fuller Station. These works were first opened about the year 1872, by Perkins & Co., of New York, on land owned by Lindsay Moore, part of the Holden tract. It was then purchased by Captain John M. Steck, of Brookville, and Corydon Karr, of New York, and was run by Adams & Moulton, of Buffalo, N.Y., for about two years, then leased to Elias Rodgers & Co., with Howard Nicholson, manager.
The coal first mined was bright, firm and black, and was analyzed by the Buffalo Gas Company, as follows: Gas, 9,000 cubic feet; coke, 37 bushels; candle power, 13.6. The coal was about 5' thick, and is pronounced by W.G. Platt in his geological report to be the Mercer upper coal. After getting the mine in good order, and admirably arranged for shipment, the coal was found to, not realize the expectations formed by the outcrop, the bed being found "faulty," and the coal hard to mine and yielding rather indifferent fuel, and the mine was abandoned. It is still owned by the Rocky Bend Company.
The Abel Fuller mine on the right bank of Sandy Lick was the same in every respect as that described above.
The Freeport lower coal is twice opened on the Reynoldsville road in the vicinity of Peter Baum's hotel, where it was found 5' thick.
There are very few exposures of limestone in the township, and it has not been used to any extent. Iron ore is found on the Joshua Knapp farm, but it has not been investigated.
Valuable deposits of excellent fire-clay are found in Pine Creek, along Sandy Lick. James L. Brown, of Brookville, made the first shipment of fire-clay from Jefferson county. In 1878 William French picked up, in the cut near the railroad at Bell Port, a substance resembling in texture a Turkish whetstone. He took a sample to James L. Brown, who pronounced it fire-clay. They then sunk a shaft on the hill at Bell Port, and were rewarded for their labors by going through a five-foot solid vein of fire-clay. Mr. Brown then purchased the property of Mr. Crawford and commenced developments, and soon other discoveries were made, the result of which was a sale of a half-interest in the property to James Erskine, of Youngstown, O., and John McMath, of Clearfield. Improvements were made, giving the firm of Brown, Erskine & Co. capacity for mining and shipping twelve carloads of clay per week. New openings have been made and the firm is now shipping from three different mines. The clays vary in thickness from two to eleven feet. These deposits are very uncertain and limited to a small area. In the Bell Port mine there are four qualities of fire-clay. Experience alone determines their use. We give below an analysis, by Mr. McCreath, of Harrisburg, of their No. 1 hard clays, which, with proper mixtures and well manufactured fire-brick, finds a ready market for the steel trade:
Alumina (by difference)
Protoxide of Iron
Titanic Acid
Lumber and Saw-mills. - Pine Creek has been the scene of some of the most active operations in the lumber trade of the county, and no part of it has produced finer timber. In all the years of her history lumbering has been the principal occupation of her citizens, and since the little mill was erected on Mill Creek, by the Barnetts, in 1795, many such structures, gaining in utility and importance with the progress of the county, have been erected upon the streams within her borders.
The next mill built after that of Joseph Barnett is said to have been erected on the North Fork in 1800, by Moses Knapp, near the head of the present Litch dam. Mr. Knapp, after building several other mills in different localities, returned to the North Fork in 1836 and built one about a mile from the present "Company mill." This he sold in a short time to William Paine who in turn sold it to his brothers, Alexander B. and Sinton Paine, and Leonard Walters, of Pittsburgh, and Sinton Paine also sold out to the latter and removed to Kentucky. A.B. Paine and Leonard Walters, after remodeling the mill somewhat, ran it until about 1878, when the machinery was taken out and the mill abandoned. The mill-site has since been sold to C.M. Carrier.
The next mill on the North Fork was erected by Hollenbeck, Coryell & Co., of New York, in 1855. This company owned five thousand acres of land in Jefferson county, four thousand acres of which were heavily timbered with. pine, situated in Pine Creek and Warsaw townships. C.M. Garrison super-intended the building of this mill. Mr. Garrison was a lumberman of long experience, having been engaged extensively in the business in Apalachian, N.Y., from whence he came to take charge of the new enterprise of Messrs. Hollenbeck, Coryell & Co.
