Source: The Brookville Republican, June 22, 1864.
Camp 1st Pa. V. V. Rifles
Mr. John Scott
Near Gaines Mill, Va.
June 9, 1864
Sir: As there is a temporary lull in the terrible engagements, or series of battles, which has lasted without interruption for the last 30 days, I will now briefly write a few facts and instances connected with our old company, regiment and acquaintances in other parts of this army. On the 5th of May the Reserves made a charge on the rebels, but were repulsed, and, while endeavoring to rally, the rebels flanked them and prisoners of quite a number of Co. K; 6 in number were reported missing. At that time it was not definitely known who was killed or wounded among them, whether all or any, and I see by reference to your paper that Capt. Ed Scofield was reported killed. This I am happy to state is an error as the following brief note which was received today will correct:Lynchburg, Va.
Commanding Officer of Co. K,
May 8, 1864
11th Reg't. P. V. R. C. I will write you few lines to let you know that we are prisoners, and are all well. Captain Ed Scofield, Calvin Galbreath, Samuel Steel, New Florence, Pa., and George Ittel are here. You will oblige us if you write to our homes. I remain your friend, T. L. Hall So, that matter is at rest; they are prisoners but when they will be released, exchanged or paroled is a question of time and the disposition of rebel rulers. In the engagement in what is called the Wilderness, on the 6th of May, private Milo Bryant was killed, and at "Old Church" on the 30th, private Thomas Lucas, also sacrificed his life on his country's alter.In this connection I will say, and in the assertion I will be supported by every member of the company that the above named martyrs were excelled by none as to devotion to their country, for their soldier-like conduct and intrepid bravery on the bloody battlefields of Virginia. Their loss to their families and to the country are irrepairable, but history will retain their names and deeds upon the brightest pages of individual and national glory. In the "Old Church" affair, we lost as missing Wm. Knapp, A. C. Wiant, James H. McKillips and Michael King. It is probable that they are all prisoners, and perhaps with their Captain and Batch No. I. Wm. Knapp's time expired on the next day, the 8th of May. Since the 30th of May we have been resting in the rear of the army re-organization the "Vets" and the recruits of the Reserve Corps. This will consists of two regiments, numbering about 2000 presetn and absent. I understand the old "Bucktails" are to be armed with the Spencer, or Enfield rifle; this point has not yet been settled. The veterans and recruits of Co. K of the 11th Regt. P. R. V. C., are now members of Co. I., 1st Pa. Rifles (Old Bucktails). Their names are as follows: Thos. Sallada, A. W. Perrin, COrnelius Adams, Leonard Grover, Alphius C. Cochrane, Elijah Bish, O. E. Davis, David Montgomery, J. P. Miller and H. S. Wiant. Letters directed as above will be received by them.
Yours Truly,
J. P. Miller
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