3rd Pennsylvania Reserves/

32d Pennsylvania Volunteers

Field and Staff Officers



Date of Muster
Into Service


Horatio G. Sickel Colonel May 27, 1861 Promoted from Captain Company K, to Colonel, June 21, 1861; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
Wm. S. Thompson Lt. Colonel July 28, 1861 Resigned July 9, 1862
John Clark Lt. Colonel May 31, 1861 Promoted from Captain, Field and Staff Officers, to Lt. Colonel, August 1, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
Rich. H. Woolworth Major June, 1861 Promoted to Lt. Colonel, 33d Regiment P. V., June 1, 1862
William Briner Major June 7, 1861 Promoted from Captain, Company D, toMajor, August 1, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
Albert H. Jamison Adjutant June 11, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 30, 1862
Harry S. Jones Adjutant July 28, 1861 Promoted from Sergeant Major, to 2d Lt. Company F, July 29, 1862; to Adjutant, October 1, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
Frank'n S. Bickley Quarter Master June 7, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 13, 1861
Strickland Yardley Quarter Master June 10, 1861 Promoted to Assistant Quarter Master, U. S. Volunteers, August 10, 1863
Levi S. Boyer Quarter Master July 28, 1861 Promoted to Quarter Master Sergeant, October 1, 1861; to Regimental Quarter Master, December 14, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
James Collins Surgeon July 28, 1861 Transferred to U. S. Volunteers, as Assistant Surgeon, April 14, 1864
Geo. L. Pancoast Assistant Surgeon July 28, 1861 Promoted to Surgeon U. S. Volunteers, Oct. 20, 1861
Henry S. Colston Assistant Surgeon November 2, 1861 Promoted to Surgeon, 81st Regiment P. V., August 19, 1862
Samuel S. Orr Assistant Surgeon July 13, 1862 Resigned March 13, 1863
George J. Rice Assistant Surgeon August 2, 1862 Resigned January 17, 1863
Stanton A. Welch Assistant Surgeon Jan. 29,'63 Mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
John P. Birchfield Assistant Surgeon May 29,'63 Left, at muster out, in charge of veterans from 32d and 33d Regiments, P. V.
James M. Hoffman Assistant Surgeon November 18, 1861 Not on muster-out roll
William H. Leake Chaplain June 5, 1861 Resigned February 28, 1862
George H. Frear Chaplain April 8, 1862 Resigned July 9, 1862
John J. Pomneroy Chaplain September 10, 1862 Mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
William P. Smith Sergeant Major May 27, 1861 Promoted to Sergeant Major, March 11 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
George M. Rhone Sergeant Major July 17, 1861 Proumoted to Sergeant Major, August 1, 1862; to 2d Lieutenant, Company B, March 1, 1863
Irvine C. Wright Quarter Master Sergeant May 29, 1861 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, November 1, 1862; to, Quarter Master Sergeant, March 13, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
Albert Briner Quarter Master Sergeant July 28, 1861 Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, September 30, 1861
D. C. Eppeheimer Commissary Sergeant June 7, 1861 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, March 1, 1864; mustered out with Company, June 17, 1864
Duval Doran Commissary Sergeant May 29,: 61 Promoted to Commissary Sergeant, June 1, 1861; discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, October 22, 1862
Lemuel Mitchell Hospital Steward May 27, 1861 Transferred as private, to Company K, Sept 30, 1861
Frank Niblo Hospital Steward September 4, 1861 Mustered out September 6, 1864; expiration of term
Charles K. Bechtel Principal Musician July 21, 1861 Promoted to Principal Musician, September 1, 1862; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1864
M. L. Huntzberger Principal Musician June 11, 1861 Promoted to principal musician, July, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, June 17, 1884
Source:  Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861; 1865 , Harrisburg, 1868-1871.






U. S. C. T.

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