Paroled Prisoners
forwarded to Annapolis, Md.
March 28, 1863

Source: National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107
Sergeant Ben. White, 79th P. V. I., assumes command of the detachment, March 28, 1863
Signed by K. I. Dodge, 8th P. V. I., commanding; J. W. Riner, Adjutant
Name |
Allan, Nahtan | 142d P. V. I. | K |
Cohen, Moses | 17th Cavalry | I |
Martin, James M. | 57th P. V. I. | E |
Nichols, William | 11th P. V. I. | F |
Sprigggle, Benj. | 17th Cavalry | I |
Wards, John | 82d P. V. I. | H |
Wolf, George | 4th Cavalry | G |

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