History of the Medical Profession
It is extremely difficult at this late day to write a satisfactory history of the Westmoreland medical profession. For more than a century physicians practiced here without any record whatever of their work among us, except such as been handed down by tradition. After the passage of the act of 1881, all physicians in the state were compelled to register in the county in which they practiced. Since then their history is better preserved, but it is not yet by any means as complete as one could wish. From the very nature of the profession there is little publicity in their work. They came among us, they labored hard and earnestly, passed away and are almost forgotten, and if remembered, it is usually for something which they did outside of the work to which they devoted their lives and talents. We have undoubtedly had many very bright men in the profession in the century last past, and to write of a few of these particularly is the best we can do.Dr. James Postlethwaite was born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, January 12, 1776. His father, Colonel Samuel Postlethwaite, was, we think, a colonel in the Revolution. He was a man of distinction, and was of English descent. His affluence afforded his son a good education for that day. Carlisle was the seat of Dickinson College, which was then one of the leading institutions of the country, though it has since been far surpassed by other schools which were then unknown and unthought of. When he was sixteen years old he left college and began to read medicine with Dr. Samuel A. McCaskey, then one of the leading physicians of Carlisle. At that age he had far surpassed young men of his years in the acquisition of general information, for from his youth he had displayed a taste for books, and a mastery of them that was marvelous. In 1795 and 1796 he attended medical lectures in the University of Philadelphia. The leading instructors then were such men as Shippen Wistor and Benjamin Rush, who have not been surpassed, all things being considered, since their day.
While a student at medicine he enlisted in the army, sent west in the fall of 1794, by President Washington to put down the Whisky Insurrection, and was appointed assistant surgeon to his regiment. This brought him to Westmoreland, and he was so pleased with the country, its mountains and its prospects for the future, that he determined to locate here when he had sufficiently finished his professional studies. Accordingly, in 1795 he left behind him the intelligent and cultured center in which he had been reared, and came on horseback to Greensburg, then in the backwoods of civilization, to start in professional life. For many years the English government, and later our own, had supported a military barracks at Carlisle and this had brought about a refinement and culture that was unknown in the western part of the stare. Still the young practitioner liked our people, and soon built up for himself a growing and lucrative practice. In 1799 he returned to Carlisle, and was married to a Miss Smith. Together they journeyed here on horseback, and together they lived most happily till death separated them nearly fifty years afterwards.The practice of medicine was very burdensome in this community then. The town was little else than a collection of log houses, with here and there a brick or stone structure owned by the wealthiest families. The country around was but thinly populated compared with what it is now. There were, moreover, no pikes, no regularly built roads, not regular mails, and no newspapers. Over these hills he rode on horseback, much of the time a night, and through paths in the woods. There was, of course, no drug store in the county, and every physician was compelled to keep and carry with him a complete stock of remedies. This was carried in a pair of saddle bags which hung across the horse on the back of the saddle. He was expected to draw teeth, to set broken bones, to amputate and bleed when necessary, and, in fact, to practice all branches of physics and surgery. Dr. Postlethwaite often rode as far as twenty miles to see patients, and the distance then meant more than twenty miles do now. It was a hard and laborious life. The celebrated traveler Mungo Park was a country physician in Scotland, and afterwards spent several years in exploring and surveying the wilds of Africa. He as decidedly of the opinion that of the two the latter was preferable.
Whilst he obtained a large practice here, that is, as large as it well could be, yet his reputation was confined to the narrow limits of the county. This was almost of necessity, for the country physician has even now but few opportunities of becoming known outside of his own locality, and his limitations were much more pronounced then than now. This was unfortunate for he had intellectual force enough to lead his profession in any city. His mind was larger than the fields in which his lot was cast, and he found relief in new avenues of thought not in any way connected with his profession, and which did not contribute to his success in curing the afflicted.
When he was a young man the Democrat and Federalist parties were just forming, and he united himself with the latter. This meant more with him than with most men, for he must understand the principles of his party and be able at any time to uphold them or give reasons for his faith. He was a close reader of American political history and in that line of thought had no superior here, if, indeed, he had an equal. And this was in an age, too, when there were unusually bright men at the bar. Dr. Postlethwaite was contemporaneous with John B. Alexander, the elder Foster and Richard Coulter, men who stood so high in professional life that we still boast of their brilliant achievements, and who have since their day had no rivals to their fame. Postlethwaite had studied thoroughly the federal constitution, had read and digested the writings of Hamilton, Adams and Jefferson so that he was as much at home in his field of thought as he was among the writings of the eminent expounders of the science of medicine. He was the author of many contributions on political subjects which, if collected, would fill a volume, and would be of real value to the political history and literature of the country. These were nearly all published in the Greensburg papers and in the old Pittsburgh Gazette. In a series of articles he defended the administration of John Quincy Adams when he was a second time a candidate for the presidency. The other side was taken by Richard Coulter, whose ability whether as a writer, as an orator, either at the bar or in congress, or on the supreme bench of the state, shone with equal splendor, and is yet a heritage of which all Westmorelanders are justly proud. Coulter's articles were published in the Westmoreland Republican, while Postlethwaite's appeared in the Greensburg Gazette. The controversy excited much interest, for each was at the very head of his profession. Two plumed knights in the days of chivalry, as portrayed by Sir Walter Scott, could not have excited more interest in a public encounter. Each contestant bent his bow with his fullest strength, for each realized the strength of his opponent. The friends of each claimed the victory, but the contestants themselves regarded it as a drawn battle. They confessed that they had put forth their best efforts, and each admitted that in the other he had found a foeman worthy of his steel.
Dr. Postlethwaite was a great admirer of Daniel Webster, and on the other hand he had an apparent contempt and hatred for Andrew Jackson. When told by a friend what the eccentric John Randolph had said of Webster, he pronounced Randolph "an accursed caitiff, incapable of any great and good action." Of Jackson he said, "His flatterers call him the Old Roman. The noblest Roman of them all," etc. "Of all the Romans," said the doctor, "he most closely resembles Caius Marius, who imbued his hands in the blood of his fellow-citizens and trampled upon the liberties of his own country." When the Federalist party ceased to exist he became an anti-Mason, because the Democratic party was closely allied with the Masons. He used his caustic pen with its usual force against secret societies in politics. Later he became a Whig, but in all the changes of parties and men so common then he never became a Democrat.
Dr. Postlethwaite was equally well versed in ecclesiastic and polemic literature. Few clergymen know more of the Bible, the books pertaining to it and of church history generally, than he.Shortly and for many years after Webster's reply to Hayne, in 1830 the world rang with the praise of the victor. New England papers called him the "God-like Daniel." While in London, Webster was admired a great deal, and not without reason, even by those who did not know him, because of his majestic appearance. Thackeray relates that it was said of Webster as he walked the streets of London, that he must be deceitful, for no man could be as great as Webster looked. Yet when Webster and Postlethwaite were walking and talking on Main street, in Greensburg, there were many who thought Postlethwaite superior to him in personal appearance, and in the dignity and perfection of his movements. Postlethwaite was taller than Webster, and was straight and well proportioned. His nose and face were of a roman cast, as much so, says one writer, as that of Cato, the Roman censor.
