Cabels, Thomas Pine Grove 269
Cadwell, Daniel Pine Grove 259
Cadwell, Jerome Elk 369
Cady, Alfred Columbus 298
Cady, George Columbus 298
Cady, Joel Sugar Grove 236
Cady, Reuben Deerfield 351
Cady, William Pine Grove 264
Caely, Hamel Sheffield 365
Caine, Stephen Warren Borough 248
Caleb, Samuel Pine Grove 269
Calla, Nicholas Pine Grove 269
Cally, Semuel Sheffield 363
Campbell, Alexander Warren Borough 254
Campbell, David Deerfield 347
Campbell, Eliza Ann Columbus 297
Campbell, James Brokenstraw 328
Campbell, John Kinzua 378
Campbell, John Youngsville Borough 334
Campbell, John Kinzua 378
Campbell, John Youngsville Borough 334
Campbell, Martin Kinzua 378
Campbell, Robert Kinzua 378
Campbell, Samuel Kinzua 378
Campbell, Stillman Freehold 286
Campbell, William Southwest 340
Canfiedl, Mary Sugar Grove 234
Cann, Jerome B. Warren Borough 248
Cargill, Albert Elk 370
Cargill, Daivd Corydon 374
Cargill, James Corydon 374
Carier, Joseph Warren Borough 250
Carothers, Aaron Mead 368
Carothers, William Mead 368
Carpenter, Amos Freehold 284
Carpenter, David Columbus 296
Carpenter, Oliver Southwest 341
Carr, Alonzo Freehold 278
Carr, Caleb G. Freehold 283
Carr, Hiram Pine Grove 272
Carr, Joel Freehold 283
Carr, John Freehold 287
Carr, John W. Eldred 338
Carr, Louis Youngsville Borough 337
Carr, Petey Freehold 287
Carr, Reuben Freehold 283
Carr, Samuel K. Conewango 386
Carrier, Aris Columbus 306
Carrier, Daniel S. Columbus 306
Carrier, Nellson Columbus 306
Carroll, Elijah Pine Grove 271
Carroll, Martha Southwest 340
Carsley, Seth Limestone 396
Carso, Cruells Brokenstraw 330
Carson, Polly Pine Grove 275
Carter, Joah Sugar Grove 228
Carter, Zoar Glade 383
Carvers, Henry Corydon 374
Cary, William Sheffield 363
Case, William Corydon 374
Casky, Margaret Brokenstraw 329
Casper, Jacob Warren Borough 251
Cates, Kelden Eldred 338
Catlin, Sally Sugar Grove 229
Cattlce, Emmons C. Sugar Grove 229
Caulklin, John Deerfield 350
Cavier, Adaline Columbus 293
Cenliss, Miner Warren Borough 252
Chadler, John Sugar Grove 243
Chaffey, Ezra Pittsfield 320
Chain, Charlotte Brokenstraw 327
Chamber, Jacob J. Pine Grove 269
Chamber, Philander Pine Grove 275
Chamberlain, Clarissa Youngsville Borough 333
Chamberlin, John Kinzua 379
Chambers, John Sugar Grove 241
Chan, Charlotte Brokenstraw 327
Chan, John Pine Grove 265
Chan, Liberty Pine Grove 276
Chandh, Clinton J. Freehold 284
Chandler, Alial Conewango 385
Chandler, Bradlay Sugar Grove 243
Chandler, John W. Sugar Grove 243
Chanler, William Sugar Grove 243
Chapel, Clinton D. Pittsfield 324
Chapel, George L. Warren Borough 252
Chapel, Louisa Brokenstraw 329
Chapel, William K. Brokenstraw 329
Chapen, Archa Freehold 282
Chapin, Daniel Pine Grove 271
Chaplin, Horrand Freehold 282
Chapman, Abner Freehold 283
Chapman, Bonsaler Pine Grove 272
Chapman, Cinderella Glade 382
Chapman, Cornelia Glade 382
Chapman, Emily Freehold 286
Chapman, Samuel Freehold 283
Chapman, Stephen Freehold 283
Chappel, Alanison Pine Grove 262
Chappel, Andrew Sugar Grove 236
Chappel, Levi Pine Grove 260
Chapple, Shulal D. Pine Grove 263
Chare, William Pine Grove 270
Charukslaw, Maria Mead 368
Chase, Alonzo Pine Grove 273
Chase, Charles Pine Grove 275
Chase, Clark Pine Grove 276
