195/200 Lydia WEST, 55, Widow, Keeping house, Ohio/Pa/Pa
Martin G.* [or J.], 28, son, single, Farmer; Samuel, 24, son, single, Laborer
Mary C., 21, dau, single; Sally A., 18, dau, single; Jacob, 60, brother–in–law, single, Laborer196/201 Robert McKEE, 70, Farmer, Pa/Ire/Ire
Sarah, 71, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane GRIFFITH, 13; Bertha GRIFFITH, 11
Jane McKEE, 68, Sister–in–law, widow197/202 John B. HUSTON, 48, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 47, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Md
William C.* [or O.], 22, son, single, at school; Maggie J., 20, dau, at school
Samuel J., 19, son, Laborer; Thomas W., 16, son; Harry, 11, son
Lizzie A., 9, dau; Robert, 7, son; Kitty, 6, dau198/203 David FELMLEY*, 45, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 49*, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jesse, 20, son, Laborer; Thomas M., 14, son, Laborer199/204 James GRAHAM, 57, Farmer, Pa/Ire/Pa
Sarah A., 48, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lizzie P., 25, dau; Faye* A., 23, dau; Eva J., 21, dau; Thomas J., 19, son
William J., 12, son; Hugh P., 10, son; Mary* [or Maty] S., 8, dau
Royal R., 6, son200/205 David PIER, 42, Farmer, Jersey/Conn/Conn
Belle, 52, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah C., 21, b. Jersey; John E., 18, son, b. Jersey
Edmun B., 16, son, b. Jersey; Lauren* B., 12, dau, b. Jersey
Debora H.*, 10, dau, b. Jersey201/206 Robert W.* HUSTON, 52, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
[p. 23]
[201/206 continued]
Elizabeth, 83, Mother, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire
Nancy B., 54, Sister, single, Pa/Pa/Pa202/207 William McMILLEN, 61, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 52, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Jersey/Jersey
Ogden, 30, son, Farmer; Jennie, 19, dau–in–law
Frank, 21, son; Kimmel, 19, son; Mary, 17, dau
Emma, 14, dau; John, 1, grandson203/208 Thomas HAMMOND, 46, Farmer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Nancy, 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
James A., 15, son, at school; Joseph S., 13, son, at school
Franklin, 8, son; Isaac L., 4, son; Charles C., 1, son204/209 Graham SNODGRASS, 30*, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 27* [or 29], Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
James H., 6, son; Jilly* M., 8, dau; Selvester, 2, son205/210 James SNODGRASS, 78, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Ire
Sarah, 71, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Joseph L., 45*, son, widow, Laborer206/211 William M. GRUBBS, 37, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 28, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Jersey
John N.* [or W.], 13, son; Alace, 12, dau; James, 8, son; Charles, 4, son
Frank, 2, son; John, 65, Father, Farmer; Julia, 45, Mother207/212 James ROLLAND, 40, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 39, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
William, 8, son; John M., 6, son; Annie, 2, dau; Rebecca, 1, dau
Dempsy* McABEE, 13, Step Son, Laborer208/213 Joseph CRUSAN, 63, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Miria, 21, son [sic], Laborer; Ida, 17, dau209/214 Jacob CRUSAN, 39, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 40, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot210/215 Frederick YEADER, 71, Laborer, Md/Pa/Pa
Lizzie, 60, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa[p. 24]
[210/215 continued]
John, 21, son, Laborer; Jaccob, 20, son, Laborer211/216 John SNODGRASS, 75, Widow, Farmer, Pa/Ire/Ire
William, 33, son, married, Farmer
Louisia, 32, dau–in–law, Keeping house
John, 9, grandson212/217 Sydnia* LONG, 32, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 34, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 11, dau; James, 10, son; Anna, 8, dau; Carrie*, 4, dau; Maggie, 1, dau213/218 Joseph ELWOOD, 47, Laborer; Pa/Pa/Pa
Susan, 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Stanford, 9, son; Mary, 8, dau; Lawrence, 3, son; Margret, 8/12, b. Oct., dau214/219 Nancy LUTHER, 66, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Del/Ire
Sarah, 29, dau, single215/220 Thomas GILPIN, 58, Engineer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 60, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Thomas, 16, son, Laborer216/221 Mary WYNN, 63, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Robert, 22, son, Laborer; Samuel, 19, son, Laborer; Sarah, 18, dau, at school217/222 Thomas ROLLAND, 45, Divorced, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