He had four daughters and three sons. The oldest daughter married the distinguished lawyer, politician and orator, Charles Ogle, of Somerset. Another daughter, Sidney, married Dr. Alfred L. King, of Greensburg. His sons removed from Westmoreland, and the name Postlethwaite is now entirely gone. He died in Greensburg, November 17, 1842, and there is not even a stone to mark his last resting place.
Dr. Alfred L. King was born in Galway, New York, October 22, 1813. His people were Covenanters, and had but little of this world's goods. By close application the boy learned to read and write, and perhaps a little about arithmetic and grammar. His father secured a place for him in the family of a physician in Galway as a boy of general work around the house and office. This work turned his attention to the medical profession, for he was employed more or less in the delivery of medicines to patients, and perhaps somewhat in their preparation. After being there a short time he quarreled with the doctor's wife, and was probably discharged from this position. After that his father managed that he attend school in Philadelphia. The school was kept by Dr. Wiley, who not only taught, but preached regularly to a congregation. Sometimes too, he became intoxicated, but he was nevertheless an able teacher and the boy made the best of his time there.
Still there clung to him the love for the medical profession, and he began to study medicine and attend lectures, and was particularly interested in hospital work, though it existed then in its infancy in the city. For a time he supported himself in a way by lecturing on medicine and by doing odd jobs for the city hospitals. Later he opened an office in the city, but had poor success in securing patients. Finally he was ejected from his office for the non-payment of rent, and was greatly discouraged. All this time he had been living at the house of Mr. Wiley, his old teacher. At this place he met a merchant from Westmoreland county, named William Brown, who had, after the custom of that day, gone to the city to purchase goods. Being a Covenanter, he had drifted to Mr. Wiley's place. The country merchant had with him a Westmoreland paper which stated that the village of Pleasant Unity was greatly in need of a physician. Dr. King took the opportunity and came at once, arriving in Pleasant Unity with seventy-five cents. For a time he walked, or borrowed a horse, when he was called to see a patient, but he was soon able to equip himself more thoroughly. This was in 1838. His practice often called him into consultation with Dr. Postlethwaite, and becoming acquainted with his family, he was afterwards married to the doctor's daughter, Sidney Postlethwaite. Shortly afterward he formed a partnership with his father-in-law, and moved to Greensburg.
Nature had given him a scientific mind, and he paid more attention to geology, botany and chemistry than any thing else save his own profession, to which he was devotedly attached. He contributed nine articles on geology to the Greensburg Republican, which attracted great attention. He also began to write and lecture on scientific subjects, among others on Brochitis, Scrofula, cancer, Meteors, Tornadoes, Education, the Hessian Fly, Cholera, etc. At that time his writings and lectures were not purely orthodox, though if delivered now, when the Bible is literally no longer regarded as a good text-book on geology, they would not be supposed to conflict with the views of the average church members.
A discovery he made in geology gave him a name among all the scientific men of the world. Before 1844 all geologist, both in Europe and American, taught that in the carboniferous age no air-breathing animal existed or could have existed. This they believed was true, because the necessary present of carbonic acid gas in sufficient quantities to produce the wondrous growth as shown in the formation of coal precluded the possibility of air-breathing animals existing in it. Sir Charles Lyell who was then the most eminent geologist in England, says that no vertebrated animal of a higher or organization than fish, were discovered in rocks older than the permian age, until 1844. The permian age follows the carboniferous age which closes the older division geological time called the paleozoic age or era. But Dr. King made a discovery of fossil remains which he dug from the earth in Unity township which showed the foot-prints of seven distinct animals on sandstone belonging to the coal measures. For some time he pondered over these fossils, trying to harmonize them with the accepted theory of geology. His discovery was the first indication in the world of the existence of a higher grade of animals in any formation older than red sandstone. It proved that these animals lived before the carboniferous age, and conflicted with the whole system of geology. Professor Sillman, in the American Journal of Science, in January, 1845, gave Dr. King the credit of a discovery which must of necessity upturn and revolutionize the whole science of geology.
Dr. King arranged all the tracks he had discovered, and invented a nomenclature by which to designated the species of the animals which made them. This he published in the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, in 1844. Early in 1845 the American Journal of Science, edited by Professor Stilliman, published a full description of the discovery, and illustrated it with drawings and pictures of the fossil marks, etc. Its publication created a great stir in the scientific world. Sir Charles Lyell, president of the Royal Geological Society of London, took the matter up and, like all great men, was open to conviction. He arranged to come to American in the interest of his science and to make personal examinations of the strata in which the footprints were found. He came to Greensburg, and Dr. King took him to the quarries in Unity township where the discovery was made. He made a special inspection of the geological formation of this county. The wise (?) men in our town who could not appreciate Dr. Kin predicted that when the great English scientist came he would make short work of King's discovery. It is probable that he came here without much faith in the statement as published. But so accustomed was he to reading the testimony of the rocks that it required but a short time to satisfy himself that they were indeed of an older period than the carboniferous age. Turning to Dr. King he threw up his hands saying "It is true, it is true." He was here in April, 1846. When he first came he was unknown to most of our people, but when they learned that because of his learning he had been knighted by Queen Victoria, and that he was the head of the most learned scientific body in England, they arose to the occasion and treated him with the deference due so distinguished a man. Before he left Greensburg he gave the following letter to the Argus:
"Greensburg, PA, 18th April 1846.
"As many persons have inquired at Greensburg since my return from a visit to the quarries in Unity township, what opinion I have come to respecting the curious markings discovered in 1844 by Dr. King, I shall be obliged if you will state in your journal that I entirely agree in the views which he has expressed respecting these fossil foot marks. They are observed to stand out in relief from the lower surface of a slab of sandstone, which lay some feet below the soil. They closely resemble the tracks of an animal to which, from the hand-like form of the foot, the name of Cheirotherium has been given in Europe, where they occur both in German and England. It is now universally admitted that such tracks must have been made by a large reptilian quadruped."Their position in the middle of the carboniferous formation has been correctly pointed out by Dr. King, for this layer of sandstone in Westmoreland county is decidedly lower than the main Pittsburgh seam of coal, but there are other smaller seams of coal which occur still lower in the series. These are the first, and as yet, the only indications that have been brought to light in any part of the world of the existence of reptiles in rocks of such high antiquity. We cannot, therefore estimate too highly the scientific interest and importance of this discovery. I am gentlemen, your obedient servant,
"Charles Lyell"
The importance of this discovery and the real standing it gave Dr. King in geology has long since been settled. From that time on his reputation was established. In all extensive or comprehensive works on geology throughout the world his discovery is recognized and he given the credit for it.
