Help Wanted

The Jefferson County Genealogy Project is committed to providing free access to all available on-line resources for Jefferson County researchers.  This project is constantly looking for new resources that can be placed on-line, but in order to do that, we need volunteers. 

Would you like to help out with the Jefferson County Genealogy Project?    There are several ways that you can help make additional resources available.



Do you have some time that you can assist with a project to help the Jefferson County site? Here are a couple of projects that we need volunteers to help with:

Census Transcriptions
Volunteers are needed to transcribe the Federal Census records.
Cemetery Transcriptions
Have you transcribed one of the cemeteries in the county? Do you live in the county and are willing to do a transcription?
Church Records Transcriptions
Volunteers are needed to transcribe available church records.

The above are just but a few of the projects that you could be involved with. If you are interested in working on one of these, please contact us.

 Maybe you've got an idea for a making records available on this site, please contact us.

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(c) Jefferson County Genealogy Project