Sick and Wounded Prisoners of War
from Pennsylvania
Delivered on Parole at City Point, Va., July 22, 1862

National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107, Box No. 1, File No. 6.
The register is signed by Jas. D. Cullen, Chief Surgeon, C. S. A. Note on the last page of this register the following was added to the title: "Register of Patients Recieved on Board the Ship "Spaulding" at City Point on the 22nd day of July 1862"
Name |
Rank |
Regiment |
Baker, John | Corporal | 11th | K |
Besson, James | Private | 85th | I |
Biner, George N. | Corporal | 9th Reserves | H |
Brocksmith, Aug't. | Private | 9th Reserves | B |
Caddon, Jos. | Private | 81st | I |
Carl, James | Private | 81st | K |
Chapman, Chas. M. | Corporal | 4th Reserves | H |
Clark, Jas. | Private | 1st Reserves | F |
Collins, Jas. | Private | 31st | G |
Dawson, Alex. | Private | 10th Reserves | F |
Day, Nathan | Private | 85th | A |
DeBenneville, F. S. | Surgeon | 11th |
Devallence, M. G. | Private | 105th | B |
Dole, Jacob F. | Private | 63d | F |
Drake, Wm. | Private | 63d | K |
Elinde, John | Private | 81st | A |
Ellis, ?? | Assistant Surgeon | 6th Cavalry | |
Ellsworth, W. F. | Private | 57th | D |
Fourty, Mathew | Private | 98th | C |
Frany, Matthew | Private | 98th | C |
Frimlee, David | Private | 5th Reserves | E |
Gardner, Albert | Private | 3d Reserves | I |
Gilbert, Jacob R. | Sergeant | 72d | H or K |
Gordscott (?), D. B. | Private | 57th | D |
Hall, Joseph | Master Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | B |
Harrison, David | Private | 31st | D |
Harrison, T. S. | Corporal | 7th Reserves | K |
Harz, Josiah | Private | 57th | G |
Hatterick, Franklin | Private | 105th | G |
Hellings, E. R. | Private | 3d Reserves | I |
Herr, Jas. | Private | 69th | H |
Hodgler, L. F. | Private | 105th | E |
Hooker, John A. | Private | 63d | I |
Keller, Martin | Private | 1st Reserves | B |
Keppler, Andrew | Private | 5th Reserves | F |
Klinger, John | Private | 105th | D |
Koons, J. K. | Private | 7th Reserves | F |
Kribs, George | Private | 62d | C |
Lahr, Rich. | Corporal | 5th Reserves | C |
Laile/Caile, Podesti | Private | 13th Reserves | F |
Lennoner, Elijah | Private | 53d | C |
Linden, Jacob | Private | 106th | E |
Lloyd, Wm. | Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | H |
Lour, John | Private | 61st | I |
Lummerson, Robt. | Private | 7th Reserves | D |
Macbeth, John | Private | 71st | H |
McClean, John | Private | 1st Reserves | B |
McCullock, Jas. | Corporal | 10th Reserves | C |
McCullough, Joseph | Private | 6th Reserves | F |
McDonald, Edw. W. | Private | 72d | E |
McDonald, Wm. | Private | 2d Reserves | E |
Meinch, Michael | Private | 81st | F |
Mondell, Thomas B. | Private | 9th Reserves | D |
Morgan, Wm. W. | Private | 9th Reserves | C |
Murphy, Jas. | Sergeant | 72d | A |
Peters, George W. | Private | 5th Reserves | E |
Riddle, W. S. | Private | 6th Cavalry | D |
Ruschenburger, Henry | Private | 61st | B |
Sanderson, Harvey | Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | A |
Saneal, Thomas | Private | 11th | K |
Saxon, Theo. | Private | 6th Cavalry | H |
Schultz, Dan'l. | Private | 7th Reserves | C |
Serfish, Thomas | Private | 4th Reserves | F |
Shepher, R. M. | Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | A |
Smith, John W. | Private | 10th Reserves | G |
Smith, T. L. | Private | 6th Cavalry | E |
Smyres, Benj. | Private | 62d | I |
Stewart, Jas. L. | Private | 72d | M |
Strussik, Thomas L. | Private | 6th Cavalry | A |
Swank, Joseph | Private | 11th | F |
Sweetwood, Dan'l. | Private | 103d | A |
Telinski/Selinski, Alan | Private | 4th Reserves | C |
Templeton, John A. | Musician | 101st | K |
Urban, John W. | Private | 1st Reserves | D |
Van Beck, Alex. S. | 1st Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | H |
Van Loup, E. H. | Hospital Steward | 6th Cavalary | |
Walls, John | Private | 2d Reserves | B |
Weston, J. R. | Private | 7th Reserves | F |
Wickeroth, John | Private | 9th Reserves | G |
Wirth, Fred'k. | Private | 72d | G |
Wolder, Andrew | Private | 96th | F |
Woodward, Thomas | Private | 5th Reserves | I |
Woodworth, Nathan | Private | 7th Reserves | F |
Young, And. G. | Private | 105th | G |

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