Dr. King's articles and lectures are uniformly characterized by a simplicity of language that one does not expect from so learned a man. He succeeded in conveying information on scientific subjects in popular language that the unlearned even could readily understand. He gave great attention to the flora and fauna of Western Pennsylvania. In the study of botany he tried to discover and teach the medical properties of plants. He tried to teach that a knowledge of organic chemistry was an essential in the true education of a physician. He was also a thorough microscopist, and the testimony he gave in criminal cases on the blood-corpuscles found on the clothing of the prisoner, aided greatly in the administration of justice.In 1850 he was appointed a professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical College of Philadelphia, but by reason of ill health he was compelled to abandon it. Though able to cure others he could not cure himself. The disease of inflammation of the stomach and intestines, from which he suffered severely for years. He was a tall man and well built, but had never had a robust constitution. On January 2nd, 1852, he sank gently into a peaceful sleep from which he never awoke. His remains were buried in St. Clair Cemetery.
When he died he was only thirty-nine years old. What he might have accomplished had he lived to mature years, no one can tell. As it was, in his youth almost, by his genius and industry, he connected the name of Westmoreland with his own, and perpetuated them in the chief libraries, philosophical societies and universities of Europe, Asia and America. Yet he sleeps in an unmarked grave, and but a few steps from the grave of another whose services in military and civil life brought freedom, peach, wealth and glory to his country, but whose dust is covered by a mossy headstone now crumbling in neglect, which was erected guy the hand of charity.
Among the eminent physicians of Westmoreland county few stand higher than Dr. James L. McCormick, of Irwin. As a complete sketch of the McCormick family appears in the genealogical volumes of this work it is unnecessary to speak particularly of his ancestors. He was born near Irwin, March 24, 1828, and attended the schools of North Huntingdon township. In those days it was not an easy matter to secure an education for the three-fold reason that teachers were mostly worthless, the schools were in session but a small part of each year, and most of the settlers were too poor to provide clothing and spare the time of their children from work. The fact is that the schools were held in summer and fall for the simple reason that in the hard winters it was impossible to provide clothing of sufficient warmth to protect the children while going to and from school. If any boy or girl wore more than fifty cents worth of clothing at one time in those days it was a luxury altogether out of harmony with the general custom. Young McCormick, however, acquired knowledge with great ease and managed to get enough to enable him to begin teaching in North Huntingdon towhship schools at the early age of seventeen years. At thirteen years of age he clerked over in Rostraver township, in the store of Matthew McClanahan. In 1845 he began teaching in the township, and later taught in Greensburg until 1851. In the meantime he was reciting Latin, Greek, and mathematics to Rev William D. Moore, who was at the time one of the ablest teachers and one of the most scholarly men in Westmoreland county. In later days he was scarcely less famous as a lawyer in Pittsburgh than he was in the early days as a preacher and scholar. The training young McCormick got from Mr. Moore enable him to enter the sophomore class half advanced at Washington College. He continued to attend college until the end of the junior year, at which time he made arrangements with the faculty to remain out the first half of the senior year to engage in teaching that he might rehabilitate his finances. Presenting himself at the beginning of the second half he was told that a rule, made after his arrangement with the faculty, would prevent his entering. By examination he later received his diploma from Franklin College. He thus stands as one who took his entire course at Washington, and yet is recognized as alumnus of Franklin. The class in which he would have graduated at Washington was that of 1855.
His course at college was marked by unusual thoroughness and comprehensiveness. His love for the classics was such as some times to obscure the fact that his greatest natural ability was in the line of logic and mathematics. Rev. Samuel J. Wilson, then senior professor of the Western Theological Seminary, and a college mate of Dr. McCormick's has said that when young McCormick was in college his proficiency in mathematics was so great that he assisted students in the classes ahead of his own, as well as those behind him. When he began with his own son the work of preparing young men for college, it was a frequent experience that he had no opportunity to note beforehand the proposition in geometry which was to be demonstrated. This in nowise disconcerted him, as the solution of geometrical problems seemed with him an intuitive process.
His public school teaching after he became a student at Washington was in Johnstown and Greensburg. In 1855 he was appointed by Governor James Pollock as superintendent of schools in Westmoreland county. He entered upon his work with his usual energy, and brought to bear upon his duties such learning and experience as enabled him to raise the standard very materially during his term of office. He never lost interest in the public school system until the day of his death. He arranged for the first County Institute at Greensburg in the year 1855, which was a most successful gathering. It was while he was county superintendent that he was married to Miss Rachel Long Black, a daughter of Samuel and Jane Mansberger Black, of Irwin. At the conclusion of his term of office as county superintendent he entered the Western Reserve Medical College at Cleveland, taking the winter sessions until he graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1860. Immediately after receiving his degree as a Doctor of Medicine he located in New Florence, but inasmuch as Dr. James Taylor, of West Fairfield, was just then elected to the legislature, a partnership was formed which resulted in Dr. McCormick's removal to West Fairfield, the center of a large inland population. The partnership continued only for a brief time, but Dr. McCormick remained in West Fairfield until April 1, 1871. His practice was a most extensive one, extending throughout the whole Ligonier Valley, and while the superior attainments of Dr. McCormick fitted him to engage in practice in a larger community, yet here he obtained valuable experience for his later practice. To this day the name of Dr. McCormick is well known in the Ligonier Valley. No community in the state, perhaps, has sent out a larger body of young men and women to take the places of usefulness, and much of this was the result of the encouragement and inspiration afforded them by this scholarly physician.
In 1871 he moved back to Irwin, the place of his birth, there to spend the remaining ten years of his life. Here his chief life work was accomplished. Shortly after his return to Irwin he was appointed examining surgeon for pensions for Westmoreland county, and this brought him in contact with all the veterans of the civil war who were at that time in receipt of pensions. His practice from the start was very large and continued so until the time of his decease. He at once resumed his relations with the public schools by becoming a member and the president of the board of directors of the Irwin schools. He took a deep interest in maintaining and increasing the efficiency of the schools, and especially in securing the best possible man as the county superintendent. He was the choice of his county for congressman, though in the final conference between the three counties then constituting the district, he yielded to the superior claims of the adjoining county, thus failed to become the nominee. In November, 1874, he began to prepare his eldest son for college, giving instruction in Latin, Greek, and mathematics, and though his son finished his preparation two and a half years later and entered Washington and Jefferson College, yet he continued to render the same service for his second son, Dr. John McCormick, and for other youths of the community, without compensation, until the close of his life. It was not an infrequent event that he would order his carriage to be bought in order that he might make the morning calls, but would become so absorbed in some Latin or Greek author that the noon hour would come and the patient horse be taken to the stable without a single call being made. It is only fair to say that while this happened again and again, it never occurred when a serious case demanded his presence. Dr. McCormick, living in a time less strenuous than the present, was extremely conscientious in the employment of his time. That which was not devoted to his professional labors or to his constant teaching was given to study and reading. He never took a daily paper nor spent any of his time in reading trifling happenings. He read from cover to cover the weekly Tribune and the New York Independent. He read these thoughtfully, taking time to digest the more important articles. On the return of Joseph Cook from his studies in Europe in the early seventies, when in Boston he began his famous Monday lectures, he became also a frequent contributor to the Independent. Dr. McCormick read these articles and lectures with the greatest care. Some of these were upon the Trinity, and the writer has seen the criticisms of Dr. McCormick upon these able productions of Joseph Cook. He subjected them to the keenest analysis, reducing the arguments to chemical formulas which he put upon the margin of the page, and sometimes succeeded, as he thought, in discovering many fallacies in the reasoning of the famous theologian. One of the scholarly preachers of Irwin in those days was Dr. John Titzel, now nearing the close of his able and useful life, and it was the delight of Dr. Titzel and Dr. McCormick to engage again and again in friendly argument, mostly upon theological subjects. Dr. Titzel knowing the facts of church history and the principles of theology better than his opponent, had obviously an advantage, which, however, was just as often overcome by the accurate logic and unrivaled reasoning powers of Dr. McCormick.
