48th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officers
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Term/ |
Remarks |
James Nagle | Colonel | October 1, 1861 | Promoted to Brigadier General, September 10, 1862; resigned May 9, 1863 | |
Joshua K. Sigfried | Colonel | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Major to Lt. Colonel, November 30, 1861; to Colonel, September 20, 1862; to Bevet Brigadier General, August 1, 1864; mustered out, October 11, 1864, expiration of term | |
George W. Gowen | Colonel | September 11, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company C to Lt. Colonel, December 20, 1864; to Colonel, March 1, 1865; killed at Petersburg, Va., April 2, 1865 | |
Isaac F. Brannon | Colonel | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company K to Major, December 20, 1864; to Lt. Colonel, March 1, 1865; to Colonel, May 11, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
David A. Smith | Lt. Colonel | Commissioned August 20, 1861, not mustered; resigned November, 1861 | ||
Henry Pleasants | Lt. Colonel | September 11, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company C to Lt. Colonel, September 20, 1862; to Brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865; mustered out, December 18, 1864, expiration of term | |
Richard M. Jones | Lt. Colonel | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company G to Major, May 11, 1865; to Lieut. Colonel, June 3, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet | |
Daniel Nagle | Major | September 23, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company D, November 30, 1861; resigned July 26, 1862 | |
James Wren | Major | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company B, September 20, 1862; resigned May 20, 1863 | |
Joseph A. Gilmour | Major | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company H, July 28, 1863; wounded in action, May 31, 1864; died June 9, 1864 | |
O. C. Bosbyshell | Major | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Captain Company G, July 23, 1864; mustered out, October 1, 1864, expiration of term | |
Jacob Wagner | Major | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Quarter Master Sergeant to Quarter Master, December 27, 1862; to Major, June 21, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
John D. Bertolette | Adjutant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted to Captain and Assistant Adjutant General, September 25, 1862 | |
Daniel D. M'Ginnes | Adjutant | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant to Adjutant, September 26, 1862; resigned March 18, 1864 | |
Charles Loeser | Adjutant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lieut. Company C, June 25, 1864; mustered out, October 1, 1864, expiration of term | |
H. C. Honsberger | Adjutant | September 17, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant Major, December 17, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet | |
James Ellis | Adjutant | October 1, 1861 | Resigned December 20, 1862 | |
Thos. Bohannan | Adjutant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lieut. Company E, June 23, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
David Minis, Jr. | Surgeon | October 1, 1861 | Died at Roanoke Island, N. C., February 14,1862 | |
Charles T. Reber | Surgeon | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, February 14, 1862; resigned February 23, 1863 | |
W. R. D. Backwood | Surgeon | April 28 1863 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon 149th Regiment P. V., April 28, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
Israel Bushong | Assistant Surgeon | August 1, 1862 | Resigned September 29, 1862 | |
C. P. Herrington | Assistant Surgeon | September 13, 1862 | Promoted to Surgeon 138th Regiment P. V., October 30, 1862 | |
Alvah H. Maloney | Assistant Surgeon | October 22, 1861 | Resigned December 5, 1862 | |
Jas. M. Morrison | Assistant Surgeon | November 29, 1862 | Discharged August 19, 1863 | |
John M. Huston | Assistant Surgeon | March 17, 1863 | Resigned June 25, 1863 | |
John B. Culver | Assistant Surgeon | January 1, 1864 | Mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
Eugene M. Smyser | Assistant Surgeon | April 8, 1864 | Mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
Sam'l A. Holman | Chap'n | October 1, 1861 | Resigned January 2, 1863 | |
Levi B. Beckley | Chap'n | April 11, 1864 | Mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865 | |
Charles Loser | Sergeant Major | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from priv. Company G, to Sergeant Major; to 2d Lieutenant Company C, September 26, 1862 | |
David B. Brown | Sergeant Major | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal Company H, to Sergeant Major; to 2d Lieutenant, Company H, June 21, 1864; Vet | |
George Farne | Sergeant Major | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal Company G, to Sergeant Major, December 22, 1864; to 2d Lieutenant, Company G, June 11, 1865; Vet | |
John Dechant | Sergeant Major | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant Company K, June 16, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet | |
Alex. S. Bowen | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted to 2d Lieutenant, Company H, October 11, 1861 | |
Chas. W. Schnerr | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted to 2d Lt., Company E, March 16, 1864; Vet | |
Henry Krebs | Quarter Master Sergeant | September 10, 1862 | Discharged to accept commission in U. S. Colored Troop, September 25, 1864 | |
Joseph Gould | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 1, 1861 | Mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet | |
Jacob Wagner | Quarter Master Sergeant | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from priv., Company H, to Quarter Master Sergeant, October 4, 1861; to Quartermaster, December 21, 1862 | |
Jacob F. Werner | Commissary Sergeant | September 23, 1861 | Promoted to 2d Lt., Company D, September 12, 1864; Vet | |
John C. Berger | Commissary Sergeant | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal, Company K, September 15, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet | |
Wm. H. Hardell | Hospital Steward | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal, Company G, to Hospital Steward, October 1, 1861; to 2d Lt., Company G, September 15, 1864; Vet | |
Charles B. Evans | Hospital Steward | October 1, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company G, September 17, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, July 17, 1865; Vet |
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