Departure of the Brady Guards

Source: The Brookville Republican, June 8, 1864.

On last Wednesday morning the Brady Guards, Capt. E. R. Brady, left here for Camp Wright , near Pittsburg .  The Guards wore red flannel overshirts and black belts, and as they marched out of town, each one with his musket, with their colors flying and band playing while following was their brass cannon and baggage wagons, they presented quite a soldierly appearance.  They are all strong, ablebodied young men, the majority of whom have been used to lumbering, and will be able to bear the fatigue of a long march.  Our town was crowded at an early hour with the friends of the volunteers who had come to witness their departure and say good-bye.  Many tears fell from eyes unused to weeping as father parted with their brave boys.  Many of the brave fellows sprang from the ranks as their eyes fell upon some loved one, to bid a last adieu.  But we were glad to see the firmness and cheerfulness that they all displayed.  They were accompanied by a large number of our citizens to Troy, where a sumptuous dinner was prepared for them at the hotels, free of charge.






U. S. C. T.

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