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Polish Research Resources 



Due to social, economic, and political reasons, the largest influx of Polish Immigrants occurred during the turn of the century.

Many of these immigrants settled in the coal mining towns of Western Pennsylvania.

If you can trace your roots back to Poland and are now interested in researching your ancestors, please read on.

The LDS has extensively filmed parish records in Poland and are now available at your nearest Family History Center. Before you begin any research in Poland it is imperative to have the location and name of the village.

Below is a list of reference material I have to assist you in searching for your ancestral village.

Links to Polish Pages


Polish Genealogy list from Warsaw- discussion group - other researchers.

To Subscribe:

Send e-mail to listproc@chem.uw.edu.pl

(no subject)

Body of message- subgenpol(your first name, last name)

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