By: L. W. Cushing
On June 21, 1864,
the 2d Army Corps was moved to the left of the army operating south of Richmond
and Petersburg and took up a position some distance south of Petersburg, built
some breastworks and lay there through the night. The next day in the forenoon
the Fourth Brigade of the First Division and how many more I do not know were
ordered to fall in and were soon moved or marched out into the woods in front of
where we were. We marched down an old wood road a hundred rods or more, the
filed to the left into the woods and brush and formed in line of battle. After
standing there some time and receiving no further orders the soldiers sat or lay
down on the ground. We supposed the officers were trying to establish or form a
line of battle. There were no regiments joining us the 53d PA, either on our
right or left that I knew of. While lying there the enemy, it would seem, had
come out into the woods to learn our position in order to meet attack from us or
make one. It would appear they marched through where our line was not connected
and got in our rear or nearly so, and when they discovered our position opened
fire on us. We sprang to our guns were ordered to about face and marched back to
the right of where we came in in order to pass the Rebs and reach the line we
left. The brush and small timber were so thick it was impossible to keep in
line, and were soon entirely broken up, and every man got back the best way he
could. When we got back to the breastworks we found them occupied by some of our
troops, and as our ranks were so entirely broken up we did not try to reform our
line there, but went farther to the rear. As I came over the works and started
on, an officer of the men in the works called to the men to stop and form a line
on their left. I thought the enemy would not be able to drive us out of these
breastworks and I went back and took a position on the left of the men that were
there. At this time the firing was quite heavy a little farther up the line and
kept coming nearer us, and soon we heard some one coming in front of us but
could see no one as the bushes were so thick. Some said they thought they were
our men coming in and not to fire. I did not think they were, but to be sure I
went out in front of the line until I could see them quite plain and found they
were dressed in grey and what we called Rebs, came back and told them they were
"Rebs" and not our men. The bushes were so thick we could not see more than four
or five rods, but when they came near enough so we could see the bushes move as
they made their way through them, opened fire on them. They stopped a
half-minute or less, and then began to yell and came on. I had not fired more
than twice and got my gun loaded when I noticed a big Reb about sixty feet away
at my left. He stood behind a clump of tall bushes as large as my wrist. I
sighted my gun for him which he noticed and jumped about to avoid my getting a
good aim, but I fired, did not have time to note the effect, for just then a few
bayonets were pushed over the works near my head and as many more were behind,
with the order to surrender. They had gone around our left and come up behind us
while we were engaged with those in front. We were ordered to put down our guns,
and were taken back through the woods nearly a half mile where there was a large
farm with a fine house around which were quite a number of officers on
horseback. Our guards took us "prisoners," of which there were a dozen or more
in our squad, near them and reported to one of them, then took us off to the
right through their works and marched us towards Petersburg, we were several,
miles south of it. I think the firing had ceased entirely before this. After the
prisoners were all brought in and got together there were some 1500 in all. I
wish to say right here that this whole affair seems to have been a stupid
blunder on the part of some of our officers. There should have been a heavy line
of Skirmishers sent out in advance of us to have given the alarm of the enemies'
approach, and held them in check till we could have got in position to meet
their attack. Perhaps some of the officers were drunk, for I remember the
previous evening the soldiers had a ration of whisky given to them, and as many
in Co. G, did not drink the stuff, those that did drink had enough to get very
drunk, and a few were left behind on that account when we went into the woods.
It was very seldom that whisky was given the soldiers, at least in our brigade
or regiment. Sometimes those of us who did not drink would take it and throw it
away to keep those that were very fond of it from getting too much for their
good. It was kept in the commissary department, and officers could buy it any
time they wished, and when in camp would sometimes give a private an order for a
canteen. Then some of them would have a gay old time, but to return to the
subject. We marched to Petersburg that night and camped, the next day marched to
Richmond about 25 miles and were put in Libby Prison. We were obliged to go in
single file before a man who searched our pockets, clothing and haversacks for
money, watches, or anything of value; were obliged to strip off our clothing for
them to examine. We were told if we had any money and would give it to them we
would be given credit for it, and when exchanged it would be returned to us. We
did not place much confidence in their promises and some in devious ways hid
their money so it was not found, but they secured quite an amount of money from
the men, and I'll warrant none of them ever saw it again. I had a little of what
we called script, 5, 10, 25 or 50 cents paper money, which they did not care
for. They had quite a long table or bench on which the contents of our
haversacks were emptied and sorted over. All the coffee we had in little sacks
they took and threw in a pile in the corner of the room near the end of the
table around which we passed when they were through with us. I had nearly a pint
in my sack, and as they threw it on the pile it rolled under the edge of the
table, and the next one that passed along gave it a kick, that sent it to the
other side where I was still standing. So I had my coffee again. The building
was a large brick warehouse three stories high. Were kept there some three days.
It being warm weather we had no blankets, and I can't say now whether we had our
shelter tents, and gum blankets. If we had anything that would be of any service
to their men they took it. Our food or rations consisted of corn bread baked in
large tins about 1½ inch in thickness, cut in squares about four inches and
nearly a pint of beans and soup together; this for one day. Many of the boys
would eat it all at one time and have no more till the next day. I always
divided mine, eating half in the forenoon and the balance at night. Their were
only 7 men that belonged to the 53d Regiment, myself the only one from Co. G,
one from Co. K, Corporal Hays, 2 or 3 of Co., E, and others. Some I knew quite
well others only by sight. We were taken from Libby onto Bell Island in the
James River had tents for shelter, the men of 53d were in one tent together. For
all we were prisoners and not very well fed, I remember one night we got to
singing some old hymns and camp-meeting pieces. One of them the others sang was
new to me, the chorus was "If you belong to Gideon's band." We made so much
noise the guard called to us to make less noise in there. Being soldiers we
quickly obeyed.
