Paroled Prisoners of War Transferred to
Hospital Tranport "Knickerbocker"
from City Point, Va.,
July 22, 1862

National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107, Box No. 1, File No. 5.
The register is signed by Jas. D. Cullen, Surgeon, C. S. A.
Name |
Rank |
Regiment |
Adams, Sam'l M. | Private | 62d | H |
Aitken, Julius C. | Private | 2d Reserves | E |
Ashton, Wm. | Private | 9th Reserves | H |
Bailey, Dan'l. D. | Corporal | 12th Reserves | G |
Baker, Cosmo W. | Private | 9th Reserves | F |
Barr, Henry D. | Private | 1st Artillery | A |
Baur, Jacob | Sergeant | 11th | D |
Bettinger, Wm. | Private | 12th | C |
Boumagn, Thos. J. | Private | 83d | H |
Boyd, Jas. | Private | 4th Reserves | D |
Bradley, Wm. | Private | 81st | F |
Buchanan, And. L. | Private | 43d | F |
Buchanan, Henry | Private | 62d | E |
Burhham, Wm. | Private | 8th Reserves | G |
Burke, Thos. | Private | 96th | I |
Cable, Jesse F. | Private | 9th Reserves | F |
Call, Bernard | Corporal | 63d | F |
Cameron, Rob. | Private | 72d | ?? |
Campbell, John C. | Private | 85th | B |
Carr, Dan'l | Private | 11th | H |
Choma/Lhoma, Christian | Private | 62d | C |
Christman, S. W. | Corporal | 62d | I |
Coleman, Chas. | Private | 95th | K |
Comer, Wm. | Private | 5th Reserves | E |
Cook, Geo. L. | Private | 1st PA Rifles | B |
Coyle, Ed. | Private | 1st (or 9th) Reserves | F |
Cunningham, Clark | Private | 11th | I |
Cuskagen, Jas. M. | Private | 23d | G |
Daugherty, John B. | Private | 7th Reserves | H |
Davis, Elias W. | Private | 85th | D |
Davison, Morris | Private | 6th Cavalry/Rush's Lancers | A |
Divan/Sloan, Chris. | Private | 62d | F |
Dodds, W. F. | Private | 11th | D |
Draing, Wm. J. | Corporal | 2d Reserves | A |
Dudley, Thos. | Private | 96th | I |
Dunbar, Henry L. | Private | 9th Reserves | F |
Earley, Henry C. | Private | 9th Reserves | H |
Eming, Emanual | Corporal | 1st Reserves | G |
Evans, Wm. H. | Private | 7th Reserves | K |
Fox, John B. | Private | 62d | E |
Fulmer, Frank | Private | 5th Reserves | F |
Fulton, Matt. H. | Corporal | 9th Reserves | H |
Gardner, Wm. | Private | 69th | I |
Gillespie, Asa S. | Private | 9th Reserves | A |
Gilmore, Hugh H. | Corporal | 103d | I |
Glen, Wellington | Private | 10th Reserves | A |
Griffith, Sam'l J. | Sergeant | 3d Reserves | C |
Haldeman, Sam'l | Private | 4th Reserves | K |
Haldeman, Wm. J. | Private | 11th | C |
Hammond, Francis | Private | 85th | A |
Harrigan, Mason O. | Private | 83d | A |
Harris, Edw. | Private | 6th Cavalry | K |
Hartman, John | Private | 5th Reserves | D |
Haupt, Jas. S. M. | Private | 1st Reserves | F |
Haverstock, Benj. L. | Private | 6th Cavalry | B |
Heckley, David | Private | 1st Reserves | I |
Henderson, Jas. W. | Private | 9th Reserves | F |
Henderson, Sam'l. | Private | 83d | G |
Hibbard, Fred. | Private | 2d Reserves | A |
Hicken, Hen. L. | Private | 7th Reserves | A |
Hobbs, John | Private | 96th | I |
Hoge, Wm. | Private | 83d | G |
Horan, Stephen | Private | 96th | I |
Huff, ?? | Private | 2d Reserves | A |
Hunter, Alex. R. | Private | 57th | I |