In 1861 this firm sold to Carrier, Jackson & Co., of which latter firm Mr. Garrison was a member, and made the purchase from Hollenbeck, Coryell & Co. The firm was then changed to Jackson, Moore & Co., and then known for several years as Jackson, Verstine & Co., and for the last ten years as Carrier, Verstine & Co. Some question having been raised as to the capacity of the "Company mill," as it is called, Bernard Kline, then sawyer on the mill, claiming that he could cut 30,000 feet of good, merchantable boards in twelve hours, the 2d day of August, 1865, was set apart for the trial, and in the time specified he sawed 44,325 feet of good boards, R.J. Nicholson measuring the same. Only one saw was used.
During the first years the firms operating this mill shipped large quantities of square timber, but in the last fifteen years the principal shipments have been boards and bill stuff, amounting to about 4,000,000 feet per year.
The present firm is composed of Cassius M. Carrier, Bernard Verstine and Bernard Kline. They own over 5,000 acres of land in Jefferson county, situated in Pine Creek, Rose, Warsaw and Eldred townships.
In 1837 James C. Matson built a saw-mill on the North Fork, which was burned down in 1844.
In 1865 Mr. Matson erected a portable mill on Little Mill Creek, which was also destroyed by fire September 12, 1867. On this there was no insurance, and Mr. Matson's loss was very heavy. The mill, however, was at once rebuilt.
William McCullough built a mill on Little Mill Creek in 1837, which he afterwards exchanged for the property on Pickering street, in the borough of Brookville, owned by D.B. Jenks, esq., and where Mr. McCullough resided until his death.
In 1839 James S. McCullough built a mill on Big Mill Creek, above Port Barnett, which he afterwards sold to Parliament Hutchens. Mr. McCullough also built a mill on Little Mill Creek in 1847 or 1848, which he afterwards sold to H.H. Parker.
Matson Knapp built a mill on the Geer or Knapp Run about the year 1848, and Joseph Knapp built one on the same run shortly after.
George Ford built a mill on Little Mill Creek about 1858, two miles above the Parker mill.
About the year 1865 John Carrier and Andrew Baum built a steam mill on Big Mill Creek. In the spring of 1871 Nathan Carrier, jr., purchased John Carrier's interest in this property, and after running it about a year removed the machinery to the new mill erected by him on Red Bank.
The "Iowa" mill, on Sandy Lick, was built in 1847, by Elijah Clark & Sons (Samuel K. and Charles B.) and Joseph E. Hall. It was named "Iowa," (which name it has always retained) by Rufus Kent, of Maine, a cousin of the Clarks, as a joke at the expense of the younger Clarks and J.F. Hall, who had for some time entertained their friends with their plans and intentions for emigrating to the West and locating in the State of Iowa.
In July, 1850, Joseph F. Hall sold his interest to the Clarks, who ran the mill as Clark & Sons until November 5, 1850, when Elijah Clark died, and then it was managed by the Clark Brothers until July, 1851, when F.H. Darrah, who had been working on the mill as a sawyer, purchased a third interest in the mill and the tract of seven hundred and seven acres of timber land belonging to the property, which had been purchased from the Portland. Land Company, by article of agreement dated February 10, 1847. November 22, 1851, Samuel K. Clark died while down the creek with lumber.
Mr. Darrah, after the death of Samuel K. Clark, became an equal partner in the property with Charles B. Clark, and the business was conducted by Clark & Darrah, until they sold to James Neal in 1853, who owned it until. June 21, 1871, when he sold to Robert R. Means and Robert J. Nicholson. In 1877 Mr. Means died, and the business was conducted by Mr. Nicholson and the heirs of Captain Means, until February 22, 1884, when Mr. Nicholson also died, and the business passed into the hands of the Means heirs and the executors of R.J. Nicholson, Mr. Thomas H. Means having the management of the business. During all this time the firm was known as Means & Nicholson. In 1886 the property was sold to A.D. Deemer, of Emerickville, who is now operating the mill. The capacity is about 15,000 feet per day.