We were kept prisoners on Bell Island three days, then
were put aboard the cars and started for Lynchburg, where we arrived about 4
P.M. Three days' rations were issued to us consisting of seven brown crackers
about 4 inches square and a little more than ½ inch thick and a few ounces of
bacon. These were to last till we got to Danville where we were able to take the
cars for Andersonville, GA. I began to watch for opportunities to escape. As
soon as we left Richmond, the car windows were up and the doors open with a few
guards at each door and a few on top of the car. I thought when it came dark
would let myself down out of a window drop down on the ground and lie still till
the train passed by; but someone tried it before it was fairly dark and ran for
the woods near by. The guards saw them and ordered them to halt, but did not
fire. (The guards were boys and old men, too young and too old for active
service.) As soon as this happened they closed all windows. I see by this
incident we must have been on the cars all night and part of next day. The road
was very rough and there were many stops. After drawing rations were marched up
through Lynchburg (the city is built on a side hill) and about five miles out in
the country and camped in a meadow by a small creek where I could see no chance
to hide or get away. In the morning took up our march again for Danville, some
70 miles away. There was a chance through the day, by running some risk of being
shot, by skipping into the woods by the side of the road when the guards, who
marched on each side of us, left quite an open space between them, and it was
said two boys did get out in that way. Just at night we crossed the Staunton
River went into camp on the south side. There was a strip of brush and small
trees along the river and a steep bank up to the cleared field. The guards were
placed along this bank and down the river above and below us, with some on the
spirate of the river. Had told the boys I was acquainted with, I should get away
if I saw a chance. After dark I began to look around to find a place to hide.
There was quite a pile of flood wood near by. I found a hole on one side, where
by backing in managed to push the brush and dirt away so I got entirely inside.
There was a small log bedded in the sand, and one lay above it, could just crowd
myself through by lying flat. After getting it fixed as good as I could, went
and lay down with the rest of the boys; did not sleep much; was awake about 3
o'clock in the morning; went to the river and got my cup full of water and set
it inside of my hole, then crawled in backward, put out my hand and pulled all
the brush and leaves I could reach to stop up the hole near my head. Soon after
light guards called prisoners up to get their breakfast and be ready to march
in. Gathering wood to make a fire they got on the pile over me and one of them
broke through and stood on me. He did not know it and I said nothing. I heard my
comrades talking about me and wondering where I was. It seems strange now that I
did not tell them all about it; but did not want the responsibility of looking
after anyone but myself. About 6 o'clock or sooner the guards told the men to
move out and get ready to march. One of them passed along within a few feet of
me, but was not looking so low for men and did not see me. My position was not
very comfortable, and after the men were all gone I twisted around some to
relieve my aching body. When the men broke in the brush over me the dirt and
sand rattled down in my neck, so took a red handkerchief and put over my head
and neck. After an hour or more two boys about 10 years old, one colored, came
down in where the men camped, looking around to see what they might find,
probably. They came toward me. I drew my hand up toward my body. They saw the
motion threw up their hands exclaiming "What have I found." I heard a guard say
to the one in command that there were three or four men sick. He told him to
take them up to the house and leave a guard with them. The thought flashed
through my head they would run and tell there was a man down there and they
would be after me. So the boy had no more than got the words out of his mouth
than I said, "Nothing that will hurt you," and began to work myself out. When
out and on my feet the boys were out of sight. I took my sack that held my few
things and started down the river near the edge of the water where there were no
brush to hinder, hardly think the grass grew under my feet. On my way I passed
under a small tree that had blown over. The but lay on the stub 8 feet from the
ground. Glancing up under the top I saw two comrades lying up under it. I
scarcely halted, but said to them-"I got discovered and had to dig out." My
thought was, if anyone tried to catch me, they would have a better chance to
escape. I ran down one-half mile then turned into a little hollow into the woods
to the top of the hill. Being out of breath and seeing no signs of being
followed sat down to rest and think. Had expected when I hid that morning to lie
there all day or till dark. Soon made up my mind to take a north-west course and
try and get into West Virginia. I knew from the study of geography that if I
could get over the Blue Ridge Mountains on to the streams that run in the Ohio
River I would be all right. Proceeded to cut a good heavy walking stick,
thinking at the same time it might come handy as a weapon of defense if there
would be an occasion for it. Will give a list of my outfit. The inside of my
haversack, a stout factory cloth sack about 12 inches wide and 14 inches deep,
the little sack of coffee, a handful of salt tied in a rag, a few ounces of
meat, my quart cup, four or five crackers a few sheets of letter paper, and old
pocket knife. It was a fine summer morning. Took my course northwest by the sun,
and started traveling only in the woods or old fields back from the houses or
roads. Soon crossed the road (the other boys went south) went on my way. Nothing
of interest happened that day. When night came lay in the woods and slept till
day light. This was the 2d day of July 1864, at night. The next morning was not
feeling very well, but soon started on my way. Came out into a field and saw a
small river in front of me. Was favored in finding a small boat near by in which
I pushed across with a pole, (part missing). Went on, crossed a large farm and
took a road that went into the wood and up a little valley. After going about a
mile saw a log house across the brook in a small clearing. As I had no matches
or any way to start a fire thought I would sit down till the folks came out and
see if it looked safe to make a call. In a short time smoke came out of the
chimney, then a woman opened the door. In a short time several children came out
the largest about 12 years old. After waiting longer and seeing no man appear,
went over to the house, knocked at the door. I said good morning, and asked if I
could get something to eat or breakfast. She said I could, such as they had.
Told her had just come from Lee's Army and was heading home. She said her
husband had been in the army. Was at home, but did not stay around the house. He
had come without leave or deserted. He had been up in Pennsylvania, probably at
Gettysburg and had told her how better it appeared than in the South-nice
houses, farms and barns, seemed so much better in every respect. She said when
he first went into the army he drew some pay and sent her; then he did not get
any pay, and the town officials helped her to provide for her family, then they
failed to help. There were six children. That was why he came home. Said she
made some of the folks mad at her by saying she didn't care much if the yanks
did beat the South if the war would stop. Concluded she was not one of the
radical Secesh women we had read about, and told her I was a Union Soldier taken
prisoner; got away and wanted to go through Western Virginia to our lines. She
said well, I would give one soldier something to eat as soon as another. Our
breakfast consisted of corn bread baked in a kettle with heavy iron lid covered
with hot coals and ashes, and new potatoes boiled, with little if anything else
but salt to eat with them. I asked if she could give me a few matches. She said
she had none, but would give me a piece of punk they started a fire with if it
went out when they covered up coals in the fireplace. She gave me a piece about
one inch square and ½ inch thick. There were plenty of white flint stones. Found
one that was much like an Indian Arrow, sharp on each edge. With that and my old
knife and the dryest of rotten wood could start a fire. She gave me a piece of
bread to take with me. I gave her a few sheets of letter paper. Her name was
Susan Leffrage.
