Exchanged Prisoners
forwarded to Washinton, D. C.
June 1, 1863

Source: National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107
Sergeant McCulloch, 12th Pennsylvania Cavalary, assumes command of the detachment, May 29, 1863
Name |
Rank |
Company |
Ashcroft, J. P. | Private | 8th Reserves | G |
Bruge, David | Private | 17th Cavalry | A |
Cooper, David | Private | 16th Cavalry | K |
Danallie, David M. | Private | 52d | D |
Darnell, James C. | Private | 8th Reserves | D |
Hamilton, William H. | Private | 40th | D |
Mattocks, Elias | Private | 16th Cavalry | K |
Maxwell, William | Private | 8th Reserves | C |
McUmber, Michale | Private | 6th Reserves | H |
Minnes, John | Private | 8th Reserves | H |
Mintyn, John H. | Private | 16th Cavalry | K |
Ness, John | Private | 2d Cavalry | M |
Porter, Robert | Private | 14th Cavalry | L |
Smith, James | Private | 8th Reserves | G |
White, Arthur M. | Private | 17th Cavalry | A |

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