The first mill built where Bellport now is, was erected some time in the 30's by Benjamin Bailey. It was carried away by a flood after only one log had been sawed. Then, in 1838, John J.Y. Thompson built another mill on the same site. It was built by Samuel Baird, and was called a double mill, having a saw at both ends of the building. Mr. Thompson sold the mill to Alpheus Shaw, who in turn sold to Amos Austin and Josiah Rodgers, two restless, Yankee lumbermen from New England, who on the lookout for a more productive lumber country, had wandered down into the Southern States, and on retracing their steps, struck the Sandy Lick region, and bought the mill from Shaw, in June, 1841. Rodgers, after a few years, returned to New England, but Mr. Austin, who had voted for Harrison for president, one day in New Hampshire, left the next day, and has never since beheld the granite hills of his native State. He cast his lot in with the people of Jefferson county, and has for many years been one of the most respected citizens of Brookville.
In 1848 the mill burned down, and was rebuilt in 1849; and in 1854 Mr. Austin sold the property to F.D. Lake, who in 1856, sold it to Hon. Alfred Bell, of Rochester, N.Y. The present mill was built in 1868; the machinery is propelled by water power, and the production has averaged something over two million feet per annum, or about sixty-five million feet since the property came into the possession of Judge Bell. According to his estimate, however, only about one-fifth of the stock cut at this mill was the product of Jefferson county, the balance coming from his lands in Clearfield county. The pine timber on Judge Bell's lands in the two counties is exhausted, but he has some twelve million feet of hemlock timber on land owned by him in Washington township.
The late E.D. White and his sons, G.W. and A.A. White, now of Kentucky, were for a number of years in charge of the Bellport mill, and were well known lumbermen. For the last eight years it has been ably managed by Mr. John B. Campbell.
Next comes the "Garrison mill" upon the site of which a portable mill was built in 1863, but it being burned down shortly after, the present mill was built by Garrison, Fuller & Co., in 1864. This co-partnership continued, for about ten years, when Mr. Sidney Fuller retired, and the firm was changed to C.M. & J.N. Garrison, under which title it continued until 1882, when C.M. Garrison retired from active business, and the business passed into the hands of his sons, John N. and Lorenzo S. Garrison, under the firm name of J.N. Garrison & Brother. This is one of the most extensive lumber establishments in the county, fully five million feet being cut per annum.
Cornelius M. Garrison, the pioneer of this and of the "Company mill" on the North Fork, was always kind and thoughtful for the welfare of his employees, and when his death occurred August 18, 1886, there were three men in the employ of the firm who had worked for him for thirty years. These are still working on the same mill for his sons, and are Reuben B. Lyle, Joseph Flyler and David D. Demott.
The shingle mill of Sidney Fuller, is also situated at Garrison Station. It was built about four years ago, and turns out ten thousand shingles per day; the shingles manufactured are eighteen inches in length.
Mr. Fuller has a well cultivated farm of seventy-five acres here, with good house and other, improvements. This was his residence until a few years ago when his increasing lumber business, obliged him to locate in Pittsburgh. The farm and shingle mill are now superintended by Mr. Fox. Mr. Fuller cleared his farm, and made the first improvements at Garrison.
In the neighborhood of Emerickville are a number of saw-mills; the E. Weiser mill was built on land owned by Weiser, by J.C. Wilson, in 1886. The capacity of the mill is about nine thousand feet per day.
The Frederick Starr mill, on land of J. Klepfer, was built about ten years ago. The mill cuts about one million feet per year. A good deal of custom sawing is done.
The steam saw-mill of John Rhinehart, on land of Emanuel Shuckers, was built in 1886. This mill replaced a water-mill built by Benjamin Schwartz, in 1859. This mill saws about five hundred thousand feet per year.