After breakfast I went on my way traveling over hills and
through valleys. Sometimes following old log roads when they went the way I
wished to go. In following a footpath along a brook I very unexpectedly met two
ladies, to whom I bowed and said good morning. I began to find some ripe
dewberries which I was glad to pick and eat. I cannot keep track of the days
from now on, but will give the incidents in order they happened as near as
possible. The first man I spoke with was a slave. I met him in the wood as I
crossed a road, talked with him some. He said the colored folks would befriend
me if they could (unless it was one sat a good deal on by his master). He
advised me if I made any arrangements to meet any one to bring me food not to be
just in the place named but a little way off to see if any one else came. As I
seldom saw a man in the roads or fields I began to be more bold and traveled in
the roads. One day I passed a gristmill. It was not running; the door was open
and no one in sight. I went in and looked around, found some ground feed, put
some in my sack to make a pudding of. I was following a small stream up into the
mountains. I was in the road and met an old man with a gun; did not stop to talk
with him. I soon came to the end of this road at the mouth of a deep gulf the
little stream came down, but found a footpath that went up the hill through the
woods quite steep and nearly a mile to the top of it, came out to a large farm.
It appeared to be the top or summit of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I saw a man in
a hay field and concluded to go and talk with him. He looked like an invalid, I
told him I had been in the army. He said the report was there were hundreds of
Confederate soldiers passing through that section that lived in that mountain
country, deserters from the Rebel army. In this section I saw a sign to the
Natural Bridge, one to Blue Sulphur Springs and one to White Sulphur Springs.
One day I passed three log cabins in the edge of the woods. I went to the door
of one and looked in, there were two of the largest colored women I ever saw. I
asked if they could give me something to eat. They said they had nothing in the
house to eat. When I came out of the woods I saw a large farm and a number of
slaves harvesting wheat, with an old man as overseer. About this time I came
across the trail where some of the army of West Virginia that had tried to
capture Lynchburg had gone back. Thinking if this trail were followed it would
take me where I wished to go I concluded to follow it, but as I did not dare
follow the main road I soon got off the trail. When I arrived at the mouth of
the stream, after dark, where I supposed it emptied into a larger one, I waded
across, went a little farther and lay down for the night. In the morning I
started and after walking some time came to a small farm with a log house. Being
out of provisions thought best to try and get something to eat. After watching a
while and seeing no one but a woman and a girl I went to the house and asked for
breakfast, saying I had been in the army and was going home. She said I could
have breakfast with them. I soon learned her sympathies were with the Southern
army, and thought best not to disagree with her. She asked me where I lived and
I told her in Greene County, in West Virginia, which seem to satisfy her. I
can't say today whether anyone could find such a county to the state or not.
After breakfast I thanked her and departed. It was a dark cloudy day, but
thought I started out right. Following up a small valley into the hills and
woods (no road) came out on top of the hill into settled country after dark and
went into an old log barn to sleep. When I went out in the morning the sun was
just rising. Saw I was off my course, facing directly east instead of west. I
turned around and started northwest again. A day or two after came to the army
trail again, going down a creek; crossed it and started up a road toward the
Hills beyond. This was early Sunday morning. Soon came to a house and barn on
the right of the road. There was a board fence between me and the barn and
through the crack I saw a man going to the barn. Passing the house saw on it a
sign McCartney House". Had gone about 20 rods when I was startled by a man
bellowing "Hold on there Mr., hold on, I say"! Looking back over my shoulder I
saw a man standing in the road in front of the house. I kept right on my way,
and he called the same way again. Did not stop but looked back to see what he
would do. He was going to the house on a run, I knew for a gun. There was a
creek on the left of the road with a bank some 30 feet high, then a field. I
turned and went up that into the field, crossed it till I came where it sloped
the other way. I stopped and looked back toward the road and saw him come up
where I turned off. He had his gun and was looking for me. A few steps took me
out of his sight, and I went on into the woods. Had gone but a short distance
when I met two large dogs. They came bounding toward me growling and looking
very fierce. I picked up a good sized limb of a tree and started for them. They
retreated at once. I first thought they were sent out by the man that was
looking for me, but concluded they had been out on a hunt alone, often heard
hounds baying in the woods. I went on over the mountain and came down into
another valley, had heard guns fired several time in the direction I was going
when I came out to the field, saw two men nearly one-fourth of a mile away
coming towards me. I kept along the woods till came to a fence that ran across
the field with brushes along it that would hide me from them. Went down into the
valley and found a road going up it, and a small creek. It was near night and
had not had much to eat that day. So went to picking black raspberries that grew
along the bushes along the creek. Had worked along some 20 rods when I heard
some one talking but so indistinctly could not tell where they were, but thought
some one was in the road above me on the left. I then peeped out of the bushes
into the field on my right and cast my eyes up the stream and saw two young
fellows had just stepped into the field about 12 rods above me. Did not know
whether they saw me but stepped back quickly. As I did so the gravely bank gave
way, letting me slide to the bottom. Was quite sure they could hear the noise so
went back towards the road stepped behind some brush to see what they would do.
They went up the hill till they could look out and down into the bushes and
stopped. Soon the larger one, who had on the Rebel uniform called out "Come out
of there, come out of there I say. You might as well come out, you will be
surrounded and captured anyway." About the same time heard voices above me in
the road and thought to myself perhaps I am getting into a tight place. It was
but a few steps to the road and the mountain came close to the road covered with
bushes higher than my head. Made up my mind to get out of there quickly and
started as soon as the boys saw me. The soldier called out "Halt there, halt
there, I tell you".