As a physician he certainly was without a superior in Westmoreland county. Utterly hating sham and pretense, unable to exercise patience with those who were able to gain a reputation for knowledge which they did not actually possess, he himself stood as a example of solid worth and real attainment. He brought to bear upon the practice o medicine an extensive knowledge both of diseases and the remedies. It was impossible for him to be superficial about anything. He studies each case scientifically, and exercised his own judgment as to the remedy to be given. As a surgeon he was fairly skillful, but he never cared for this part of his work. It was in the field of pure medical practice that he was most eminent, and in which he would have become more eminent had he been given longer life.
In 1869, his wife passed away, and from the time of her death it was his purpose to remove from the Valley to some other and larger place. Shortly after his removal to Irwin he married Margaret Mansberger Black, a sister of his first wife. Of ten children born to him, seven grew to adult life. All these still live except Dr. John McCormick, who died March 25, 1905.
About Thanksgiving, 1880, Dr. McCormick was engaged in preparing a green skeleton for articulation. He failed to observe an abrasion on his hand, and came in contact with some of the poisoned flesh, which resulted in blood poison and which occasioned his death some months later. He continued in active practice, however, until the middle of summer. Knowing that death was not far distant, he made up his books most carefully and prepared for the final summons. On August 18, 1881, he passed away, in Philadelphia, where he had gone for treatment in hope of restoration. In his religious beliefs, he claimed the right to think for himself, and his views were not in the strictest accord with any particular denomination. He died, however, an earnest believer in Jesus Christ. Honest, sincere, conscientious, thoughtful, he insisted upon liberty of opinion, and was willing to extend this privilege to his fellows. He never wronged a man, sought conscientiously to give every one his due, was broad in his sympathies, liberal in his opinions, not censorious, willing that the other man should differ from him without its interfering with friendship, and with all stood in the forefront of progress and enlightenment. He was a valuable man in the community, and in his life accomplished much of good for his fellow men.
The Act of Assemble, of 1881, provided for the registration of all physicians in the State. We give below an alphabetical list of all who have since been registered as practitioners in Westmoreland County:
George Bonbright Anderson, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1877
Daniel Abraham Arter, Greensburg, Filed Statement.
Jacob T. Ambrose, Ligonier, Long Island Col., June 29, 1870
David Alters, Parnassus, Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1861
James White Anawalt, Greensburg, Jefferson med. Col., March 10, 1855
Perry Green Anderson, Scottsdale, Physio-Med. Col., O., Feb 4, 1869
J. G. Alter, Parnassus, Western Univ. of Pa., July 18, 1895
N. Abbaticchio, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 20, 1896
C.D. Ambrose, Ligonier, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 30, 1900
L.S. Aspey, Smithton, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 31, 1899
John A. Armstrong, Leechburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1867
S.E. Ayars, Philadelphia, Eclectic Col. of N.Y., March 3, 1884
H.E. Almes, Murrysville, Western PA. Med. Col., March 27, 1890
H.E. Alfas, Latrobe, Western PA. Med. Col., March 24, 1887Robert Robinson Bowman, Youngstown, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1878
James Logan Brown, Pleasant Unity, filed statement.
Alpheus Arlington Bush, Merwin, Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., March 1, 1875
Hamilton Keeley Beatty, Parnassus, Jefferson Med. Col., March 13, 1871
James Mortimer Bennett, Donegal Twp., Filed statement.
Norman G. Berkey, Hempfield Twp., Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1878
Morgan Rhees Banks, Livermore, filed statement
Samuel Edgar Burchfield, Latrobe, Un. Of Michigan Hom. Med. Col., June 30, 1881
Daniel Ellwood Beltz, Ligonier, Un. Of Medicine & Surgery., May 10, 1865
J. W. Bair, New Stranton, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 18, 1895
Frank J. Brock, Stahlstown, Medico-chi., June 16, 1894
Ida E. Blackburn, Greensburg, Women's Med. Col., Phila., July 18, 1895
James E. Blair, Beatty, Un. Of Penna., July 20, 1896
P. A. Brown, New Kensington, Western PA Med. Col., July 20, 1896
Wm. J. Bierer, Export, Western U. of Pa., July 28, 1897
Clarence Beacom, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., July 28, 1897
John W. Barclay, Ligonier, Jefferson Med. Col., July 28, 1897
J. F. Black, Jeannette, Medico-Chi. Col., July 28, 1897
J. A. Boale, Vandergrift, Western U. of P., July 28, 1897
A. J. Bearer, New Kensington, Col. Of Med. & Surg., Cincinnati, July 16, 1898
C. E. Bair, Arona, Western U. of P., July 30, 1890
C. G. Burheen, Jeanette, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 22, 1899
H. A. Barclay, Latrobe, N. Ind. Col. of Phar, June 30, 1903
A. A. Beacom, Keekburg, Western U. of P., July 30, 1903
L. J. C. Bailey, Greensburg, University of Mich., July 20, 1896
Richard W. Bell, Stauffer, Cleveland Med. Col., 1891
T. W. Blakeslee, Vandergrift, Electric Med. Co., PA., etc., 1899
George Bowman, Irwin, University of Mich., Jan 20, 1901
Hugh B. Barclay, Greensburg, Hahnemann Med. Col., March 15, 1901
D. B. Brady, Cowansburg, Columbus Med. Col., Feb 28, 1882
C. W. Bank, New Alexandria, Toledo Med. Col., July 10, 1883
J. M. Blaine, Livermore, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1881
J. A. Burgoon, filed statement, June 10, 1885
J. H. Boyd, Mt. Pleasant, Ecl. Med. Col., Cinn., June 2, 1885
E. W. Blackburn, Stahlstown, Ecl. Med. Col., Cinn., June 2, 1885
G. E. Bair, Mendon, Western Reserve Col., O., March 3, 1886
G. W. Bane, Greensburg, University of Md., March 17, 1885
