Paroled Prisoners of War Received on Board
U. S. S. Hospital Tranport "Kennebec"
from City Point, Va.,
July 25, 1862

National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107, Box No. 1, File No. 8.
Name |
Rank |
Regiment |
Anderson, Robert | Private | 9th | G |
Armstrong, Lee | Private | 8th | A |
Ball, James A. | Private | 57th | B |
Band, Daniel | Private | 6th Cavalry | K |
Barlow, Wm. | Private | 14th | H |
Belezli, David | Private | 61st | D |
Bell, John P. | Private | 11th | E |
Black, J. R. | Private | 11th | C |
Brown, Thomas | Private | 6th Cavalry | D |
Burchard, James | Corporal | 83d | E |
Butterfield, Hamilton | Private | 83d | B |
Caldwell, Alfred | Bugler | 72d | E |
Caly, Wm. | Private | 5th | K |
Canavin, Joseph | Private | 31st | K |
Carson, Chas. H. | Corporal | 7th | E |
Carson, Oliver | Private | 62d | E |
Chase, G. W. | Private | 1st | D |
Chrise, Nath'l. | Private | 11th | D |
Collins, Eben B. | Sergeant | 6th Cavalry | E |
Cook, Geo. W. | Private | 72d | K |
Cunner, Michael | Private | 31st | C |
Cunningham, Albert | Private | 6th Cavalry | A |
Curth, James | Private | 81st | H |
Custer, Cornelius | Private | 85th | F |
Davis, John W. | Private | 4th | K |
Diesinger, Michale | Private | 5th | K |
Durnad, George W. | Corporal | 9th | D |
Eastburn, Frank | Private | 95th | E |
Fox, James | Private | 95th | C |
Gamble, John M. | Private | 11th | G |
Garland, Cornelius G. | Private | 7th | I |
Gifford, O. F. | Private | 83d | I |
Graff, Sustamus | Private | 83d | E |
Graham, D. W. | Private | 11th | D |
Granes, John F. | Private | 13th | F |
Gray, Joseph | Private | 5th | A |
Green, Wm. H. | Private | 96th | B |
Greschieldish, Fred'k | Private | 98th | C |
Griffen, Thos. | Private | 83d | A |
Haddock, Worceser | Private | 8th | D |
Hagerman, Sam'l K. | Private | 7th | A |
Hazlitt, Jos. B. | Private | 11th | D |
Hickey, Michael | Private | 3d | G |
Hodges, Samuel G. | Corporal | 10th | D |
Holcroft, Wm. | Private | 8th | F |
Houghtner, Geo. | Private | 11th | C |
Hubert, Joseph | Private | 90th | C |
Jines, Chas. W. | Private | 81st | H |
Johnson, Eml. | Private | 4th | H |
Kidder, Christian | Private | 83d | D |
Knfiner, Chas. F. | Corporal | 10th Reserves | I |
Lacy, Joseph | Private | 4th | K |
Lennett, David | Private | 11th | F |
Lloyd, Thomas | Private | 5th | G |
Mayer, Wm H. | Private | 49th | I |
Maynard, Chas. | Corporal | 57th | D |
McAlban, Silas | Private | 83d | G |
McBride, Michael | Private | 96th | F |
McFarland, John | Private | 1st | B |
Mitchell, Ed. W. | Private | 71st | G |
Murphy, John M. | Private | 6th Cavalry | C |
Myer, Henry A. | Private | 98th | H |
Myers, George | Private | 71st | K |
NcNully, James | Private | 81st | D |
Neveling, Wm. | Private | 71st | D?? |
Page, David | Private | 6th Cavalry | A |
Parker, Alex H. | Private | 63d | D |
Riker, Florian | Bugler | 98th | C |
Ruth, Walter | Private | 7th | I |
Sears, ?? | Private | 62d | K |
Seaton, R. M. | Private | 103d | I |
Shora, Leonard | Private | 9th | D |
Sloan, Wm. A. | Private | 57th | A |
Smith, L. W. | Private | 4th | F |
Spear, Robt. | Private | 105th | H |
Spires, L. | Private | 11th | I |
Strawbridge, Wm. | Corporal | 104th | H |
Sulllivan, Michael | Private | 61st | F |
Thompson, J. A. | Private | 71st | B |
Thorne, B. L. | Private | 105th | D |
Wilson, Bruce P. | Private | 1st Artillery | B |
Winter, Thos. W. | Private | 7th | D |
Wolf, Louis | Private | 11th | C |
Young, Robert P. | Private | 72d | F |

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