As there was no halting done, he said to the other
"Run to the house and get a gun quick"! I went up the hill on more than a
double-quick. Getting up the hill some twenty-five rods, stopped behind some
bushes to get breath, and looked back through the bushes. Just then the boy came
out with the gun and asked "Where is he?" the other fellow said "He has got out
of sight up there in the bushes." After a little I went on my way.
I got up on the hill where I could look over the fields and see the log house, I
discovered it was the one that I passed by the Sunday before, when starting to
find and follow the army trail. I had been seen by the boys, perhaps by someone
when I passed the log house and took the same path the young men were in when
they halted me; and the man I met in the woods, and no doubt Mr. McCartney went
over there early in the day and had all the men out with their guns to capture
me; that was why the guns were fired. To let each other know they were going
home. When I came out into the fields it was nearly dark and soon lay down for
the night. In the morning took my course by the sun. Think it was that night
just at dark I came to a railroad and went down the track; soon passed a house
near the track. Two hounds came out towards me making a terrible bugleing with
their mouths. Heard a man come to the door. He saw me walking down the track,
called the dogs away, and went back into the house. After going less than a mile
passed a little hut near the road, but saw nor heard no one. After a little I
heard something that sounded like some one saying "halt" so faintly was not sure
whether it was a voice or not, but soon heard it again, then turned to the right
and went down a bank. As I came near the bottom ran into a lot of old sheet iron
which made a big racket, when some one called "halt, halt there!" As I did not
stop, and he could not see me he said "Well run then". Thought best to go up on
the mountain and wait till morning and see what the situation was. As soon as
awake in the morning went out and looked over the valley. Saw there was quite a
long bridge there and a few soldiers to guard it. The stream, a small one, ran
close to the foot of the hill, which was steep; went down to the stream some
ways above. As I stepped down to the water, and looked down the stream, saw two
soldiers fishing. They did not see me. There was a field of oats between the
creek and railroad. Went into them and down to the stream below; stepped down
and looked to see if the way was clear. There were two others fishing one above,
one below; crept back into the bushes and waited. After an hour or more they all
went down towards the bridge out of sight. I hurried across and went on. Toward
night came in sight of a village: found a young colored man cultivating corn and
talked with him. He said he was coming back the next day, but not very early;
said he would bring me something to eat. I stayed there till the middle of the
forenoon; he did not come and I went on. Must have crossed the railroad below
this village (Salem) about this time. Went into an old log barn after dark to
sleep; in the morning found a hen's nest with some ten eggs in it; took them
with me and cooked some of them for my breakfast; sometimes went through potato
fields dug some and put in my sack; when back in the woods where the fire or
smoke would not be seen cooked them in my quart cup and ate with a little salt.
Besides this I often got up to a cow and got quart of milk or more to drink and
with the berries did not suffer with hunger. The next morning passed a house
some distance from the road; a young woman came to the door and saw me. Heard
her say "there goes a Yankee." In an instant a man came to the door and looked
out at me but said nothing. A little farther on the road turned to the left into
the woods, then to the right where I saw a man coming on horseback. I jumped
into the brush, ran far enough to be out of sight and stopped. He rode up near
me, looked around and went on. The same forenoon I came down into a valley with
a small stream of water. As I crossed the stream and looked up the road to the
right where I wished to go, saw two young men coming towards me; concluded the
best way was to show no fear, met them, said good morning, and went on. (It is
past 45 years since this happened. It is a hard matter to recall all to mind and
connect it properly.) The next that comes to mind is traveling along a road and
coming in sight of some houses turned into the fields and started down a hill to
cross a small run or brook that came out of a deep gorge in the hills to my
right. There was a woods beyond and I was going into them. When about 12 rods
from the brook looked over the bushes growing along the creek and saw a man
standing in the road looking at me. I was going directly toward him; did not
hesitate an instant as to what to do, kept right on toward him till I came to
the bushes that hid me from him, then turned and went up the creek till I came
to a fence down the hill; went up to the other side, recrossed the road into the
woods on the other side. After going down into a deep gully and climbing to the
top of a high knob could see over the country to my left. About one-fourth of a
mile away was a river, some buildings, and quite a number of soldiers. The
situation was such I had to cross the road again and get into the woods on the
other side. (I thought at one time there were coal or iron mines near by.) After
getting across the road and fields went part way up the mountain into the thick
woods, made a fire and boiled some potatoes. For some reason my fire smoked more
than usual and was seen by some women that lived at the foot of the hill. They
called "put out that fire" a few times, but it was built on a large flat rock
and I went on with my dinner. As I finished eating heard them coming near. One
said "I wonder who under the sun built that fire?" I spread the brands around a
little and left. It was such bad traveling through the woods, I waited till
night and went down the road some way above where there were woods on both sides
and started up the river. After going nearly a mile noticed the road was turning
to the right more than I wished to go. As I had noticed a boat where I first
came to the river, I turned and went back; coming to the boat unwound the chain
by which it was fastened to a small sapling, laid it down carefully, took the
pole and gave a push or two out into the stream, when I heard voices on the
other side very low and indistinct. I pushed the boat back, fastened it, and
went up the stream a little and sat down waiting further developments. It was
not long before someone on the other side began yelling "hello" and was answered
from my side by some one below towards a house (section not readable) came down
the river. The other one asked if he had been to the boat and said "I heard the
chain rattle, there ought to be someone on that side", which sounded very much
as through they were watching for someone they were not likely to get after
hearing what I had. Went up the River a short distance, took some rails, laid
two in the edge of the water, laid two others across them, tied the corners with
bark peeled off some saplings, laid a few more rails across them. Sat down on
them with feet in the water and pushed across using my hand for oars. The water
was very still, no current, and I got over it nicely.
After two or three
days passed with nothing of interest transpiring. Came to what I thought was the
highest part of the Allegany Mountains. Remember crossing three mountains
parallel to each other. The road up the first one had trees felled across it, as
through troops had passed over it and did it to protect their rear or keep their
pursuers back. About his time I began to find large ripe blackberries for food.