June, 40, Sister, single, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa218/223 John BRANDLINGER, 31, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Clara, 32, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
William, 13, son; Mary, 11, dau; Maggie, 5*, dau219/224 Daniel STIFFY, ** [age unclear], single, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
James, 16, son, Laborer; Margret, 13, dau, Keeping house220/225 Charles A. BEARD, 24, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Maria, 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Andrew F., 6, son; Lizzie, 5, dau; Joseph B., 3, son; Willie, 3/12, b. Mar., son221/226 Henry DELL, 49, Farmer, Pa/Ger/Ger
Mary A., 42, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
West, 13, son; Anna, 13, dau; Mary C., 11, dau; Jaccob, 9, son[p. 25]
[221/226 continued]
Lizzie, 7, dau
Alexander WEST, 82, Father–in–law, Farmer, Pa/Ger/Pa
Anna, 92, Mother–in–law, Pa/Pa/Pa222/227 Joseph GARVER, 41, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nancy, 17, dau; David, 15, son; James, 13, son; Charles, 12, son; Minnie, 7, dau223/228 Margret A. COVODE, 59, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John A., 26, son; G.* [or J.] Harry, 21, son
Emma, 16, dau; Molly MABIN, 15, niece224/229 John METZGER*, 48, Woolen Manufct., Pa/Pa/Pa
Susan, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ger/Pa
Marcelus, 21, son; Bartley V.*, 18, son, Works in Woolen Mill
Maggie J., 23, dau; Susan R., 15, dau; Hattie E., 13, dau225/230 Peter HESS, 53, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 55, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rebecca, 24, dau; George, 21, son; William, 17, son; John, 8, grandson226/231 John LITTLE* [or TITTLE], 32, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Ellen, 27, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Pa
Hallie R., 5, dau; Willie F., 2, son227/232 Joseph W.* LESLIE, 45, Farmer, Pa/Ire/Pa
Naoma, 45, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
George S., 20, son, laborer; Hettie, 17, dau; Frank, 18, son; Mary, 14, dau
Jane, 12, dau; Kesia*, 8, dau; Nancy*, 8, dau; Mathew A., 6, son
Nancy EWING, 81, Mother–in–law, widow228/233 William HALFERTY, 42, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rose A., 36, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Alace M., 7, dau; Allen H., 3, son229/234 Margret HALFERTY, 42, Single, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jennie, 40, Sister, single, Pa/Pa/Pa[p. 26: Here the designation states "Village of Fairfield"]
229/235 Leticia TOSH, 53, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
James O., 16, son, at school230/236 George BARTON* [or BURTON], 40, Blacksmith, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane A., 44, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Maggie, 13, dau; James R., 6, son
Walker JOHNSON, 20, son–in–law, Student, Pa/Ire/Pa
Ella, 18, dau
George B., 5/12, b. Jan., Grandson231/237 John C. ARMOR, 66, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 51, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire
Jennie, 23, dau; Will*, 24*, son, Scholar
Frank, 7, grandson232/238 William JOHNSON, 50, Tailoring, Pa/Ire/Ire
Harriet, 48, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jennie S., 23, dau; James T., 21, son, Laborer233/239 Robert JOHNSON, 50, Single, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Ire
234/240 Agness PARK, 60, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Jersey/Pa
Belle, 40, dau, single, b. Ohio235/241 Charles KRIGER, 50, Farmer, Pa/Ger/Pa
Susan, 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Edgar, 21, son, Laborer; Daniel, 18, son, Laborer
Willie, 10, son; Harry, 7, son; Elcie R., 5, dau236/242 Virginia HELMINGER, 53, widow, Keeping house, Va/Va/Va
Kate CRIMPLE, 29, single, Pa/Ger/Ger237/243 Charles McDOWELL, 41, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 4* [second digit unclear], Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 14, dau, at school; George P., 4, son238/244 Abraham YEAGER, 34, Laborer, Md/Md/Pa
Mary, 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lizzie, 13, dau; Ella A., 12, dau; Manuel, 10, son
Willie, 8, son; Elmer, 5, son; Ida M., 2, dau239/245 Wilson W. DONALSON, 62, Minister, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 54, Wife, Keeping house, Oh/Jersey/Ire
Wilson E., 23, Son, Student, b. Indiana; Charles, 17, son
Jenny*, 12, dau, at home240/246 Feby* ANKINY, 54, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Emma, 21, dau, single241/247 Joseph HENDERSON, 24, Laborer