Shobert Brother's (James and John) mill, on a one hundred acre tract, owned by Daniel Rhodes, saws about one million feet per year. The timber is owned by Shobert Brothers.
The steam saw-mill of Orr, McKinley & Co., was built in June, 1886. The capacity of this mill is about ten thousand feet per day. It is built upon land of B.P. Bell, of Indiana county, containing four hundred and seventy-six acres of hemlock and hard wood timber.The pine timber is almost a thing of the past in Pine Creek, and it will take but a few years to exhaust the hemlock. The grand forests of magnificent trees that caused Joseph Barnett to locate in this region, have all fallen before the lumberman's axe.
Schools. - The first school in the township was that one built of logs, and with greased paper windows, and the huge chimney at one end, that Mrs. Graham tells about. It stood on what is now the McConnell farm, and in contrasting it and the primitive kind of instruction then imparted, with the advantages of the present day, we may well rejoice in the greater advantages in this respect now enjoyed by the school children.
In 1886 there were eight schools in Pine Creek; average number of months taught, five; male teachers, five; female, three; average salary of teachers, thirty-five dollars per month; number of male scholars, one hundred and sixty-five; females, one hundred and forty-four; average number attending school, two hundred and forty; average per cent of attendance, eighty-five; cost per month, ninety-three cents. Tax and rate per cent. number of mills levied for school purposes, thirteen. Total amount of tax levied for school and building purposes, $1,391.25. Total expenditures for schools, buildings, etc., $1,681.33.
The number of churches in the township are three; Methodist Episcopal, Protestant Methodist and Lutheran.
Cemeteries. - The first graveyard started in the township or in the county, was located some place near the forks of the road between Brookville and Port Barnett, and here the first who died after Andrew Barnett, were buried; but all trace of its locality is lost, and the lowly mounds have long since disappeared, and are now covered with dwellings, and the careless passer-by treads unwittingly over the spot where repose the early dead of the township and of the county.
The next graveyard was the one laid out on the farm of Nathaniel Butler, and in which his son, Winfield Scott Butler, a boy of only, two summers, who died February 28, 1842, was buried, Mr. Butler then setting apart the spot that is now known as the "Butler graveyard," and where the parents of the little boy, and Samuel Jones and his wife, and many of the other old settlers of Pine Creek, and their children and children's children, are buried.
At Emerickville the Lutheran graveyard was laid out in 1858, Daniel Shuckers being the first laid therein. The Methodist graveyard, on the Moore farm, was laid out on ground donated by James F. Moore, about 1862, and a child of Russell and Emeline Vantassel, and grandchild of Mr. Moore, was the first interred, followed soon by Willie Britton. Since then Mr. Moore and many others have laid down in this silent spot by those little ones to "rest from their labors." There are three monuments in this cemetery; one of granite, erected to the memory of James F. Moore, who died October 2, 1881, and one of marble over the daughters of Abel Fuller, also one of marble erected by George Zetler, to the memory of his son.
Port Barnett, the little hamlet where the first settlers of Jefferson county first found a home, the history of which has already been given in former chapters, was originally the property of Joseph Barnett and Samuel Scott. The records of the county describe this property as follows:
"The Port Barnett property containing two hundred and fifty-six acres and one hundred perches - One part conveyed to Samuel Scott by Jeremiah Parker by deed dated 16th day of 1818; recorded in Indiana County in Deed book No. 2, Page 727, and by Sundry Conveyances to Andrew Barnett. Other moiety conveyed to Joseph Barnett by Jeremiah Parker, by deed dated 26th June 1821, Recorded in Indiana County, in deed book No. 4, page 482, and by will of Joseph Barnett, devised to Andrew Barnett."