After this came into a more open country and came to a little valley with the
water running to the northwest and felt sure had come to the head streams that
emptied into the Ohio River. Seeing a boy about fifteen years old a little
distance from the road mowing, asked him the name of the stream that ran down
the valley. He said Indian Creek. Asked him what it emptied into. Said he
thought the New River. Said it was fifteen miles to the river. Said if I wanted
to could go across and it was only ten miles. Said go down to a field that was
in sight, take a footpath up through that and when I got to the farms beyond
they would tell me the way. Just before turning off looked up a road coming down
a little brook, saw a young man on horseback wearing the grey uniform. He came
down to the road stopped and watched me get over the fence and start up the
hill, then went the other way. When I came into the country beyond found quite a
level ridge with some good farms. Came to quite a tract of hardwood land. When I
got through that, came to the edge of the hill, where I could see the river and
look down the valley and could also see quite a river coming from my right which
I learned afterward was the Greenbrier. The water was low, I crossed it by
jumping from one rock to another that stuck up above the water. It was about
sundown, I went a little farther, came in sight of a house and an old barn
nearer by not used at all, the grass being very tall around it and not a track
around it. Went in.
About six o'clock at night I came into a field of
corn, the path went along the edge of the field. A few rods from the path an old
man that had been cultivating the corn sat on his plough beam. I was going along
without noticing him, but he called, "Hello, friend, what's your hurry?" I
halted a little and replied, "O, the world is moving along all the time and I
have to do the same. He said, "You needn't be afraid of me, I'm an old man, I
won't hurt you. I would like to talk with you." He was 75 years old, I judged.
Thought there was not much danger, so turned and went out where he was. He
looked up at me and said, "Well, you are quite a stout looking fellow, you could
do some fighting, I think." I replied, "I may not feel as much like it as I
look, perhaps." "Well!" he said. "What's the news from the armies?" I answered
that I had heard nothing for three weeks or more; had come from Lee's army and
was on my way home. He then told me the reports that were circulating around
there that the Confederates had got control of the Mississippi River, that
Missouri had joined the Confederacy, and they were meeting with success all
around. I said, "I don't believe it." He replied, "Neither do I." Then I said
the Union armies were steadily forcing the Confederates back, and in time they
would have to surrender. After some more talk I concluded he was not in sympathy
with the South, and said, "Well, Uncle, you said you were an old man and would
not hurt me, and I am going to take you at your word. I am a Union soldier, was
taken prisoner near Petersburg about four weeks ago, escaped from the guards
near Lynchburg and am trying to get into the Union lines in Western Virginia. "
He said, "You passed the last Rebel house just above here and are only thirty
miles to Fayetteville, where there is a camping of your men," which was very
welcome news to me. Soon the old gentleman said he would like to have me go home
with him; I said I would be pleased to do so, as I was tired, footsore, and
hungry. He unhitched his horse and started for home. Had gone but a few steps
when he turned and said, "Now I don't want to be betrayed." My reply was,
"Neither do I, I am just as much afraid of it as you are." He went on. There was
only a footpath up a ravine to the top of the mountain where the land was quite
level. He said when the war began he had a large farm some ways from there with
plenty of cattle and hogs and a lot of hams and bacon; that both armies ran over
his place, took his stock, burned the fences, and was left destitute and was
working the place on shares. There were only his wife and a grandson, 7 years
old. He had two or three sons. They would not go into the Rebel army and moved
to Illinois. They had families. He was quite a smart man, had been justice of
the peace a good many years. His name was John Gwin. He told me of a number of
Union men that had been waylaid by bushwhackers, they called them, and shot. He
said when Lincoln was elected he advised his neighbors not to be too hasty in
condemning him, but wait and see what he would do. It was Friday night I went
home with him. He urged me to stay Saturday and Sunday. He and his wife seemed
very much pleased to visit with a Northern Union man. The people were generally
very poor. It appeared many had only the bare necessaries of life. The man had a
cow or two, some salt pork, but nothing but corn bread. Sunday morning after
breakfast he said there would be people coming along there going to meeting down
on the creek and he would not like them to know there was a Union soldier at his
house. There were those that would burn his house if they knew it. He had quite
a library, and he said, "Take some books you would like to read and go out into
the woods where you will not be seen. Take the boy along so he will know where
to find you, and stay till I send for you to come in." About 4 o'clock the boy
came to have me come to the house. Found a neighbor of his there and was told
there was talk down at the meeting that a Company of Confederates were going to
Fayetteville to attack the men there. He thought it would be better for me to go
down ahead of them and have the soldiers prepared for them.
The man that
was there was going my way and would show me the way to the river some distance
below. The man left when we came to the river and I took the same old path down
to the river. It was dark before I came to any house and I found it slow
traveling; had to feel my way along with my feet to keep in the path, finally
came out on the flat to a house where Mr. Gwin said I would be welcome. There
was no light to be seen, but I went around to the front door and knocked. There
was quite a scurrying inside, some suppressed laughter for a minute or two, then
the door was opened by a girl. I asked if I could stay over night, explained the
situation, and was admitted. She said I would have to sleep on the floor. I told
her that would be no hardship, as I was used to sleeping on the ground. The man
and wife were away. Some of the neighbor girls had come to stay with those that
lived there. I had not been to supper, so they stirred up some corn meal and
baked it for me. There was nothing to eat with it that I remember of but some
green apple sauce without any sweetening. They spread a blanket on the floor and
I slept soundly. As soon as light in the morning I got up and went quietly out
and on my way. After walking a few miles came to a small house. Feeling the need
of something to eat I went to the door that stood open and asked if I could get
breakfast with them. They said I could, such as they had. They were young folk
with a small babe. They were seated at the table, which was a wide board laid on
wooden pins put into the logs. The meal consisted of warm corn bread, no butter,
milk, or meat. Hunger is said to be a good sauce. My experience confirms it. I
came to a house in the forenoon where there were several young men. They had
been shooting at a mark, one of them said. When he saw my head come in sight put
his gun in position to use it if I were an enemy. When he saw my blue clothes he
knew there was no danger. They rowed me across the river where there was a road
that went to Fayetteville. A little before night came to the picket but had no
trouble in getting into camp, reported to the Captain in command. A week or so
before this my shoes had come apart and I had fastened the soles using a piece
of the lining for strings and tied the other pieces on to protect my feet from
sharp stones. Expect I looked the tramp that I was-clothes ragged and dirty,
weighed 125 pounds, usual weight 150 pounds or more. I drew a new pair of shoes
and what clothing was needed.