[p. 27]
[241/246 continued]
Maggie, 21, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 3/12, b. Mar., son242/248 Margery ROBINSON, 68, widow, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire
Mary KENNEDY, 74, Sister, single, Pa/Ire/Ire
Lizzie, 40, niece, single243/249 William KING, 30, Doctor, Pa/Pa/Pa
Julia, 29, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Edward, 4, son; Mary, 2, dau244/250 Laurence ROHM, 32, Miller, Md/Md/Pa
Rebecca, 31, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary S., 11, dau; Reed, 9, son; Belle, 8, dau
Fanny, 5, dau; Lauran* J.,*, 4, dau; Walter, 2, son245/251 Mathew A. GRAHAM, 40, Dry goods Mercht, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nancy J., 39, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Allen, 11*, son, at school; Mary, 6, dau; Jane W., 74, Mother
Melia* REED, 20, single, House Keeper246/252 Michael WILT*, 40, Shoe Maker, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane E., 36, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Pa
Edgar A., 15, son, Laborer; Margret R., 9, dau; James S., 8, son
Lizzie O., 6, dau; Ella M., 4, dau; John, 1, son247/253 Emma HAMMEL, 35, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Harry, 12, son; Mary E., 10, dau; John P., 8, son
Hugh B., 6, son; Blanch E., 3, dau; Samuel MORE, 25, Boarder, Teaching school, Oh/Pa/Oh248/254 James TAYLOR, 59, Doctor, Pa/Pa/Ire
Susan M., 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Swan, 21, Son, Student of [unclear]; Joseph, 19, son, Student249/255 Anna J. WELSH, 56, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Amanda, 41, dau, single, Pa/Pa/Pa250/256 Joseph LOVE, 64, Carpenter, Pa/Ire/Ire
Mary, 49* [second digit uncertain], Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 16, dau, at school; Eve, 12, dau, at school
William, 8, son; Deny* H., 1, son[p. 28]
251/257 Isaac BENNETT, 61, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 59, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Ire
William B., 25, son, Carpenter; Mary, 20, dau
Nannie, 16, dau252/258 William PEOPLES, 59, Dry Goods Merct., Pa/Ire/Pa
Mary, 46, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Cora E., 21, dau; William C., 22, son, Student253/259 Joseph G. LUTHER, 39, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Alace, 28, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Maggie M., 10, dau, at home; Birk* J.*, 8, son; Cora E., 6, dau
Nannie* W., 5, dau; Willie P., 3, son; John, 11/12, b. July, son
Daniel, 32, Boarder, Carpenter254/260 Catharine HYTE* [or HYLE], 60, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
"Here Ends the Village of West Fairfield"
[p. 29]
[Fairfield Township begins again]:
255/261 Edward HALFERTY, 51, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah E., 48, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
William, 21, son, Farmer; Belle, 19, dau; Edward E., 17, son, Laborer
John C., 15, son, Laborer; Joseph W., 13, son; Martha J., 8, dau256/262 Joseph H. LOVE, 38, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 36, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Pa
Harriet E., 14, dau, at school; Mary L., 13, dau; Thomas J., 11, son
Nannie B., 9, dau; Lizzie R., 7, dau; Frank E., 5, son
John C., 3, son; Reed C., 1, son
Rebecca PARK, 42, aunt, single257/263 John P. LOVE, 35, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Hannah J.*, 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nellie E., 11, dau; James H., 9, son; Robert W., 3, son; Maggie B., 3, dau258/264 William GILSON, 34, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 37, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary J., 11, dau; Anna, 9, dau; Edward, 7, son; Willie, 5, son; Maggie, 2, dau259/265 Andrew LUTHER, 27, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 26, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
Cora, 2, dau; Willie, 8/12, b. Oct., son260/266 Alexander MUIR, 27, Laborer, Scot/Scot/Scot
Elener, 25, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Willie, 5, son; Rebecca, 3, dau; Robert, 3, son; James, 6/12, b. Jan., son260/267 George MUIR, 61, Laborer, Scot/Scot/Scot
Jennett, 58, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
George, 20, son, Pa/Scot/Scot; Jennett J., 18, dau, Pa/Scot/Scot
William, 15, son, Laborer, Pa/Scot/Scot261/268 James ADAMS, 52, Miner, Scot/Scot/Ire
Agness, 43, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/[unclear]
Maggie, 21, dau[p. 30]
[261/268 continued]
Walter M., 19, son, Laborer; George J.* [or G.], 15, son, Laborer
