proprietor of the Bittner House in Slatington, is a native of this
county, having been born December 2, 1844. His father, Henry
Bittner, Sr., was also born in this section, and until his
decease, in 188~, was engaged in farm pursuits.
The paternal
grandfather of our subject was a native of Germany, and on coming
to America in an early day, located in Lehigh County, where he
followed the occupation of an agriculturist. His wife prior to her
marriage was Mary Bear, the daughter of Benjamin Bear, also a
tiller of the soil. Mrs. Bittner was born in this county, and
departed this life in 1876.
Our subject passed his
boyhood days in attendance left the district school, and when old
enough worked on his father's farm. This he continued until 1867,
when he left home, and coming to Slatington, embarked in the hotel
business, with which he has been connected very successfully
since. In 1887 he erected his present tine building, known as the
Bittner House. It is a model of architectural beauty, and is
patterned after a famous summer resort hotel. It is four stories
in height, heated throughout with steam, lighted by electricity,
and in fact is a modern hotel in all its appointments. It contains
forty-eight sleeping apartments, handsomely furnished, elegant
parlors, cozy reading room, and the entire building is surrounded
by a piazza. Mr. Bittner takes an
active part in all public enterprises and improvements and in
politics always casts a vote for Democratic candidates. Socially
he is a member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, the Knights
of the Golden Eagle, and a charter member of the Knights of Malta. In 1867 Henry Bittner
and Miss Ellen Benninger were united in: marriage. The lady was
born in Lehigh Gap, and is the daughter of Philip Benninger, an
early settler of the county. To them has been granted a family of
two daughters: Lilly Cora, now the Wife of Artie Queen, of
Slatington, and Anna, Mrs. John W. Balliet, also residing in that
place .
Our subject is truly a
self-made man, and has by careful attention to every detail of
business, honesty in all his dealings, and by shrewdness and
integrity, gained It goodly portion of this world's goods, and
what is better than that, the confidence and esteem of the entire
community. He is one of the most successful hotel men in the
eastern portion of the state, and is well patronized by the
traveling public. He has a beautiful residence in Slatington,
where with his wife he entertains their hosts of warm friends, who
are n numbered among the best people of the county.
