Bethna Cemetery
Center Hill Cemetery
Next to this, the Centre Hill grave-yard is the oldest in the township, it having been sold by Frederick Gillhousen to Daniel Rhoads and Jacob Wolf, in trust for the Evangelical Association, about the year 1840, consideration, 25 cents. Mr. Gillhousen having lost his life in the Gettysburg fight without a deed having been left on record, a second deed was made by Rachel Gillhousen (one of the heirs) somewhere about the year 1880. The Evangelical Association is at present erecting a church building close to this grave-yard, which event is warmly welcomed by all the citizens. Source: Brookville Republican 1901, Nov 13 issue
McCann Cemetery a.k.a. Swineford Graveyard
Meade Chapel Cemetery
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
St. Matthews Cemetery
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