The Barnetts kept store and hotel at Port Barnett for many years, beside running their mills, and part of the old hotel is still standing. After the death of his father Andrew Barnett continued to reside upon the property until about the year 1850, when he sold the property to Andrew J. Brady and Irvin Long, and removed to the West. The hotel, which was for a long time the only one in the county, after it passed out of the hands of the Barnetts was kept by several parties, one of whom was Joseph Shobert. In 1850 A.J. Brady assumed charge of it, and we find quite an extensive advertisement in the papers of that day of the "Port Barnett Hotel," under his management. In 1852, Mr. Brady sold to Jacob Kroh, who was the last man to play mine host at the first hostelry in, the county. Joseph Shobert, now of Brookville, is the only one living who was its landlord.
The auditor general's report for 1831 gives the following record of licenses in Jefferson county:
"Andrew Barnett, tavern license, $33.44, Andrew Barnett, dealer in foreign merchandise, $31.69."
The records of the county show that tavern licenses were granted in Pine Creek township to Andrew Barnett for 1833 - 41, at Port Barnett; Isaac Packer, for 1834 - 42, where Peter Baum now lives; Jacob Kroh, for 1842 - 47, at Port Barnett; George S. Mathews, 1846; George Leitner, 1840.
The first store was kept by the Barnetts and Samuel Scott, who, in 1826, was succeeded by Jared B. Evans, who removed it to Brookville in 1830.
William McMannigle, who still resides at Port Barnett, came there in 1834 from Westmoreland county, at which time there was no house between Port Barnett and Reynoldsville, except the log hotel of Isaac Packer on the Peter Baum place, and a log house occupied by Hance Vasbinder, where Emerickville now is.
The first mill erected by the Barnetts was replaced in 1831 by a new one erected by Andrew Barnett, and this in turn gave way to the present steam-mill erected in 1870, and remodeled in 1882 by James Humphrey, who purchased the property of Jacob Kroh. While building the dam for the present mill the workmen came across the timbers of the first mill, which were in a good state of preservation considering the length of time they had lain in the water. The logs had huge wrought iron spikes firmly imbedded in them. The present grist-mill was built in 1860.
Port Barnett is still the property of James Humphrey, who, in connection with his mills, has a store under the management of his son, W.N. Humphrey. Their saw-mill does a large business. Nearly all the houses in the place belong to Mr. Humphrey, and are occupied by his workmen. He resides in the residence built by Jacob Kroh, jr., on the Brookville road, west of the mills. In 1880 the census gives the population of Port Barnett as seventy.
This little village is situated on the "pike," about six miles east of Brookville, and has about one hundred inhabitants. The census of 1880 gives its population as fifty-seven, showing, according to the population now claimed by the citizens, an increase of almost one-half more It contains one hotel, two stores, one blacksmith shop, and twenty dwellings. The hotel, which was built about the year 1843 by Jacob Kroh, is now kept by Emanuel Weiser, who came to the township from Northumberland in 1852, and engaged in lumbering and merchandising. He started his present store at Emerickville in 1870. The other store is owned by George Zetler, jr., who removed to Emerickville from Philadelphia in 1848. His father, the late Edward Zetler, when he came to the place with his family in that year, found it impossible to find a dwelling house, and was obliged to move into a school-house on the Moore farm until he could erect a house.
The blacksmith shop is owned by F. Weiser. The first blacksmith was George Gray, who rang the anvil in 1858. The shop is now run by George Raymer.
There are two churches, the Lutheran Church, on the Bliss farm, and the Methodist on the Moore farm. There is also a new church being built by the denomination known as the Church of God.
Fuller's Station, on the Low Grade Division of the Allegheny Valley Railroad, is situated at the eastern end of the township, on Sandy Lick Creek. It contains about one hundred inhabitants, and is the principal shipping point for lumber, bark, etc., for that section of the county, about one hundred cars of lumber being shipped per month, averaging 10,000 feet to the car, and in the fall months the shipments of bark are over ninety cars per month, averaging nine cords to the car.
