Transcribed by Michael Caldwell.
First column is name of head of household.
Numbered tallies following are age groups as follows:
Column 1: Free White Males age 16 & upwards, including heads of households
Column 2: Free White Males under the age of 16
Column 3: All Free White Females including heads of families
Column 4: All other free persons
Column 5: Slaves
The only change I made is to list the surnames in all capital letters.
Legibility of this census enumeration was average, and
in the case of uncertainty of spelling, I have included
an asterisk (*) immediately following the name in question.Click Here to view some noted differences in the transcription.
BROWN, James 1-3--
TAYLER, Jacob 112--
MOORE, Denal 122--
MONTEAR*, Alex 115--
GODFEREY, John 124--
FREEMAN, Jacob 1-2--
ERWIN, David 115--
ERWIN, Edward 121--
McSPARAN*, Duncan 132--
SMITH, John 1-2--
FISHER, Thos. 113--
KNOX, Robert 153--
HITE, John 123--
PRICKET, Isaac 126--
CLARK, James 131--
FALLOUN, John 116--
FLECK, James 111--
FINDLY, Samuel 115--
FLECK, Robert 3-2--
MANCEL*, Anthony 112--
COUCHRAN, John 112--
LATHERS, James 1-1--
CRUKSHANKS, John 423--
McCORDY, John 423--
CLIFORD, Charles 4-3--
POLK, James 234--
CORNTOWN*, Joseph 113--
OSTON, Moses 114--
LINN, Andrew 152--
SUTTON, Thos. 152--
ADAMS, Archbold 111--
BUCKHANAN, John 163-5
JAMESON, Wm. 133-2
NULEN, James 1-2--
ROOSS [or Roofs], Wm. 1-3--
JOHNSTON, Alex 262--
HOLES, John 112--
SMITH, Elisabeth 112--
PIPER, Wm. 4-2--
McCORDY, James 112--
VICE, Georg 122--
McMANES, Chates* 111--
McMANES, Joseph 1----
McCLURE, Wm. 1-4--
HOCHSKIFF*, David 2----
McHARG*, Peter 114--
TOSH, Henery 145--
McKELVEY, John 121--
ROW, Georg 124--
TEUGARD*, Wm. 123--
GUTHEREY, Wm. 1-1--
THOMPSON, Wm. ---1-
RICKMAN, Philip 131--
ELDER, William 1-3--
SUTTON, Georg 255--
OUSTRA, John 113--
STEPHENS, Rosanna 1-2--
McDOWEL, Robert 142--
TEAT, David 214--
READ, Robert 213--
HAMEL, John 214--
HAMEL, Robert 112--
McKELVEA, James 112--
McKELVEA, James Sr. 1-2--
OGDON, Joseph 132--
HAMEL, Marthow 124--
McCOY, Daniel 217--
MORPHY, John 133--
GOBLE, James 1-1--
HUNTER, Samuel 111--
SUTTON, Alex 116--
COVOD, Geret 112--
WILLIAMS, Nathanel 112-
HOWLE, Joseph 1-3--
HARTMAN, Henery 122--
SNIDER, Peter 2-1--
SNIDER, Nickles 1-8--
MEWHERTER, Wm. 136--
McKINLEY, John -15--
MERTON, Bengemon 1-1--
VERNON, Abraham 1-1--
HENEN*, David 1-1--
MOLHOLOM, Patrick 113--
LEMON, Wm. 132--
CRAVEN, John 113--
ADEMS, Thos. 1-2--
DEHART, John 132--
UPTHEGROVE, James 114--
MANOCHER, John 2-3--
STEATS, Mathias 134--
KENEDY, James 134--
THEBOY, William 1-1--
STELL*, Hugh 113--
ENYARD, John 123--
DYEK, Peter 232--
SHANNAN, Thos. 112--
LUTE, Nickles 22*-- *looks like infinity symbol
GILMOR, James 132--
McCORDEY, James 315--
WALLACE, Daniel 114--
McKINSEY, John 121--
HALFERTEY, Edward 144--
SMACK*, Charles 211-1
DEVES, Robert ---1-
FIPS, Samuel 133--
DAVEIS, Elias 222--
SNIDER, John 112--
BARKER, Wm. 1-3--
BUCKELU*, Fredrick 2-1--
HENDRICKS, Daniel Sr. 111--
HENDRICKS, Daniel Jr. 122--
HENDRICKS, Abraham 243--
HICE, William 1-1--
HANNA, Marcy 214--
HANNA, Hugh 1-1--
BARRON, Wm. 124--
McGUIRE, Archbold 1-3--
Contributed by Michael Caldwell for use by the Westmoreland County Genealogy Project (
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