American Archives, edited by Peter Force, 9v., 1837-53. Annals of the West, James R. Albach, Pittsburg, 1856. Calendar of Virginia State Papers, Richmond, 1875.
Chronicles of Border Warfare, A. S. Withers, Cincinnati, 1895. Colonial Records of Pennsylvania, Published by the State, 16v., 1851-3.
Conquering the Wilderness, Frank Triplett, New York, 1883. Diary of David McClure, New York, 1899.
Fort McIntosh, Its Times and Men, Daniel Agnew, 1893.
Fort Pitt and Letters from the Frontier, edited by Mrs. M. C. O'H. Darlington, Pittsburg, 1892.
Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania. Published by the State, ay., Harrisburg, 1896.
Historical Account of the Expedition Against Sandusky, C. W. Butterfield, Cincinnati, 1873.
Historical Collections of Ohio, Henry Howe, revised edition, Norwalk, O., 1896.
Historical Collections of the State of Pennsylvania, Sherman Day, Philadelphia, 1843.
Historical Register, Published Monthly in Pittsburg, 1883-4. History, Manners and Customs of the Indian Natives, etc., John Heckewelder, Philadelphia, 1818.
History of Allegheny County, Published by Warner & Co., Chicago, 1890.
History of Huntingdon County, Pa., M. S. Lytle, Lancaster, Pa., 1876.
History of Indiana County, Pa., Caldwell.
History of Ohio, James W. Taylor, Cincinnati, 1859.
History of Pennsylvania, W. H. Egle, Harrisburg, 1876. History of Pittsburg, N. B. Craig, Pittsburg, 1851.
History of the Juniata Valley, U. J. Jones, Philadelphia, i8$6. History of the Missions of the United Brethren, George Henry Loskiel, London, 1794.
History of Washington County, Pa., Boyd Crumrine, Philadelphia, £882.
History of Westmoreland County, edited by G. Dallas Albert, 1882.
Indian Tribes of the United States, H. R. Schoolcraft, Published by Congress, 1851-5o
Journal of Two Visits, etc., Rev. David Jones, New York, x865. Magazine of American History.
Memoirs of John Bannister Gibson, Thomas P. Roberts, Pittsburg, 1890.
Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Monongahela of Old, James Veech, Pittsburg, 1852-1892. Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren, John Heckewelder, Philadelphia, 1820.
Notes and Queries, W. H. Egle, Harrisburg.
Notes on the Settlements and Indian Wars, etc., Joseph Doddridge, revised edition, 1876.
Olden Time, edited by N. B. Craig, Pittsburg, 1846-8. Old Redstone, Rev. Joseph Smith, Philadelphia, 1854. Otzinachson, or a History of the West Branch Valley, John F. Meginness, 1857.
Our Western Border, Charles McKnight, Pittsburg, 1875. Pennsylvania Archives, First Series, Published by the State, I2v., 1852-6.
Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Published by the State, 20v., 1875-90.
Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography.
Pioneer History, Samuel P. Hildreth, Cincinnati, 1848.
Romance of Western History, James Hall, Cincinnati, 1885. St. Clair Papers, edited by W. H. Smith, Cincinnati, 1882. The Girtys, C. W. Butterfield, Cincinnati, i8go.
Three Villages (Gnadenhuetten), William Dean Howells, Boston, 1884.
Washington-Crawford Letters, C. W. Butterfield, Cincinnati,1877.
Washington-Irvine Correspondence, C. W. Butterfield, Madison, Wis., 1882.
Washington's Letters to the American Congress, New York, 1796.
Westward Movement, Justin Winsor, Boston, 1897.
Winning of the West, Theodore Roosevelt, New York, 1889. Writings of George Washington, P. L. Ford, New York, 1885.
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