H. S. Bossart, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1886
Katharine Burrie, Bradford, Luzerne, Switzerland., 1864
N. J. Bigley, Suterville, West. Reserve Col., O., March 7, 1888
Ed. Barnes, Bolivar, filed statement, July 20, 1888
Wm. C. Byers, Jefferson <ed. Cpl., March 9, 1872
E. H. Byers, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., April 31, 1889
W. H. Brown, New Stranton, University of Md., April, 1889
J. A. Baker, Saltsburg, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1890
A. A. Bancroft, Greensburg, Hahnemann Med. Col., 1892
C. S. Bradfute, Derry, Jefferson Med. Col., April 5, 1887
Adam Bryan, New Stranton, filed statement, July, 1893James L. Crawford, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March 7, 1868
John S. Crawford, Greensburg, Hahnemann Med. Col., March 10, 1875
James C. Cline, Derry Sta., Jefferson Med. Col., March 13, 1880
William J. Clarke, New Florence, Jefferson Med. Col., March 28, 1849
Joseph L. Cook, New Alexandria, Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1858
Bruce L. Calhoun, Parnassus, Cinn. Col. of Med. & Sur., June 19, 1876
Joseph Hiester Clark, Mt. Pleasant, filed statement
Samuel C. Campbell, Stahlstown, Ecl. Med. Inst., Feb 6, 1879
Wm. B. Cosgrove, New Derry, Col. of Phy. & Sur., March 3, 1880
Hugh J. Call, Mt. Pleasant, Un. Of Pa., July 18, 1895
W. H. Cowan, Webster, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 31, 1889
John D. Caldwell, University of Pa., July 22, 1889
B. F. Crise, S. Huntingdon Twp., Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1883
E. M. Clifford, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., March 31, 1882
J. C. Cort, Greensburg, University of Md., March 17, 1885
C. H. Clifford, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., April 5, 1887
James S. Carson, Smithton, Jefferson Med. Col., April 5, 1887
Thomas Carson, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1865
Frank Cowan, Greensburg, Georgetown Col., March 2, 1869
A. H. Coven, Hempfield Twp., filed statement, July 31, 1901
S. M. Crosby, Mt Pleasant, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 28, 1889
Chas. P. Conway, Livermore, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 28, 1889
Wm. N. Cunningham, Livermore, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1874
J. D. Casey, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., April 27, 1892
T. P. Cole, Greensburg, filed statement, Nov 9, 1893
R. E. Conner, New Florence, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 23, 1893Henry L. Donnelly, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1853
Samuel H. Decker, New Derry, Mediums Med. Asso., Aug 19, 1880
Joseph S. Dodd, Parnassus, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1875
L. M. Donaldson, West Newton, Baltimore Dental Col., May 1, 1897
John D. dickey, Mt. Pleasant, Hahnemann Col., Phila., June 30, 1899
Wm. Doncaster, Jeanette, Eclectic Col., Cinn., July 22, 1899
H. W. Day, Monessen, Chicago Med. Col., July 31, 1899
C. A. Donaldson, West Fairfield, Un. Of Wooster, Feb. 4, 1885
G. McCrady Dickson, Adansburg, Western U. of P., August 4, 1902
H. McCall Duncan, Mt. Pleasant, West Va. Med. Col., March 24, 1892
Alvin St. C. Daggette, Shaner Sta., Cleveland Med. Col., March 2, 1881James R. Ewing, Oakland X Roads, Cin. Col. of Med. & Sur., July 30, 1870
James Duncan Evans, Latrobe, Ecl. Med. Col. of Cinn., Feb 7, 1871
John H. Ewing, Delmont, Col. of P. & S., July 16, 1898
Wm E. Everett, New Stranton, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 30, 1900
Reuben Eisaman, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., April 5, 1887
S. P. Earnest, Salem, Western Pa. Med. Col. March 27, 1890
W. S. Earnest, Latrobe, Ind. Ecl. Col., Feb. 27, 1890
C. D. B. Eisaman, Adamsburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March, 1871James Ayres Fulton, Delmont, filed statement, 1864
Ralph Erskin Fulton, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1869
George S. Foster, Greensburg, Hom. Med. Col. of Pa., March 3, 1859
Charles D. Fortney, Scottdale, filed statement, 1871
James P. Frye, Webster, Col. of P. & S., March 4, 1880
L. L. Fitchhorn, Avonmore, Western Pa. Med. Col., May 29, 1902
H. C. Fuller, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1885
R. G. Finley, Scottdale, Hom. Hospital Col., March 9, 1881
W. L. Fennell, Delmont, Col. of P. & S., Balt., March 15, 1886
Wm,. Frederick, Merwin, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 23, 1888
W. H. Fetter, Scottdale, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 27, 1890
John F. Fox, Adamsburg, Ecl. Med. Inst., Cinn., June 12, 1891David Gildner, Bolivar, filed statement, 1871
Robert F. Gaut, Mt. Pleasant Twp., Detroit Med. Col., Feb 29, 1876
Lewis S. Goodman, Mt. Pleasant, Ecl. Med. Inst., Cinn., May 7, 1878
W. W. Grove, New Florence, Rush Med. Col., Chicago, July 28, 1897
John W. Goodsell, New Kensington, Pultic Col., Cinn., June 25, 1898
S. C. Gorman, Larimer, Baltimore Med. Col., July 20, 1896
M. L. Glenn, Un. Of Michigan, July 22, 1899
A. A. Guffy, Smithton, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 28, 1897
J. D. Greaver, New Alexandria, U. of P., July 30, 1900
J. O. Grove, Ligonier, Jefferson Med. Col and Un. Of S. Tennessee, 1904
Lida Grant, Speers, Col. of Med. & Sur., Chi., May 1903
E. B. Gleason, Greensburg, U. of P., March 15, 1878
W. T. Greenfield, Mt. Pleasant, Miami Med. Col., March 1, 1883
H. S. George, Scottdale, statement filed, June 23, 1887
J. M. Grubbs, Latrobe, Miami Med. Col., Cinn., March 11, 1886
T. J. Grace, Greensburg, Col. of P. & S., Chi., Feb. 26, 1889
J. W. Gilmore, Paintersville, Physio, Med. Inst., Cinn., Feb 18, 1874
B. G. Guthrie, Irwin, U. of P., March 14, 1867
O. W. H. Glover, New Kensington, Jefferson Med. Col., April 15, 1891
Chas. M. George, New Kensington, P. & S. of Baltimore, April 14, 1892
R. Greno, Jeanette, Kan. Hom. Med. Col., March 15, 1893
W. J. Gardner, Irwin, U. of Pa., May 10, 1890
L. T. Gilbert, Alverton, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 20, 1896
Charlotte E. Goodman, Mt. Pleasant, Wowen's Med. Col., Phil., May 10, 1893Robert B. Hammer, Greensburg, U. of Pa., March 15, 1881
