From [Rineer 93]
South of PA. Rt. 272 on PA Rt. 897 west of Adamstown, East Cocalico Township, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania
1731/2 Founded. First log church built. Baptismal records begun
1744 Land jointly acquired with Muddy Creek Evangelical Lutheran Church (South of PA Rt. 272 at Muddy Creek Road)
1747 Second church build (stone)
1847 Third church build (stone)
1871- 1914 Sunday school chapels build at Muddy Creek, Reinholds, Shimps, and Stonehill.
1938/9 Fourth church build (brick)
1968 Union with Lutherans dissolved; congregation merged with St. Paul's Church of Adamstown. New congregation named "Peace."
1970 Current church building built.
1730-1765 Church record book held by LCHS.
1766-date Held by congregation
1743-1871 Transcribed by Rev. Hinke, held by E&RHS.
1730-1790 Records of pastoral acts published in Sources and Documents of the Pennsylvania Germans: V. PA German Society, 1981
1752-1786 Pastoral records of John Waldschmidt. Published in PA Archives, 6th series, Vol. 6, pp. 153+
1868-1914 Pastoral records of Stephen Schweitzer, held by Swamp United Church of Christ, West Cocalico Twp.
1914-1937 Pastoral records of Martin Schweitzer (also at Swamp UCC.)
1823-1868 Marriages performed by Daniel Hertz, transcript at LCHS and E&RHSLCHS = Lancaster County Historical Society
E&RHS = Evangelical & Reformed Historical SocietyResearchers interested in this church:
Elisa Poole Sun, 9 Mar 1997
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