Paroled Prisoners
forwarded to Annapolis, Md.
April 1, 1863

Source: National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107
Issued by the Office of the Provost Marshall, Harrisburg
Name |
Bretz, W. J. | 127th P. V. I. | H |
Butz, Wm. | 127th P. V. I. | H |
Creamer, John | 127th P. V. I. | H |
Fitzpatrick, Thomas | 127th P. V. I. | H |
Horner, Henry | 142d P. V. I. | |
Jinkins, H. G. | 127th P. V. I. | H |
Lenhart, S. A. | 10th Reserves | A |
Miller, Joseph | 147th P. V. I. | D |
Stite, A. J. | 127th P. V. I. | H |

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