There was a soldier there from Ohio sick
with fever. His father had come to see him and was going to take him home. After
a few days they started down the river with him in what they called a Baton, a
boat some 8 feet wide and 15 feet long, with four soldiers to row it when there
was not current enough to carry it along. I took turns with the others in
rowing. Just at night, came to a small town where the water was deep enough to
allow small steamers to come there, and one arrived that night. Took the boat
the next morning for Charleston. Arriving there in the afternoon reported to the
officer in command, and was sent across the river where there were barracks and
a convalescent camp. In a week there were nearly a hundred men well enough to
join their regiments. A boat was sent with them to Galipolis on the Ohio River.
There they were to take the cars for Wheeling and on to Washington where their
comrades were. There were two comrades that lived some twenty-five miles from
there. They thought it a good time to stop a few days and visit their home and
friends. Therefore, when the train left for Wheeling we had not got back from
our walk out in the country so were left behind. The next day went with the boys
up to their home and stayed with them over night. I thought under the
circumstances I was entitled to a furlough, and would improve the opportunity to
visit my folks before going to the front. Knowing there were patrols in the
cities and I was liable to be arrested, changed my blue clothes with one of the
boys for an old citizen's suit, and started across the state on foot. About the
second night came to a railroad running east and west. Stayed with a miller that
night. It was very warm and not being used to sleeping in a bed, had to get up
and go out doors and sleep on the ground. There was a train due the next morning
about 9 o'clock; concluded to try and get a ride. When the train stopped I
stepped up and took a seat. When the conductor came along for the ticket told
him I had no money, (part missing) Emporium some fourteen miles down the
railroad. About halfway came to a gravel train just ready to go down and got a
ride the rest of the way. Stayed at the Cook Hotel that night free of charge. In
the morning started for Coudersport where I was well acquainted and had
relatives. Had gone some five miles when the stage for Coudersport overtook me.
As I looked up I saw in the stage and old acquaintance, a citizen of Ulysses, my
native place. He recognized me at once, called me by name and asked why I did
not ride. Told him I hadn't money enough to pay for a ride. "Well!" he says,
"get in here, you're not going to walk over there. I'll see to the fare." I
accepted the invitation and arrived at Coudersport late in the day. I went to my
Uncle's, Lucas Cushing. There was some kind of a social at John ----on's that
evening, and they insisted I must go with them, ??? pair of ??? in place of my
army shoes and pants made of homemade butternut colored cloth and a little old
alpaca coat. Nevertheless, spent a very pleasant evening. Learned the next
morning that neighbor Burton Lewis with a team and I could ride home with him
which I did, arriving the 8th day of August, lacking fourteen days of two months
from the day I was taken prisoner south of Petersburg Virginia.
having expressed a desire to know if I went back to the army again and some of
my later service, I have concluded to write some of my experience from the
I enlisted the 12th day of August 1862, the day I started for
Harrisburg with a company that joined the 149th Regiment Pennsylvania Bucktails.
A lieutenant of Co. G, 53d Pennsylvania who came home to get recruits for the
Company, wished me to stay till he could get some recruits and go with them the
latter part of September. He had enlisted 17 others and we started for Camp
Curtain at Harrisburg. Were there some time doing guard duty around camp. Were
sent to Washington the latter part of October and from there to Harper's Ferry
where the army was encamped. The first day of November broke camp and marched
into Virginia, up the Loudon Valley to Fredericksburg or Falmouth on the
Rappahannock River. When we came in sight of the town they fired a few solid
shot at us, but our battery sent a few shots at them that sent them flying in
haste. We occupied a brick storehouse. We were there when Gen. Burnside made his
first move to capture Fredericksburg and got stuck in the mud. I was on guard at
that time; it rained hard all night. I had a little fire to stand by. The boys
that were on the march came straggling along all night, thoroughly drenched and
covered with mud. I was glad to stand back and give them the use of the fire. We
stayed in the village until the eleventh of December when another move was made
to drive the enemy out of their fortifications back of the city. We marched down
in front of the city some distance from the river and lay there while the
Pontoon bridges were being laid. At the same time our batteries were shelling
the city because the Rebels were shooting our men while laying the Pontoons. We
crossed the bridge as soon as it was half done and went into the fight in the
afternoon, moving through the upper part of the city in line of battle till we
came to a board fence some ten rods from the enemy, who were behind a stone wall
and were halted there under their fire. We could keep them down by firing at
them when they put their heads above the wall to shoot. Many of our men were
killed and wounded at their first fire. We all lay down flat on the ground.
After awhile the firing nearly ceased. During this time one ball grazed my wrist
and another passed across my shoulder, cutting several holes in my clothing. The
firing had ceased, the men had gone back under cover of some buildings. I ran
back to where they were. That night we went back down to the city near the
river. We found the loss to our company was four killed and several wounded. We
recrossed the river the next day. It grew very cold. That night brother Jay and
myself worked all night caring for the wounded and drying their wet socks and
making coffee.
The Regiment returned to their quarters in Falmouth and
remained there until the last day of December then marched out in the country to
a pine grove to build winter quarters. It was night when we got there, spread
our rubber blankets on the ground and lay down. It stormed in the night. We
pulled our blankets over our heads and lay still. We knew our covering was
getting heavy, but were surprised in the morning to find some eight inches of
snow over us. We built our winter cabins, twelve feet long and six feet wide,
with four shelter tents drawn over a ridge pole and fastened to the logs on
either side, the gable ends closed with the same material. Poles were placed
across the back end wide enough for two to lie on, one near the bottom and one
near the top, covered with small pine boughs. A doorway was cut in the front,
two feet wide and four feet high. In the left corner was an opening for a
fireplace built by driving two rows of posts in the ground eights inches apart
filled in with clay mortar. On top was built of small sticks well plastered with
mud. This fireplace lasted all winter. The camp was laid out in streets with
cabins on both sides. Here we lived until spring, cutting and drawing wood and
doing picket duty along the river. I was on picket one night, snow four inches
deep and so cold could hardly keep warm walking on my beat. Would pull my cape
over my head, lie down a minute or two, then up and at it again, when the relief
came would go back where the reserve was and lie around the fire in the dirt and
ashes until time to go on picket again.