Oliver W. Howell, Mt. Pleasant Twp., W. Reserve Col., Hudson, O., March 6, 1880
George L. Humphreys, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1874
Martin D. Heath, Mt. Pleasant, Pulte. Col. of Cinn., March 4, 1880
Ed. A. Hoffman, Delmont, Jefferson Med. Col., July, 1896
B. L. Heintzelman, Penn Sta., W. U. of Pa., Dec 24, 1897
M. W. Horner, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., July 28, 1897
Wm. D. Hunter, Monessen, Col. of P. & S., Bal., Dec 20, 1901
Jas. B. Harmer, Philadelphia, Jefferson Med. Col., March 18, 1886
Henry H. Brown, West Newton, Univ. Col. of Md., July 20, 1903
J. F. Hebrank, Adamsburg, Univ. of Md., March 15, 1883
James W. Harvey, Salina, Jefferson Med. Col., March 29, 1884
J. W. Hughes, Latrobe, Cinn. Col. of Med., June 12, 1863
D. L. Hutton, Jr., Shaner Sta., Col. of P. & S., of Md., March 15, 1887
U. O. Heilman, Leechburg, Col. of P. & S. of Md., March 1, 1881
R. P. Hunter, Leechburg, Jefferson Med. Col., 1869
M. C. Hunter, Leechburg, filed statement, Feb. 11, 1888
S. W. Hunter, Mt. Pleasant, Col. of P. & S., Bal., Feb. 27, 1874
M. C. Householder, Oakland, Jefferson Med. Col., April 4, 1888
Walter L., Harrison, Jeanette, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
Hugh Henry, Jeanette, Med. Col. of Cleveland, June 3, 1883
Wm. J. Haymaker, Delmont, Jefferson Med. Col., April 21, 1890
E. R. Hebrank, Adamsburg, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1890
James Harkins, Mt. Pleasant, Ecl. Med. Inst., Cinn., 1886
C. F. Hough, Livermore, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 27, 1891
Robt. A. Herwick, Smithon, Columbus Med. Col., April 27, 1897
S. Hindman, Jr., Parnassus, Col. of P. & S., Bal., March 1, 1881
A. B. Hughes, Madison, Col. of P. & S., Bal., April, 1803
W. T. Huston, Greensburg, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 26, 1891B. C. Irwin, New Alexandria, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 28, 1889
William A. Jamison, Cowansburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1879
H. D. Jameson, Greensburg, U. of Pa., July 1885
J. R. Jack, New Alexandria, Jeff. Med. Col., July 20, 1896
J. B. Johnson, Ligonier, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 22, 1899
J. M. Jackson, Bridgeport, filed statement, 1902
M. R., Jamison, Irwin, Pul. Col. of Cinn., March 2, 1881
F. W. Johnson, Philadelphia, filed statement, May 6, 1885
W. W. Johnston, Scottdale, Bellevue Hos. & Col., March 10, 1881
D. C. Jordan, Derry, Eclectic Med. Inst., Cinn., June 26, 1875Logan M. Kifer, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., March 5, 1879
I. P. Klingensmith, Derry, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1875
George W. Kern, West Newton, Hahnemann Med. Col., March 11, 1878
Wm. John K. Kline, Greensburg, Long Island Col. Hos., July 2, 1863
James T. Krepps, Webster, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1875
James H. Kelley, Pleasant Unity, filed statement, 1871
Joseph W. B. Kamerer, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March 13, 1871
F. C. Katherman, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., July 30, 1901
Alex R. Kidd, West Newton, Western U. of Pa., July 28, 1897
D. M. Koontz, New Kensington, Jefferson Med. Col., April 3, 1889
A. B. Krebs, Bolivar, Cinn. Col. of M. & S., Feb 1886
M. S. Kuhns, Mt. Pleasant
Wm. H. King, Fairfield, Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1870
H. F. Kimmel, Ligonier, Western PA. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
T. A. Klingensmith, Jeannette, Western Pa. Med. Col.
George C. Kneedler, Ruffsdale, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 24, 1892
W. O. Keffer, Ligonier, Georgia Col. Ec. & Med. S., 1888
A. S. Kauffman, New Kensington, Baltimore Col. of Med., March 30, 1893
H. D. Kessler, Vandergrift, Hahnemann Med. Col., June 29, 1901James H. Lafferty, New Florence, Col. of P. & S., Bal., March 1, 1881
Henry G. Lominson, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., March 6, 1852
Hugh W. Love, Harrison City, Ecl. Med. Col. of Pa., March 25, 1880
Joseph S. Long, Circleville, W. Reserve Col. of O., March 4, 1868
Isaac N. Leyda, Manor, Conferred by U. of P., March 12, 1875
A. S. Low, Greensburg, filed statement, 1893
A. H. Lewis, Jeanette, Phila. Med. Col., March 12, 1889
John F. Long, Harrison City, U. of P., June 16, 1984
John D. Long, Greensburg, U. of P., June 16, 1898
James Q. Lemmon, Derry Twp. U. of P., March 15, 1882
Charles B. Leitzel, Derry, Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1887
Wm. M. Lauffer, Harrison City, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 26, 1891
M. W. Livingston, Latrobe, filed statement, 1897
J. H. Lamhead, West Newton, Jefferson Med. Col., April 21, 1886John D. Milligan, Madison, Bellevue Hos. Med. Col., March 1, 1876
Matthew W. Miller, Ligonier, Cinn. Col. of M. A. S., Feb. 15, 1872
David W. Miller, Adamsburg, W. Reserve Med. Col., 1881
Benjamin R. Mitchell, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1887
James S. Miller, Derry, Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1855
John R. Moore, Burrell, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1854
James I. Marchand, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., March 8, 1862
Alexander B. Mitchell, Harrison City, Jefferson Med. Col., March 4, 1872
Florence L. March, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., March 7, 1868
W. S. Maden, Latrobe, Jefferson med. Col., March 15, 1876
John W. Morrison, Dougal, filed statement
John L. Marchand, Irwin, U. of P., June 16, 1894
Wm. C. Meanor, Greensburg, U. of P., June 13, 1895
William S. Marsh, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., 1894
Robert H. Moore, Derry, Kentucky School of Med., Oct 20, 1894
Mary L. Montgomery, Mt. Pleasant, Med. Col. of Phila., July 18, 1895
T. W. Moran, Stahlstown, Jefferson Med. Col., July 22, 1899
F. G. Miller, Tarr Sta., Western Pa. Med. Col., July 28, 1897
John A. Metsger, Latrobe, U. of P., Dec. 21, 1896
H. Y. Messec, Greensburg, Ohio Med. Un., Aug. 15, 1900
J. M. Manigal, Jeanette, U. of Md., 1886
