193rd Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
This regiment was recruited in compliance with the call of Governor Curtin, to serve for one hundred days, Upon the occasion of the raid made by the rebel cavalryman, Harry Gilmore, upon the railroads leading into Baltimore, in July, 1864.p> Company E was from Lawrence county, and a part of company I from Warren. The remaining companies were recruited at Pittsburg, and were from Allegheny county. They rendezvoused at Camp Howe, near Pittsburg, where a regimental organization was effected on the 19th of July, with the following field officers:
Soon after its organization, it proceeded to Baltimore, and for a period of two weeks was encamped at Mankin's Woods, where it formed part of a brigade commanded by Colonel Nagle, and was thoroughly drilled. On the 10th of August, company B was ordered to Wilmington, Delaware, for the performance of provost duty, and Colonel Clark was directed to station the remaining companiies to guard the bridges on the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad, with headquarters at Havre-de-Grace, which was promptly executed. About three weeks after this disposition had been made, Colonel Clark was ordered to turn over his command to Lieutenant Colonel Ballentine, and to proceed with companies A, F, D and I, to Wilmington, and take command of the district. This he proceeded to do, and placing the companies which he had taken with him in camp, made details from them daily, for various service, as the exigencies of his duty as commandant. of the district required. This disposition remained unchanged until after the expiration of the term of service, whenl the command assembled at Baltimore, and thence proceeded to Pittsburg, where, on the 9th of November, it was mustered out of service. Betbre quitting the field, Captain M'Munn, of company A, secured the re-enlistment of a considerable number of men from the several companies, to serve during the war, who, upon their arrival at Baltimore, were distributed according to their preferences, among cavalry and infantry regiments, then serving at the front. Source: Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1864.
- John B. Clark, Colonel;
- James W. Ballentine, Lieutenant Colonel;
- Horatio K. Tyler, Major.
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