Kay, William Freehold 290
Keller, Christian Warren Borough 248
Keller, Saxe Warren Borough 254
Kellicut, David Pine Grove 267
Kellicut, David Pine Grove 275
Kellicut, David Pine Grove 267
Kellicut, David Pine Grove 275
Kellicut, Susan Brokenstraw 329
Kellog, Augusta Warren Borough 249
Kellogg, George Southwest 344
Kellogg, Isaac Southwest 344
Kelly, Benjamin Pine Grove 275
Kelly, Edmund Eldred 339
Kelly, Germain L. Eldred 339
Kelly, John Pittsfield 320
Kelly, Lester Eldred 339
Kelly, Michael Pine Grove 275
Kelly, Morris Pine Grove 275
Kelly, Sarah Deerfield 355
Kelson, John Warren Borough 252
Kengon, Thomas Sugar Grove 239
Kennedy, Abram Columbus 296
Kennedy, Hubert Columbus 296
Kennedy, William Mead 368
Kesteller, Lorenzo Warren Borough 253
Ketchum, Cornelius Pittsfield 317
Kewp, Adam Conewango 393
Kewss, Adam Conewango 393
Kibb, Clark Brokenstraw 325
Kidd, C. Glade 383
Kidder, Arahel G. Conewango 392
Kidder, Elizabeth Conewango 395
Kidder, Francis Conewango 387
Kidder, Nathaniel Conewango 386
Kidder, Nelson Warren Borough 252
Kidder, Timothy Mead 368
Kidder, Truman Warren Borough 256
Kightlinger, George Deerfield 355
Kightlinger, George Limestone 397
Kightlinger, George Deerfield 355
Kightlinger, George Limestone 397
Kightlinger, Jackson Limestone 397
Kightlinger, William K. Limestone 397
Kimbell, John Warren Borough 247
Kimberly, Abel Pine Grove 274
Kimel, George Warren Borough 254
King, Hamilton Glade 382
King, Hollis Columbus 299
King, John Corydon 376
King, Lorenzo Pine Grove 266
King, Lyman Spring Creek 312
King, Rufus P. Warren Borough 249
King, Thomas G. Freehold 286
King, William B. Columbus 303
Kingsley, Elias Sheffield 366
Kingsley, Elijah L. Sheffield 366
Kinnan, Caster V. Youngsville Borough 335
Kinned, Austin J. Columbus 292
Kinnen, James Youngsville Borough 336
Kinnin, Charles Youngsville Borough 336
Kinnon, Henry P. Youngsville Borough 335
Kinpley, Peter B. Columbus 297
Kinsdey, Larince Pine Grove 276
Kinyon, Horace Youngsville Borough 337
Kitchen, Alexander Conewango 388
Kitchen, Charles Conewango 388
Kleam, Elizabeth Glade 384
Kline, Hannah Warren Borough 250
Kline, Jacob Pleasant 359
Kline, Jacob Warren Borough 256
Kline, Jacob Pleasant 359
Kline, Jacob Warren Borough 256
Knapp, Charles Glade 381
Knapp, Comfert Pine Grove 267
Knapp, David Glade 381
Knapp, Henry Glade 384
Knapp, Hiram Pine Grove 267
Knapp, Jacob Pleasant 360
Knapp, Jacob, Jr. Pleasant 361
Knapp, Noah Pine Grove 261
Knapp, Thomas M. Pine Grove 264
Knapp, Wisesor Corydon 375
Knight, Joseph Southwest 344
Knight, Samuel Southwest 343
Knolbs, John Elk 370
Knopp, Mary Pleasant 359
Knor, David Youngsville Borough 335
Knoss, Milo Columbus 303
Knouls, Spollos Pittsfield 321
Knurl, Jonathan S. Youngsville Borough 336
Kocble, Lawrence Warren Borough 247
Kreball, Michael Pleasant 361
Kriball, Michael Warren Borough 254
Krimbell, John Warren Borough 247
Krise, Jacob Youngsville Borough 334
Kyle, Ann Brokenstraw 329
Kyle, Eruikuer Conewango 387
Kyle, Michael Conewango 387Contributed for use by the Warren County Genealogy Project (http://www.pa-roots.com/warren/)
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