About the first of May Gen.
Hooker being in command of the army began against the enemy that brought on the
Battle of the Wilderness (Chancellorsville). Company G, and some others of the
Regiment were placed on a skirmish or picket line in the woods that seemed to me
to be on the extreme left of the army and were not in the battle, but could hear
the Rebel yell when they made their charges on our lines which they did three
times. At no time in my experience did I hear such volleys of musketry as then.
As our men fired at them as they made their charges our line gave away in one
place and we were forced to fall back and reform. The battle was not renewed and
we went back to our old camp and stayed till the fourteenth of June when we
broke camp and were rear guard of the army on the north. It was a very warm day,
we marched fast, and before noon I was overcome with the heat and sick. The
Brigade halted a little, found some water and bathed my head and face. I drank
some coffee, and felt some better. When we started again some of the boys
carried my load and I made out to keep along but did not march in the ranks.
Toward night Captain Jones had me ride his horse and was with them when they
camped for the night. Some men in our regiment had sun stroke and were carried
in the ambulances. We did not march the next day, and the day after I was able
to take my place in the ranks, marched to the Bull Run Battlefield. Were there a
day or two to keep the enemy from coming through Thoroughfare Gap and getting in
our rear, then followed on, crossed the Potomac river through Frederick City,
starting from there in the morning and about eleven o'clock at night camped near
Gettysburg, making the longest day's march of my experience, and the hardest.
Nearly all the boys had lain down by the side of the road before we camped.
Think there were but five men in the company when we stacked our guns. Jason and
George Stevens, George Shutt, my brother, and myself. The others ??? in the
morning. Marched to the battlefield the next day near Little Round Top, formed
in line of battle, and stayed there until 3 o'clock then advanced through a
piece of woods till we came to a wheat field. When we came to where we could
look down into a ravine the enemy began firing. They were down behind the bank
of a small brook. We began firing and advanced as fast as possible. Some of them
ran up the hill which was behind them; the others held their position till we
were so close to them they did not dare to try to get away and were taken
prisoners. We advanced to the top of the hill beyond and stopped. There appeared
to be another line in the edge of a field. After firing there a short time our
line on our right was being driven back. Were in danger of being flanked and
were ordered to fall back. Some of us did not hear the order and stayed till a
new line of Rebs came in sight a few rods from us on our left. We made a hasty
retreat. I had crossed the creek and had gone a few rods back when a ball hit my
right leg about half way from the knee to the ankle, passing through, coming out
above on the front side. I did not stop till it began to hurt very much I then
sat down behind a rock, cut my boot leg open and got it off, tied a handkerchief
around it, and tried to walk again but could not endure the pain. I tried to use
my gun for a crutch. It was too long to work very well. I then got down on my
hands and knees and crawled along till some of the ambulance men met me and
helped me back and took me a mile, perhaps, to a field hospital. Three others of
Co. G were brought in; John Wykoff, Joseph K., Almond Cheesbrough; the two last
died from loss of blood.
After a few days I was taken to Philadelphia to
a hospital on Broad and Cherry Streets. Was there till the last of December when
I was given a thirty day' furlough home. The Regiment was home at that time
getting recruits. When I returned the hospital where I had been staying was
closed and I went to Chestnut Hill, probably the largest one in the state. My
leg healed and sound and I could have gone to the front, but they set me
whitewashing the inside of the buildings. I afterwards worked in the kitchen
where the cooking was done for the physicians, some fifteen or more; they had a
man cook. The last of April I felt I ought to go back to the Regiment, and asked
the doctor to send me and I joined the Regiment a few days later on the Rapidan
river. We left camp in a few days and started on a Wilderness campaign. The
first battle was on the 5th and continued the 6th. Here we seemed to be placed
on the left of the battlefield forming a heavy skirmish line in the woods. We
could hear the enemy on the other side of the woods give their commands and move
to our right where the firing was very heavy. While staying there some Rebel
scouts crawled up behind a large oak tree and fired at us, killing James
Blackman. Every man sprang behind a tree after firing a few times. We told some
of the boys on our right to fire behind the tree from their side near the ground
and we would fire in from our side. We did so and saw three men run from the
tree, and were not molested again. In a day or two the army was on the march.
The night of the 11th we moved some distance after dark and lay down on the
ground and were ordered to keep very still. At early dawn officers came waking
the men, charging them to be very quiet. When we got our line formed, we were
told we were to take the enemies works go still and not fire a gun till ordered
to and the command given to go forward. We passed through a strip of woods into
a large field. When near a fence on the farther side the Reb-pickets fired a few
shots and ran. This excited some of our men and a few shots were fired. We then
started on the double-quick and were on their breastworks before they were
hardly awake. We took the whole line for some distance prisoners 3,000 or more,
some of our men went on so far into the woods they were taken prisoners. I
followed down the line as far as it was safe and hearing firing on the right
went back to where we came over their works. The Company and Regiment were badly
scattered and I did not find them until the next day. The Army soon began moving
south again and in a few days were at Cold Harbor. Here we made an attack on the
enemy's lines, but found them so strongly fortified we fell back. That night we
built breastworks so close to the Rebels it was not safe for one on either side
to expose them to view. The Army rested here a few days, then moved across the
James River and on towards Petersburg and passed it. The 16th of June the Army,
or part of it to which we belonged, made an advance toward the Rebel lines. I do
not think it was intended to be a general attack. We did not know their position
and our Brigade, or part of it, rushed down into a hollow in front of a small
fort where we thought we would be under cover of higher ground and lay down, but
we had passed an angle in their works from which they could fire directly at us.
