'Page 136
'to his unaided efforts
may be attributed the eminence he has attained. In the best sense
of the word he is a self-made man. At the outbreak of the late
war, though but eighteen years of age, he enlisted as a private in
Company F, Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry, August 21, 1861.
Shortly after entering the army he was promoted to First Sergeant,
which position he held until his re-enlistment in October, 1863.
At that time he was promoted to First Lieutenant, in which
capacity he served until the close of the war, being mustered out
in January, 1866.
'Returning to
Catasauqua, Captain Bartholomew has since made his home in this
city. In 1877 he was one of the organizers of Company I, Fourth
Regiment National Guards of Pennsylvania, which, he commanded for
ten years. In August of 1870 he founded the Valley Record, and
has continued its publication to the present day. The paper is
the organ of the Democratic party in the community, and is an
eight-column folio, issued weekly.
'In politics the Captain
is one of the leaders of the Democracy in Catasauqua, and was
Postmaster here under the first administration of President
Cleveland. Twice he was nominated for Burgess, and although the
odds were largely against him, he was defeated by a very small
majority, running considerably ahead of his ticket. In his
religious connections he is a member of the Reformed Church.
Kindly submitted by
Bill Schmitz page 142