Johnston, John F. | Private | 72d | C |
Jones, Henry J. | Private | 1st PA Rifles | B |
Jones, Jer. B. | Private | 8th Reserves | G |
Jones, Lemuel W. | Corporal | 6th Cavalry | E |
Kelso, Geo. | Private | 9th Reserves | H |
Kepler, Aaron | Private | 11th | C |
King, Geo. W | Private | 1st Reserves | E |
King, John | Private | 4th Reserves | B |
Kittenberg, Hen. | Corporal | 63d | C |
Kountz, John J. | Corporal | 9th Reserves | I |
Kuhns, David | Private | 96th | C |
Laverty, John | Private | 62d | A |
Lawson, Neal | Corporal | 62d | E |
Lefevre, Wm. C. | Private | 63d | B |
Litchfield, DeForest | Private | 9th Reserves | F |
Little, Jas H. | Corporal | 83d | B |
Lothrop, Jos. | Corporal | 2d Reserves | C |
Luftch, James | Private | 103d | C |
Lyle/Lyles, Eben. D. | Private | 83d | K |
Marce, Wm. | Private | 6th Cavalry | A |
Margurum, Lewis | Private | 3d Reserves | G |
Markham, Henry H. | Private | 11th | A |
McClellan, Wm. | Private | 7th Reserves | H |
McDonnell, John M. | Private | 102d | F |
McElheney, Rob. | Private | 11th | C |
McGifford, Silas | Private | 83d | I |
McKee, Hugh P. | Private | 63d | F |
McManus, John | Corporal | 8th Reserves | A |
McMaster, Wm. | Private | 8th Reserves | A |
Means, John E. | Private | 81st | G |
Micam, Jasper | Private | 8th | D |
Michle, Clark | Private | 83d | E |
Miller, August | Private | 9th Reserves | D |
Miltoney, Geo. W. | Corporal | 1st Reserves | A |
Mitchell, Percy | Private | 1st PA Rifles | D |
Moleyam, Thos. | Private | 96th | I |
Murphy, Jer. | Corporal | 62d | L |
Noland, John | Private | 53d | C |
Oakley, Ric'd. | Private | 8th | A |
O'Donnor, Dominick | Private | 96th | F |
Ohmit, Sam'l K. | Private | 1st Reserves | D |
Prentice, Wm. | Corporal | 2d Reserves | E |
Quiggan, Jas M. | Private | 31st | E |
Quinn, John | Private | 96th | F |
Riesel, Adolph | Private | 71st | B |
Robb, Algenon | Private | 60th | A |
Rogers, Wm. D. | Private | 9th Reserves | A |
Scales, Isaac |
Private |
71st |
?? |
Semfit, Francis | Private | 1st Reserves | I |
Shephard, Jas. M. | Private | 11th | C |
Smith, Ezra | Private | 53d | K |
Smith, Geo. A. | Private | 8th Reserves | C |
Smith, Sam'l. E. | Private | 7th Reserves | A |
Smyers, Dan'l G. | Private | 105th | A |
Snyder, Hen. | Corporal | 4th Reserves | I |
Snyder, Joshua | Private | 57th | F |
Standy, Valentine | Private | 9th Reserves | D |
Stuart, David M. | Private | 1st Reserves | K |
Thompson, Wm. C. | Corporal | 9th Reserves | H |
Thyre, Wm. | Private | 7th Reserves | A |
Tollson, ? F. | Private | 10th Reserves | A |
Wacking, Sam'l. | Private | 49th | G |
Waggoner, John | Private | 11th | B |
Wein, Solomon | Private | 62d | I |
Welsh, Wm. | Private | 69th | C |
Westbrook, John H. | 1st Lt. | 49th | D |
Whitesell, Oliver | Private | 7th Reserves | D |
Wick, Henry M. | Sergeant | 8th Reserves | A |
Wilkisson, Jas. | Private | 6th Reserves | I |
Wilson, Thos. E. | Private | 62d | H |
Woolerton, Nelson | Private | 4th Reserves | K |
Zimmerman, Wm. | Sergeant | 7th Reserves | A |

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