Chase, Eleagor Pine Grove 272
Chase, Elias Columbus 296
Chase, Hanford Conewango 388
Chase, John Pine Grove 276
Chase, Joseph Columbus 300
Chase, Ransom Elk 372
Chase, Thodon Pine Grove 274
Chase, William Pine Grove 276
Chase, William G. Pine Grove 276
Chellhammer, Sally Warren Borough 246
Chemackel, George Warren Borough 256
Cheney, Peter Deerfield 350
Chesebrough, Abel Sugar Grove 238
Chians, Alexander Pine Grove 266
Childs, Cabel O. Southwest 343
Childs, John H. Southwest 341
Childs, P. B. Southwest 342
Childs, Robert Southwest 344
Childs, Thomas C. Southwest 341
Chipman, Daniel Youngsville Borough 335
Chipman, Giles Youngsville Borough 334
Chipman, Hornage Deerfield 351
Choffy, Athect Brokenstraw 325
Christer, John A. Sugar Grove 241
Christy, William Warren Borough 251
Church, H. L. Warren Borough 257
Church, Martin Freehold 282
Church, William Deerfield 355
Clair, Silas Southwest 341
Clark, Alexander Pittsfield 321
Clark, Benjamin Elk 371
Clark, Betsay C. Sugar Grove 241
Clark, Caleb G. Sugar Grove 243
Clark, Charles Elk 371
Clark, Copet Pittsfield 320
Clark, David Limestone 398
Clark, David Warren Borough 246
Clark, David Limestone 398
Clark, David Warren Borough 246
Clark, Green Sugar Grove 241
Clark, James Conewango 385
Clark, James Glade 383
Clark, James Conewango 385
Clark, James Glade 383
Clark, Job Sugar Grove 244
Clark, John Brokenstraw 331
Clark, Philander E. Limestone 396
Clark, Richard W. Pittsfield 316
Clark, Russel Sugar Grove 238
Clark, Samuel Deerfield 350
Clark, William Pine Grove 269
Clarke, Martin Deerfield 355
Cleanland, Denning Sheffield 364
Cleland, J. H. Warren Borough 253
Cleland, Oliver Deerfield 347
Clemmins, William Sugar Grove 244
Clemons, Thomas Warren Borough 251
Clendain, Joseph Elk 371
Cleny, Levi Pine Grove 271
Clonh, William N. Pine Grove 261
Clospel, John Kinzua 379
Clute, Christopher Spring Creek 311
Clute, Frederick Spring Creek 311
Cluy, James Spring Creek 312
Coats, Chancy L. Pittsfield 319
Cobb, Ira Spring Creek 312
Cochran, Daniel Brokenstraw 330
Cochran, James Pittsfield 321
Cohell, John Southwest 340
Cohell, W. S. Deerfield 355
Colburn, Nelson Spring Creek 310
Colby, Henry H. Spring Creek 313
Cole, Albert Conewango 385
Cole, Mary Warren Borough 251
Cole, Sidney W. Pittsfield 321
Colegan, Sarah Columbus 298
Colegran, Isaac Columbus 295
Colegson, Amos Freehold 280
Colegson, Liter Columbus 298
Coleman, John Pittsfield 317
Coligrove, Ann Freehold 280
Collins, John Kinzua 378
Colter, Olney Warren Borough 252
Combs, William H. Elk 373
Comstock, Mary Warren Borough 247
Conely, Isaac Deerfield 356
Coner, John Corydon 375
Conern, Adelaide Pine Grove 265
Conet, Morris Conewango 389
Conley, Whitfield Deerfield 356
Connel, Stephen Sugar Grove 228
Connell, Lounzo Sugar Grove 231
Conner, Lennder Conewango 393
Connor, James Limestone 396
Connor, William E. Pleasant 360
Conover, Adalim Conewango 385
Conover, Hiram Warren Borough 251
Conrac, Walter Sugar Grove 241
Conroe, William Deerfield 358
Conrol, Jennett Deerfield 358
Conuth, Aaron Freehold 283
Cook, Cohunber Pine Grove 271
Cook, George Conewango 386
Cook, James Glade 381
Cook, Martha Glade 381
Cook, Washington Brokenstraw 331
Cook, William Elk 371
