Wedding Announcement ~ Grosse-Hilty
The bride has been an instructor in French in the Monongahela City High School for the past seven years and recently received her Master's Degree from the University of Pittsburgh. Mr. Hilty has been a graduate assistant in the English Department at Pitt during the past year, and through the Franco-American Exchange has been granted a scholarship which assigns him to a poste d'assistant in the English Department of the Ecole Normale at Quimper, Brittany, France. Mr. and Mrs. Hilty will sail shortly for a year's residence in Brittany.
(A faded clipping of this article was found in the J.H. Hilty and Mary E. Hilty Family Bible.)
The marriage of Miss Margaret Blythe Grosse, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grosse of Custer Avenue, Vandergrift, and the Rev. James Russell Hilty, son of the late Rev. James K. Hilty and Mrs. Mary E. Hilty of Library was solemnize, Thursday, June 30, in Monongahela City by the Rev. D.F. McKee.