H. S. Mershon, New Kensington, Bellevue Hospital, March, 1875
John D. Mullen, Youngstown, Western Pa. Med. Col., April 26, 1898
W. J. Middleton, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., 1879
E. B. Marsh, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., April 27, 1892
L. R. Metzgar, Latrobe, Long Island Hos., June 28, 1866
C. C. Miller, Texas Village, filed statement, Feb 15, 1884
E. S. Miller, Parnassus, U. of P., March 15, 1878
George W. Miller, Hempfield Twp., Jefferson Med., March 29, 1884
A. D. Miller, Manor Station, U. of Pa., May 1, 1885
S. G. Miller, Bolivar, Western Reserve Un., March 15, 1882
J. M. Miller, Cokeville, Cinn. Col. of M. & S., June 2, 1875
A. H. Myers, Mt. Pleasant, U. of Maryland, March 1, 1882
H. B. Mathoit, West Newton, Jefferson Med. Col., March 6, 1852
John R. Morrow, Jeanette, Jefferson Med. Col., April 4, 1888
R. C. Moorehead, Manor, Baltimore Med. Col., March, 1886
W. H. Myers, Meyersdale, Md. Col. of Phila., April 2, 1862
J. C. Miller, Manor, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1885
John E. Moore, New Kensington, Cleveland Med. Col., March 23, 1892
W. R. Miller, Bolivar, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 24, 1892
J. S. Mullen, Mt. Pleasant, Penna. Col., April 3, 1896
William D. McGowan, Ligonier, U. of P., April 5, 1851
Martson M. McColly, Ligonier, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1870
D. W. McConaughy, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., March 3, 1858
Robert McConaughy, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1875
James H. McLaughlin, New Salem, Cinn. Col., of M. & S., Feb 17, 1873
William McWilliam, Merwin, filed statement
John N. McCune, Suterville, W. Reserve Col. Ohio, 1878
James McConaughy, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson, Med. Col., March 20, 1845
Francis McConaughy, Mt Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., March 24, 1846
R. E. L. McCormick, Irwin, W. Pa. Med. Col., July 13, 1903
J. R. McCausland, Greensburg, Phila. Col. of Phar., Feb 6, 1886
George T. McNish, Alverton, Western U. of P., July 22, 1899
S. M. McDermott, Greensburg, U. of Phila., 1867
John McCormick, Irwin, W. Reserve Un., Cle., March 15, 1882
William McNeal, Smithon, Un. Of New York City, March 9, 1866
J. I. McKee, Penn. Station, Miami Col., March, 1876
George B. McCullough, Irwin, Un. Of New York, March 1, 1885
W. J. McDonald, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col. & Washington & Jeff. Col., 1884
R. C. McCurdy, Livermore, Col. of P. & S., Md., March 1, 1882
H. B. McDonnell, Penn Station, Col. of P. & S., March 6, 1852
Alex McLain, Bradenville, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
C. A. McCaskey, Bolivar, Un. Of Wooster, O., Feb 24, 1876
James L. McDonald, Jeannette, Am. Ecl. Co. of Md., May 22, 1879
F. G. McKloven, Ligonier, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 24, 1892
T. E. McConnell, Parnassus, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 26, 1891
W. H. McCafferty, Manor, Western Pa. Of Med. Col., March 28, 1889
F. C. McMorris, New Kensington, U. of Pa., May, 1892
C. E. McCune, Jacob's Creek, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 28, 1897
W. M. McWilliams, Penn Sta., Western Pa. Med. Col., March 26, 1891
Robert McClellan, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., April 4, 1888
E. D. McKee, Penn Station, Western PA. Med. Col., 1889
S. W. Newman, Scottdale, filed statement, Nov 11, 1884
George E. Nichols, N. Belle Vernon, Physio-Med, Inst., Cinn., March 1, 1881
Hugh Nicolay, filed statement, 1866
James P. Orr, West Bethany, U. of Mich., March 26, 1879
Lemuel Offutt, Penn Station, U. of Md., Feb 29, 1876
J. D. Orr, Leechburg, Jefferson, Med. Col., April 2, 1885
W. B. Orr, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., April, 1883
Alexander H. Peebles, Youngtown, Cinn. Col. of M. & S., Feb 17, 1876
George B. Porch, New Florence, Jefferson Med. Col., March 13, 1871
Robert A. Pritchard, Kecksburg
James Patterson, Baltimore Med. Col., Dec 28, 1898
Iden M. Portser, Greensburg, U. of Pa., Dec 28, 1898
E. N. Piper, New Kensington, Aug 4, 1902
H. G. Painter, Irwin, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 30, 1903
James M. Patton, Kelly Sta., Col. of P. & S. Bal., Dec.1885
W. C. Park, Manor, W. Reserve Un., March 16, 1882
W. R. Poole, Donegal, Ecl. Col. of Cinn., Nov 19, 1879
J. A. Peebles, Youngtown, Cinn. Col. of M. & S., Feb 26, 1885
James K. Park, Manor, W. Reserve Med. Col., March 1, 1852
T. P. Painter, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., April 5, 1887
N. W. Patton, Smithton, Jefferson Med. Col., March 29, 1884
Frederick H. Patton, W. Newton Jefferson Med. Col., March 10, 1866
George Parks, Murrysville, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 4, 1879
W. D. Pfontz, Irwin, filed statement, Oct 22, 1887
W. L. Plotner, Mt. Pleasant, W. Pa. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
F. L. Portzer, Greensburg, Western PA. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
C. C. Porter, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., April 4, 1888
S. C. Pigman, Mt. Pleasant, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1879
M. Patterson, Greensburg, Western Pa. Med. Col., Aug 5, 1887
E. E. Patton, New Kensington, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 28, 1889
W. F. Peairs, Suterville, Col. of P. & S., Bal
W. F. Peairs, Suterville, filed statement, March, 1893
L. J. Petz, Latrobe, Phila, Un. Of Med., Feb. 11, 1879
Wilson J. Rugh, Franklin Twp., Columbus Med. Col., Feb 27, 1877
Joseph H. Richie, West Newton, W. Reserve Med. Col., Feb. 10, 1867
Alexander J. Rogers, Scottdale, filed statement, 1871
John Q. Robinson, West Newton, Un. Of N. Y. City, 1849
John E. Rigg, Stoneville, Col. of P. & S., Bal., March 4, 1879
Jacob Welty Rugh, New Alexandria, Jefferson Med. Col., March 8, 1851
Joseph Robertson, Rostraver Twp., Columbus Med. Col., March 3, 1881
C. G. Robinson, Jeannette, Cleveland Med. Col., June 24, 1897
L. W. Raison, Foxburg, Ohio Med. Col., March, 1884
L. T. Russell, Ruffsdale, Physio-Med. Inst. O., Feb 27, 1882
