Portrait and Biographical Record ~ Pages 557&558
Kindly submitted: Nancy Tweedie
, Postmaster at
Belfast, Northampton County, is the leading business man of
the village. In his large establishment he carries a general
line of merchandise, including groceries, dry goods, notions,
hardware, flour and feed, boots and shoes, ready-made
clothing, and the usual stock carried in a first class village
store. The building, which was erected in 1879, has a
frontage of thirty feet and is seventy-six feet in length,
having about fifty-two feet in the front part. In height it
is two and one-half stores. Success has attended Mr.
Laub’s efforts since opening this
store in 1887, and his annual sales now average from $25,000
to $35,000.
Our subject was born in
Moore Township, Northampton County, July 11,
1849, and is a son of the late George and Annie (Leisenring)
Laub, natives respectively of
Northampton and Lehigh Counties, Pa. The family was
represented among the early settlers of Moore Township, and
here George W. was reared to manhood on the old homestead,
attending for a time the public schools of Moore Township, and
later a select school in Bethlehem. For a short time he was
also a student in the Keystone State Normal School at
Kutztown, Pa. On completing his studies he was engaged as a
teacher in Moore Township, after which he was for thirteen
years a clerk in the mercantile house of Owen
Reyer, at
Beersville, Pa. Subsequently he was taken into the
business, and the firm name became Reyer
and Laub. In 1887 he came to
Belfast and opened the store which he still conducts, having a
large trade and giving employment to several clerks.
In politics Mr.
Laub is a Republican and favors
the principles of reciprocity. In 1889 he was appointed
Postmaster at Belfast, and has since held that
office. A Lutheran in religion, he is a Deacon of his church
and one of its leading members. Socially he is connected with
Aluta Lodge No. 488, I.O.O.F. and
Washington Camp No. 558, P.O.S. of A., at Belfast. His wife,
Annie M., is a daughter of Samuel Geiser,
of Lehigh Township, Northampton County, and their family
consists of three children, Amy F., Herbert F. and Ella C.
Mr. Laub
possesses excellent business qualifications and is an able
financier. In addition to the management of his tore, he is
financially interested in other important enterprises. He is
a stockholder in the Pennsylvania Hard Vein Slate Company, and
is also interested in other slate quarries. In his
enterprises he has displayed practical common sense,
discrimination and an ability to work to good advantage. The
success that has followed his efforts proves that he was
fortunate in the selection of an occupation.