Paroled Prisoners of War
Sharpsburg, Md.
September 18, 1862

Source: National Archives Record Group No. 249, Entry 107
We, the undersigned prisoners of war, do solemnly swear that having given our parole, we will no longer take up arms, nor in any other way, in military operations against the Confederate States of America until such time as we are duly exchanged.
Last Name |
First Name |
Company |
O'Brien | Patrick | 69th P. V. I. | B |
Custus | F. Clark | 10th P. V. I. | K |
Welsh | Partick T. | 69th P. V. I. | K |
Costello | James A. | 69th P. V. I. | C |
Anderson | William | 71st P. V. I. | F |
Stayline | George W. | 71st P. V. I. | F |
Sculling | Martin | 69th P. V. I. | G |
McAnally | Peter | 106th P. V. I. | I |
Gray | Thomas | 71st P. V. I. | K |
Rudman | John | 69th P. V. I. | C |
Bell | John | 69th P. V. I. | A |

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