They knowing we had fallen into a trap, did not fire on us, but after a while
called to us to come in as prisoners or they would fire on us. An office a few
rods to the left of where I lay put up a white handkerchief to which another
protested very strongly--said he would report him for surrendering when he ought
not to. They rose up and went into the fort. While they were going in quite a
number of us ran back to our lines. As soon as we got up on higher ground they
fired grape and canister at us from a fort farther down their line. In our
advance we had two killed in Co. G., a man named Weeks and George Vincent, of
Hector township. George Davidson wounded in the arm. George Shutt shot through
the right lung, if I remember rightly. The doctors thought he was past help and
paid no attention to him till he told them he would report them to their
superiors, then they dressed his wounds. The next was the 22d of June where I
was taken prisoner, of which I have written, and I will begin where I left off
my story, having arrived home in August. It will be proper to state here that
after living on berries and milk so long without scarcely any solid food, after
getting into camp in Western Virginia and going back to camp fare of hard tack,
pork and beans, I soon had serious stomach and bowel trouble which I did not get
over till winter.
I notified the officers of the Company of my
escape as soon as I arrived home, I was reported on the Company's books as
captured or missing. The 1st of January I went to Harrisburg and reported to the
Marshal of the city and asked to be sent to the Regiment. I had a paper sent me
from Capt. J. W. Stevens, stating the conditions of my absence and requesting
whomever it might concern to aid me in coming back to the Company. The Marshal
looked at it and wrote an order for my transportation. It was probably out of
order to trust a private with his own papers, but the Captain's and my own
statement made it right with him.
I went to Baltimore on the cars, from
there to City Point on a boat arriving there the next day, then by rail to
Petersburg, from there on foot to Hatcher's Run where the Regiment was in camp,
glad to be back with the boys once more. We were to camp there till the last of
March, when the army began moving for the spring campaign, and as usual it began
to rain. In a day or two we were in front of the enemy south of Petersburg. We
found them in line of battle in the woods in front of their works and made an
attack on them, but their line extended to the right of ours giving them a
chance to flank us and we fell back a short distance, reformed our lines, and
renewed the attack driving them back over behind their breastworks. This was our
last engagement, Rountic Creek, with one of our Company killed-Alonzo Wagoner -
and some wounded. The next forenoon while we were lying in a field waiting for
orders an officer came up the road from our left riding his horse at full speed
shouting "Get ready, boys, get ready, the works are abandoned!" We were soon on
the march through their deserted works. By a flank movement by the 4th Brigade
their rear guard posted on a hill were partly captured. I think we followed
Lee's fleeing army two days or more from early in the morning till near
mid-night. The road was strewn with camp utensils they had thrown away, among
them a lot of cast iron baking pans in which they cooked their corn bread. In
the afternoon of April 7th, we moved in line of battle. Just at night captured a
wagon train. The teamsters drove it down in a little valley and were going up
the other side on the run. We staid there that night to guard the wagons. They
contained some of the officers' clothing, silverware, with some whisky, if I
remember rightly. One of the comrades got a nice suit of grey clothes and some
silverware. He gave me a silver fork and a soup dipper. I was not inclined to
foraging. Many times the boys would get something they wanted to keep, carry it
for some days, then throw it away. The next day we marched on after the enemy.
In the afternoon we passed the long bridge over the Appomattox River, over which
I rode a prisoner. The next morning after marching awhile were halted, stacked
arms, and lay down. (It may seem strange our always lying down when we stopped,
but, if you remember, we carried 40 or 50 pounds on our shoulders with the
straps drawn under our arms you will see reasons for it.) After awhile moved on
into a field filled with other troops, stacked our guns and broke ranks. In the
afternoon there was a report that Gen. Lee had surrendered, and later it was
announced officially. There was a general hurrah, shouting, throwing of caps,
and universal rejoicing. Can a person that has not endured for two or three
years the discomforts of camp life, the struggle of march, the strife of battle,
realize the sense of relief, the joy, and all that would come to one under such
conditions? I hardly think they can.
We marched back to Burk Station,
waiting a week or more probably for Gen. Johnson to surrender to Gen. Sherman in
North Carolina. We were there when the news came that President Lincoln was
assassinated. We could hardly believe it at first, but soon learned it was true.
It cast a gloom over the army, as over the whole country. Soon after we started
for Richmond on our homeward march. In a few days we came to Manchester on the
south side of the James River and camped for the night. We illuminated our camp
that night by lighting pieces of wax candles and placing them in the trees all
through camp, making a very pretty sight. The next move we marched in review
past the Capitol, where the Generals and city officials were. It was a very warm
day or seemed so to the soldiers. The officer's let their horses walk fast. Many
of the boys were overcome with the heat and lay down on the sides of the street,
and some died from the effects of it. As soon as we got outside the city we
camped for the night, and the next day started for Washington. One night we were
caught in a violent thunderstorm. We had sent our blankets and extra clothing by
boat from Richmond and had only shelter tents and a gum blanket. We stood in the
road till the storm was over, then went a little farther into a large field and
camped. Wood was scarce but we gathered what we cold find; built a fire, stood
around in the mud and water, made our coffee, and ate our hardtack, then began
to fix a place to lie down, We went in the woods and got cedar boughs to lie on,
put up our little tents. (If three lay together it gave two pieces to put over
the ridgepole and one to put across one end. It turned cold in the evening with
a cold wind from the north, and with our wet clothing, wet brush, we passed the
most uncomfortable night of my experience in the army. You could hear the boys
groaning and teeth chattering all night. Farnum Lyon, one that bunked with me,
got up in the morning with one arm paralyzed and he did not get the use of it
for months. The next day we continued our march, arriving at Arlington Heights
the day after, across the river from Washington where we camped for some time.
Sherman's army marched through the city in review; it was a grand sight, and
might make one think what a German officer is reported as saying was true:
"They'd whip the devil." Soon after the Potomac army marched the same way. Being
in the ranks myself cannot say whether we made as good an appearance or not.
Soon after those that enlisted in '62, myself included, were sent to Harrisburg
to be discharged at Camp Curtain. We received our discharge papers the 7th day
of June, 1865, and started for home with only five others of the eighteen that
went with me in '62. I was sick but one day during that time.
If the
Comrades that read this paper find some things that are different from their
recollections or knowledge it will not be very strange. But I have written to
the best of my knowledge and memory of the events as they happened.
Contributed by: John A Cushing
Leavitt Wilson Cushing (1839-1918)
published this in a series of articles for the Ulysses Sentinel in March and
April 1913. He was in Company G of the 53rd PA volunteers.

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