The Fuller saw-mill was built in 1862 by Abel. Fuller, after whom the place and post-office are named; its capacity is from 15,000 to 20,000 feet per day. In 1868 the aggregate business of this mill was over 2,100,000 feet of boards. Mr. Fuller has 265 acres of timber land, on which there is yet some 20,000 feet of timber, principally hemlock. This mill was remodeled, and hew machinery put in about two years ago. Mr. Fuller also has a store at this point, which was started in 1876. The post-office is kept in this store. Mr. Fuller cut the first stick of timber, and made the first improvements in this part of the township. Abel Fuller is a son of Salmon Fuller, one of the first settlers of Clover township, who settled, there in 1829. He was a native of Duffin's Creek, Upper Canada, but removed to Painesville, O., where his son Abel was born in 1826. He has spent fifty-eight years of his life in Jefferson county. Mr. Fuller owns a farm of sixty-five acres, bought eight or nine years ago from Henry Milliron, and on which he has erected a good house and barn. He raises excellent fruit - apples, pears and peaches.
Population, Taxables, etc. - The population of the township did not increase very fast in the first twenty-five years. The census of 1810 gives it as 161 ; 1820, 561, (which also included Perry); 1840, 628; 1850, 778; 1860, 729; 1870, 941; 1880, 1189.
The taxables in 1807 were 23; in 1814, 35; in 1821, (including Perry), 161; in 1828, 60; in 1835, 103 in 1842, 98; in 1849, 156; in 1856, 125; in 1863, 183; in 1870, 247; 1886, 368.
The triennial assessment for the year 1886, gives the number of acres seated as 10,872, and the valuation $44,004; average per acre $4.46. Number of houses and lots 118; valuation $8,537. Grist and saw-mills 7; valuation $9,613. Unseated lands 5,936; valuation $18,171; average per acre $3.06. Number of horses 186; valuation $7,714; average valuation $41.47. Number of cows 255; valuation $2,850; average, $11.18. Occupations 164; valuation $5,500; average $33.84. Total valuation, subject to county tax, $96,434. Money at interest $24,122.
The basis of taxation adopted in all the townships of the county is one-fifth of the real value on real estate, and one-third on personal property. This would make the real value of real estate in Pine Creek township, for the year 1886, $1,908,000, and of personal property $150,000.
The assessed valuation of real estate in the township for 1886 is $381,600; personal property $50,000.
Elections. - The first elections in Jefferson county, which were also the first held in Pine Creek, have already been given. We give below the last election held before Perry was organized:
"1817, Pine Creek township. At an election held at the house of Joseph Barnett in said township on Friday, the 14th day of March, A.D. 1817, the following persons were duly elected: Constable, Elijah Graham, 22 votes; John Dixson, 13. Supervisors, Joseph Barnett, 25 votes; Thos. Lucas, 28. Overseers, Henry Fey, 9 votes; John Matson, 6. Fence appraisers, Moses Knap, 7 votes; William Vasbinder, 7. Town clerk, Elijah Graham, 22 votes. Signed, Adam Vasbinder, Walter Templeton, judges."
The last election, held in February, 1887, resulted in the election of the following persons to fill the various offices in the township: Justice of the peace, Z.T. Chambers; constable, John Cable; supervisors, S.R. Milliron, Calvin Hutchins; school directors, A.H. Yost, John Carberry; poor overseer, E.C. Wilson; auditor A.D. Deemer; tax collector, Charles Wetzel; judge of election, Frank Grady; inspectors, Joseph Dempsey, Frank P. Plyler; assessor, William DeMott; town clerk, Z.T. Chambers.
The justices of the peace in Pine Creek now are George Zetler, Jr., and Z.T. Chambers. The members of the school board previously elected are Michael Mowry, John Cable, Thomas Montgomery, and Barton Hutchins.
* "The lights were extinguished as if by accident; and Captain Wadsworth, laying hold of the charter, disappeared with it before they could be rekindled. He conveyed it securely through the crowd, who opened to let him pass and closed their ranks as he proceeded, and deposited it in the hollow of an ancient oak tree, which retained the precious deposit until the era of the English Revolution." - Goodrich's "History of America."
Source: Page(s) 476-496, History of Jefferson County by Kate M. Scott. Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., 1888.
Contributed by Nathan Zipfel for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project (
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