C. B. Rugh, New Alexandria, Jefferson med. Col., April 2, 1885
J. H. Ringer, Salem, W. Pa. Med. Col., March 22, 1888
J. Q. Robinson, West Newton, Wash. & Jeff. Col., 1893
Albert W. Strickler, Scottdale, Jefferson med. Col., March 8, 1871
Bernard C. Seaton, Bolivar, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1873
Millard Sowash, Irwin, Jefferson Med. Col., March 11, 1874
Lewis T. Smith, Pleasant Unity, Jefferson Med. Col., March 4, 1876
Uriah M. Snyder, New Salem, Bellevue Hos. Col., N. Y., March 1, 1872
Samuel S. Stewart, Stewarts Sta., Jefferson Med. Col., March 9, 1861
N. E. Silsley, Scottdale, U. of Pa., June 16, 1894
Chas E. Snyder, S. Greensburg, Bellevue Hos. Col., N. Y. 1894
H. J. Stauffer, Jeannette, Jefferson Med. Col., July, 1895
M. A. Sutton, Avonmore, W. Pa. Med. Col., July 18, 1895
L. B. R. Smith, Jeannette, U. of N. Y. City, July 18, 1895
C. C. Sandels, Jeannette, W. Pa. Med. Col., July 20, 1896
Chas. M. Sloan, Madison, W. Pa. Med. Col., July 28, 1897
E. W. Steens, Jacobs Creek, Bal. Col. of P. & S., Dec 13, 1899
J. E. Stute, Stewarts Sta., W. Pa. Med. Col., July 28, 1897
Thomas St. Clair, Latrobe, W. Pa. Med. Col., July 31, 1901
F. R. Shoemaker, Jeannette, Med. Chi. Col., Jan 18, 1895
Nannie M. Sloan, Latrobe, Ecl. Med. Ins., June 24, 1899
H. J. Stockberger, Greensburg, W. U. of Pa., Sept. 12, 1904
J. P. Strickler, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., May 15, 1901
G. W. Sherbins, Scottdale, Pul.-Med. Col., O., June 4, 1878
J. G. Stewart, Markle, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 1, 1882
G. S. Sutton, Mendon, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1883
L. V. Sutton, Webster, Un. Of N. Y. City, March 13, 1883
J. H. Scroggs, Cook Twp., filed statement, Feb 10, 1884
O. T. Stauffer, Mt. Pleasant, Western Reserve Un., Feb 28, 1883
Wm. F. Sheridan, Stewarts Sta., Jefferson Med. Col., March 13, 1871
A. S. Sherrick, Ruffsdale, W. Reserve Col., Feb. 25, 1885
L. C. Shecengort, Rural, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 15, 1886
J. W. Shelor, Stonerville, Long Island Col., June 2, 1886
J. W. Shelr, Stonerville, Long Island Col., June 2, 1886
L. Seaton, Stauffer, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 15, 1886
P. J. Stauffer, Mt. Pleasant, Exl. Med. Inst., Jan 19, 1876
F. M. Stone, Ruffsdale, Jeff. Med. Col., March 11, 1875
J. S. Silvis, Hempfield Twp., Western Pa. Med. Col., March 27, 1890
J. L. Shields, Derry, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 27, 1890
E. K. Strawn, Madison, Ft. Wayne Med. Col., March 1880
H. W. Sweigert, Whitney, Un. Of N. Y. City, March 27, 1890
Chas. H. Schock, Med. Chi. Col. of Pa., April, 1887
John D. Shull, Derry, Col. of P. & S., Feb. 28, 1887
W. N. Smith, Youngstown, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 24, 1892
E. C. Stuart, New Kensington, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 15, 1887
A. H. Stewart, Greensburg, Jefferson Med. Col., April 27, 1892
H. C. Shipley, Greensburg, Winchester Med. Col., May 29, 1849
D. E. Sloan, Greensburg, filed statement, March 27, 1893
C. A. Shirely, Manor, U. of Pa., May 10, 1893
W. Stengel, Jeannette, Mia. Med. Col., 1884
Lewis Sutton, Mendon, Jefferson Med. Col., March 29, 1848
Theo. Schenider, New Kensington, Med. Col., Berlin, Gmy., 1867
Jacob Sell, Greensburg, Western Pa. Of Med. Col., March 28, 1889
James Taylor, West Fairfield, Jefferson Med. Col., March 8, 1851
Jacob S. Taylor, West Fairfield, Elec. In. of Cinn., June 7, 1881
Amos O. Taylor, New Salem, Ecl. Med. Col., Dec 29, 1879
Enoch W. Townsend, Greensburg, Hom. Med. Col., Cle., Feb 19, 1853
Darwin D. Taylor, Irwin, filed statement
John C. Taylor, Irwin, filed statement
H. W. Tittle, New Florence, Western U. of P., July 18, 1895
J. R. Tillbrook, Claridge, Western U. of P., Dec. 1901
D. O. Todd, Stewarts Station, July 20, 1896
J. R. Thompson, Monnessen, U. of Pa., 1894
William H. Tassell, Scottdale, Bal. Col. of P. & S., 1880
Chas. E. Taylor, Irwin, Un. Of N. Y. City, March 1, 1882
William H. Taylor, Irwin, Un. Of N. Y. City, March 11, 1884
J. M. Taylor, West Fairfield, Bal. Of col. of P. & S., April 2, 1885
L. C. Thomas, Bradenville, med. Col. of P. & S., March 1887
W. K. Trittle, Jefferson Med. Col., June, 1872
D. R. Torrence, Scottdale, Jefferson Med. Col., March 22, 1879
M. F. Toner, Derry, Jefferson Med. Col., March 2, 1893
H. C. Updegraff, Bolivar, U. of Pa., July 22, 1899
Bennett H. Van Kirk, West Newton, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1869
G. M. Van Dyke, West Newton, Jefferson Med. Col., April 4, 1888
William Vogel, New Kensington, filed statement, 1893
David Emmett Welsh, Latrobe, Jefferson Med. Col., March 12, 1878
Frank J. Wethington, Livermore, Long Island Col. Hos., June 6, 1876
S. G. Wertz, Greensburg, Un. Of Michigan, July 18, 1895
V. J. McC. White, New Kensington, Jefferson Med. Col. July 20, 1896
S. S. Willson, Kecksburg, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 20, 1896
A,. Waide, Scottdale, Med. Col. of Ind., June 24, 1899
W. J. Walker, Greensburg, Western Pa. Med. Col., July 30, 1900
S. J. Wireback, Monessen, U. of Pa., March 14, 1866
J. C. Wakefield, Grapeville, Western Reserve Col., 1818
R. S. Whitworth, Donegal, Jefferson Med. Col., 1877
E. P. Weddell, Hawkins Sta.,m Western Reserve Col., 1894
W. R. Wilson, Mt. Pleasant, Ecl. Med. Col., June, 1884
J. S. Watt, La Colle, Jefferson Med. Col., March 7, 1881
F. McFerren Walker, Manor, U. of Pa., March 12, 1874
B. F. Walker, Ligonier, Jefferson Med. Col., April 2, 1885
A. J. Wilson, Glenhope, U. of Pa., March 22, 1876
E. E. Wible, Greensburg, Western Pa. Med. Col., March 26, 1891
A. G. Young, Delmont, Jefferson Med. Col., 1892
W. K. Young, Greensburg, Bal. Col. of P. & S., March 1, 1881
Source: Pages 376-394, History of Westmoreland County, Volume 1, Pennsylvania by John N. Boucher, New York, the Lewis Publishing Company, 1906.
Transcribed August 2000 by Darrel Trout for the Westmoreland County History Project
Contributed by Darrel Trout for use by the Westmoreland County Genealogy Project (http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/)
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