Corsica Methodist Episcopal Church


The Corsica M. E. Church was organized about the year 1854. Rev. James Gilfillin was the pastor. J. NV. Monks was the first class leader. Rev. Gilfillin was followed by Revs. Edwin Hull, Thomas Benn, George Moore and others. The society first met for worship in a private house (burned in 1873), then in the "old Corsica school-house," then in a hall. For Sometime they worshipped in the Presbyterian Church. The present church edifice was erected in 1871, during the pastorate of Rev. W.M. Taylor. Cost $3,500. The parsonage was built during Mr. Taylor's administration.

Since 1864 the charge has been served by the following pastors: P. W. Scofield, E. C. McElhatten, F. Fair, W. M. Taylor, J. NV. Martin, J. C. Rhodes, 0.H. Sibley, J. H. Laverty, A. M. Lockwood, W.S. Shepard, P. J. Slattery, C.H. Frampton, J. M. Edwards and Alvah Wilder. Present pastor, J. C. Wharton. The Corsica society at present numbers fifty-seven members and probationers.

Pine Grove M.E. Church is situated about three miles north of Corsica and belongs to the Corsica charge. This society was organized in February, 1876, during the pastorate of Rev. 0. H. Sibley, pastor of Corsica charge. The church at Pine Grove was built during the autumn of 1876 at a cost of $700. It was connected with Corsica charge in November of the same year.

Source History of Jefferson County 1888 page 273

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