55th Regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers
Field and Staff Officer
Name |
Rank |
Date of Muster |
Remarks |
Richard White | Colonel | December 4, 1861 | Mustered out, March 23, 1865, expiration of term |
Frank T. Bennett | Lt. Colonel | December 4, 1861 | Mustered out, December 4, 1864; expiration of term |
James Metzger | Lt. Colonel | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from Captain, Company C, May 10, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
John H. Filler | Major | December 4, 1861 | Commissioned Lt. Colonel, December 21, 1864, and Colonel, March 25, 1865, not mustered; mustered out March 23, 1865, expiration of term |
George H. Hill | Major | August 28, 1861 | Promoted from Captain, Company E, May 3, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
James Metzger | Adjutant | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt., Company D to Adjutant, January 1, 1862; to Captain, Company C, November 25, 1862 |
Solomon S. Metzger | Adjutant | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from 2d to 1st Lt., Company D, January 1, 1862; to Adjutant, November 25, 1862; to Captain, Company D, August 3, 1863 |
John Gotshall | Adjutant | August 28, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Lt., Company G. August 3, 1863; commissioned Captain, Company G, December 1, 1864, and Captain, Company C, May 10, 1865, not mustered; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
Fred'k M. George | Quarter Master | December 4, 1861 | Mustered out, December 14, 1864, expiration of term |
James Driskel | Quarter Master | January 1, 1864 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant, Company A, February 14, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865; Vet |
David Merritt | Surgeon | November 1, 1861 | Resigned August 16, 1864 |
Jer. B. Brandt | Surgeon | September 17, 1864 | Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, 110th Regiment P. V., September 17, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
J. Sylv'r Ramsey | Assistant Surgeon | November 1, 1861 | Promoted to Surgeon 130th Regiment P. V., October 14, 1862 |
Jer. B. Brandt | Assistant Surgeon | September 16, 1862 | Promoted to Surgeon 175th Regiment P. V., January 31, 1863 |
Henry C. Christy | Assistant Surgeon | August 1, 1862 | Promoted to Surgeon, 58th Regiment P. V., October 3, 1863 |
Charles F. Lauer | Assistant Surgeon | June 12, 1863 | Resigned September 26, 1864 |
Ovid M. Johnson | Assistant Surgeon | January 2S, 1864 | Resigned August 17, 1864 |
John Noetling | Assistant Surgeon | September 26, 1864 | Resigned June 17, 1865 |
Samuel S. Boyer | Assistant Surgeon | February 11, 1865 | Mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
John M'Cosker | Chaplain | December 6, 1861 | Died at Philadelphia, June 4, 1862 |
Henry W. Fox | Sergeant Major | October 11, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company H to Sergeant Major, December 4, 1861; to 2d Lt., Company K, October 23, 1862 |
William H. Shorb | Sergeant Major | August 28, 1861 | Promoted from 1st Sergeant, Company G to Sergeant Major, October 23, 1862; to 2d Lt., Company G, November 4, 1863 |
William W. Moore | Sergeant Major | December 31, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company E to Sergeant Major, November 4, 1863; to 2d Lt. Company E, September 25, 1864; Vet |
John C. Geyer | Sergeant Major | October 2, 1862 | Promoted from private, Company H to Commissary Sergeant, April 1. 1864; to Sergeant Major, September 25, 1864; to 1st Lieut., Company C, March 1, 1865 |
Winm. A. Gilbert | Sergeant Major | September 24, 1863 | Drafted; promoted from private, Company H, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
John Lynch | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 30, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company A to Quarter Master Sergeant, January 4, 1862; to 2d Lieut., Company A, November 8, 1863 |
Martin V. Sorber | Quarter Master Sergeant | September 20, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company I; to Quarter Master Sergeant, November 11, 1863; to 2d Lt., Company I, September 16, 1864; Vet |
Daniel M. Wonders | Quarter Master Sergeant | October 2, 1862 | Promoted from private, Company H, September 15, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
John H. Kennedy | Commissary Sergeant | August 28, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company A, September 15, 1863; reduced and transferred to Company A, May 10, 1862 |
John Houston | Commissary Sergeant | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Corporal. Company F to Commissary Sergeant, May 10, 1862; to 2d Lieut., Company F, April 6, 1864; Vet |
Sam'l Moorhead | Commissary Sergeant | September 19, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company F to Commissary Sergeant, September 25, 1864; to 2d Lieut., Company F, September 29, 1864; Vet |
Win. M. Walker | Commissary Sergeant | October 11, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company H, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865; Vet |
Joseph Keeffe | Hospital Steward | November 5, 1861 | Promoted from private, Company D, November 19, 1861; reduced and transferred to Company D, June 3, 1862 |
Joseph W. Hughes | Hospital Steward | April 15, 1862 | Promoted from private, Company B. June 3, 1862; mustered out, April 15, 1865, expiration of term |
Peter Lightner | Hospital Steward | January 25, 1865 | Promoted from private, Company G, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
William R. Miller | Principal Musician | September 5, 1864 | Promoted from private, Company B, November 1, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 13, 1865 |
Alex'r C. Mower | Principal Musician | October 12, 1861 | Promoted from Sergeant, Company D, to Drum Major, February 24, 1863; reduced and transferred to Company D, May 12, 1863; promoted to Principal Musician, December 27, 1864; died at Point of Rocks, Va., January 28, 1865; Vet |
Neal S. M'Lay | Principal Musician | March 1, 1864 | Promoted from private, Company B, May 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
John C. Smith | Principal Musician | February 29, 1864 | Promoted from private, Company F, June 24, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, August 30, 1865 |
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