Exchanged and Paroled Prisoners
forwarded to
Columbus, O.
April 1, 1863

Source: National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107
Sergeant McCorde assumes command of the detachment, April 1, 1863
Name |
Rank |
Company |
Albach W. W. | Private | 7th Cavalry | |
Craig, J. H. | Private | 77th P.V.I. | |
Cumy, Alford | Private | 7th Cavalry | |
Hartzbaugh, W. A. | Sergeant | 7th Cavalry | D |
Maxwell, Charles | Private | 77th P.V.I. | |
Miller, Robt. B. | Private | 7th Cavalry | D |
Rimis (?), W. W. | Private | 7th Cavalry | |
Roberts, A. | Private | 7th Cavalry | D |
Schwep, F. | Private | 51st P.V.I. | K |
Steven, Josiah | Private | 9th Cavalry | E |
Wilson, Chas. F. | Private | 15th P.V.I. | L |

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