Coon, Alonzo Southwest 342
Coon, Josephine Southwest 341
Coonrod, Michael Warren Borough 253
Coonrod, Sally Warren Borough 252
Cooper, Ann Pine Grove 262
Cooper, Daniel Freehold 282
Cooper, David Sugar Grove 240
Cooper, Harry Pine Grove 264
Cooper, Joseph Corydon 374
Cooper, Nathan Freehold 289
Cooper, Thomas Pine Grove 277
Corethy, William Deerfield 352
Corham, George A. Glade 381
Cormick, Robert M. Deerfield 351
Cornell, Amos Sugar Grove 238
Cospee, John Kinzua 379
Cott, Erasmus Youngsville Borough 333
Cotten, James Freehold 278
Cotten, William Pittsfield 316
Cottle, Samuel Sugar Grove 228
Cotton, Elija Pine Grove 259
Couill, Nancy Freehold 288
Couls, Ethan Pine Grove 263
Couls, Orson Sugar Grove 237
Couls, Peley S. Warren Borough 251
Courson, Anthony Kinzua 378
Courson, Samuel Deerfield 352
Couse, Almyrn Warren Borough 249
Cousins, William Warren Borough 257
Couts, Remember J. Sugar Grove 236
Covile, Edmund R. Corydon 375
Covin, Harrison Brokenstraw 332
Cowan, Ephraim Warren Borough 251
Coxwell, Jedediah Mead 368
Coxwell, Samuel Warren Borough 254
Cramer, Abram Pine Grove 264
Crampton, Aaron Pine Grove 276
Crane, Nathaniel M. Sugar Grove 231
Crane, Reuben Elk 372
Crdway, Lyman Elk 373
Creacraft, Benjamin Freehold 280
Creacraft, Catharine Freehold 286
Creek, Robert Elk 373
Criffan, Allen Deerfield 357
Criffen, Allen Deerfield 357
Crinn, Evenezer A. Columbus 305
Crippan, Adolphn Youngsville Borough 335
Crippan, John Brokenstraw 331
Crippen, N. W. Pittsfield 320
Crippon, Jeny Limestone 396
Crirrie, Joshua Youngsville Borough 334
Crisby, Horatio Columbus 303
Critchlow, Stephen Conewango 391
Crocker, Francis O. Conewango 385
Cronich, Stephen, Jr. Sugar Grove 233
Crosby, Eli Columbus 293
Crosby, Eliazer Columbus 297
Crosby, Mower Freehold 280
Crosby, Solomon Columbus 303
Crosby, Stephen Columbus 304
Crow, John Pine Grove 274
Cruitiss, James Columbus 304
Crull, David Pleasant 360
Crunch, Samuel Freehold 285
Crutess, Alped Columbus 293
Crutess, Benjamin F. Columbus 293
Crutess, La Friyatte Columbus 293
Crutess, Seymor Columbus 293
Crutiss, Charles B. Warren Borough 248
Cuhler, Michael Limestone 398
Culberson, Clarke Glade 380
Culbertson, Alexander Glade 381
Culbertson, Isaac Mead 368
Culbertson, John Deerfield 352
Culbertson, Samuel Deerfield 353
Culbertson, William Glade 380
Culia, Matilda Conewango 394
Culin, Cordelon Warren Borough 254
Cullen, David Eldred 338
Cullen, John Eldred 338
Culra, Mary Ann Conewango 393
Culur, George Warren Borough 249
Cumistack, Stephen Freehold 285
Cumistock, Stephen Freehold 285
Cumming, N. P. Spring Creek 313
Cummings, Nathan B. Spring Creek 308
Cummings, Parker Brokenstraw 328
Cummings, Robert Sugar Grove 232
Cummins, C. C. Deerfield 349
Cummins, Eliza Sugar Grove 232
Cumstock, Ezekiel Freehold 287
Cumstock, Mannix Freehold 291
Cuokollow, Sarah Deerfield 351
Curtip, Friend Sugar Grove 236
Curtis, Berfern Pine Grove 263
Curtiss, Caillon B. Warren Borough 249
Curtiss, Eli Pine Grove 263
Custer, Hiram Sheffield 363
Cutler, Baxman Eldred 338
Cutzler, Mathias Conewango 394
Cyrnden, Joseph Southwest 343Contributed for use by the Warren County Genealogy Project (
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