53d Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers


Source:  U. S. Army Heritage and Education Center
(formerly the U. S. Army Military History Institute)

U.S. Army Military History Institute
Historical Services Division
2 Aug 05

Bates, Samuel P.    History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5.Wilmington, NC:   Broadfoot, 1993. Vol. 3, pp. 92-134 (22 photocopied pages). E527B32.1993v6. (Brief history and roster of the regiment).

Dyer, Frederick H.    A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion.   Vol. 2.    Dayton, OH:   Morningside, 1979.    Ref. See 1592 (1 photocopied pages) for a concise summary of the regiment's service.

Ludwig, Mahlon S. "My Escape from a Rebel Prison." Natl Tribune Scrapbook I: pp. 104-12 (5 photocopied pages). E655N27nol.

Myers, Irvin G. We Might As Well Die Here: The 53d Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Shippensburg, PA: White Mane, 2004. 337 p. E527.5.53rd.M94.

Pennsylvania. Gettysburg Battlefield Comm. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Ceremonies at the Dedication of the Monuments Erected by the Commonwealth.... Vol. 1. Hbg, PA: Wm S Ray, 1914. pp. 326-38 (8 photocopied pages). E475.53P422v1. (Addresses delivered at the dedication of the regimental monument and a photo of that monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park).

Peterson, Joel. "' a Bullet Through This Pretty Head.'" Mil Images Magazine (Nov/Dec 2002): p. 29 (1 photocopied page). Per. Isaac Van Leer, Co. B.

Sauers, Richard A. Advance the Colors!: Pennsylvania Civil War Battle Flags. Vol. 1. Hbg, PA: Capitol Preservation Comm, 1987. pp. 148-50 (3 photocopied pages). E527.4S38.1987v1. (Brief unit history with emphasis on the regimental flags).

___. "The 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in the Gettysburg Campaign." Gettysburg Magazine No. 11 (Jul 1994): pp. 80-90 (11 photocopied pages). E475.53G482no11.

Our Photo Archive includes images of individuals of this unit.

The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive:

Evans Family Papers - CWMiscColl-EvansColl (Enlisted man's letter, Apr 2, 1864)

Haas-Jones-Curry Papers - HCWRTColl (Officer and enlisted man's annotated letters, l86l-l864)

Heimbach, George H. - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's undated prayer)

Lucas, William - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's letters and papers, Nov l, l86l-Mar 8, l863)

Stull, Jacob - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's letter, Sep 6, 1864; record of service, Aug 19, 1863- May 31, 1865)

Whiteman, George - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's letters, Jun l0, l862-Aug l5, l866)






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