James E., 12, son, Laborer; John, 7, son; Marian, 5, dau262/269 James FORSYTH, 23, Laborer, Pa/Scot/Scot
Emma, 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa263/270 William FORSYTH, 44, Laborer, Scot/Scot/Scot
Eliza, 42, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
Robert, 25, son, Laborer; William, 20, son, Laborer; John, 18, son, Laborer
Lizzie, 12, dau; George, 11, son; Jennie, 9, dau; Thomas, 7, son; Albert, 3, son
Kate MOORHEAD*, 75, Mother-in-law, widow, Scot/Scot/Scot264/271 Owen DUFFEY, 59, Laborer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Mary, 59, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire265/272 William C. HALL, 31, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Barbra, 18, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna E., 2, dau; Willie, 3/12, b. Apr., son266/273 Rachel BERKEY, 55, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Joseph, 27, son, single, Laborer; Dora, 20, dau; Lizzie, 18, dau; Thomas, 7, son267/274 Samuel McDOWELL, 54, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 49, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
William, 27, son, Laborer; Ellen, 22, dau; Henry, 19, son, Laborer
John, 16, son, Laborer; Emma, 14, dau; Wesly, 11, son268/275 Joseph L. JOHNS, 43, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Martha, 37, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Frank, 18, son, Laborer; William, 16, son, Laborer; Allen, 14, son, Laborer
Ninie* E., 12, dau; Annie, 10, dau; Emmaline, 8, dau
Rosa B., 6, dau; Lilly M., 4, dau; Ruth, 1, dau[p. 31]
"Lockport Village":
269/276 James REED, 59, Dry Goods Mercht., Pa/Scot/Ire
Annie C., 47, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John C., 22, son, Clerk in store; William M., 18, son, Clerk in store
Sarah J., 9, dau; James R., 6, son270/277 Archy HORNER, 42, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lizzie, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Willie, 12, son; Harry, 12, son; James M., 11*, son
Erewin*, 9, son; Minnie B., 3, dau271/278 Matilda CLIFFORD, 60, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rebecca, 27, dau, single; James B., 25, son, single, Laborer; Gilson, 19, son, Laborer272/279 Charles LITTLE, 30 [or 36], Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 26, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 10, dau; Sarah, 8, dau; Rebecca, 6, dau; Emma, 4, dau
Maggie, 3, dau; Lawrence, 9/12, b. Sep., son273/280 Samuel BURKET, 33, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rachael H., 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Willie, 6, son; June [or Jane] B., 2, dau274/281 Mary BURKET, 50, Widow, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
Martin, 17, son, Laborer275/282 Isaac PENROD, 37, Engineer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lavina, 27, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Vidalla, 10, dau; Willie, 9, son; Maggie H., 8, dau; John, 6, son276/283 George W.* SHOMO, 22, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lauran, 16, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Pa276/284 Eliza McCUNE*, 67, Widow, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
277/285 Mary STORMER, 77, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Harriet, 54, dau, single
Mary SHOMO, 24, granddau, single; Joseph, 21, grandson, single, Laborer
Millard F., 19, grandson, single, laborer; Miller STORMER, 3278/286 Henry REED, 34, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Kate, 8, dau[p. 32]
[278/286 continued]
Lizzie, 7, dau; Ory, 6, dau279/287 John HYSSONG, 44, Teamster, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary A., 44, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Joseph, 15, son, Laborer; George, 14* [or 11], son
Annie, 7, dau; Amanda, 4, dau; Willie, 3, son280/288 William THOMAS, 57, Laborer, Wales/Wales/Wales
Abigail, 43, Wife, Keeping house, York/York/Conn
Mary, 25, dau; Alace, 21, dau; June [or Jane], 17, dau
Henry, 14, son; Emily, 12, dau; Rebecca, 8, dau; James, 8/12, b. Oct., son280/289 William J. THOMAS, 24, Laborer, Pa/Wales/York
Elizabeth, 20, Wife, Keeping house
George, 1/12, b. May, son281/290 Harrison REED, 44, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jennie, 32, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah V., 8, dau; Willie C., 8, son; George W., 6, son
Daniel D., 4, son; Anna L., 8/12, b. Sept., dau282/291 Henry BURKET, 27, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 28, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 7, dau; Robert, 5, son; John, 4, son283/292 William RIDDLE, 26, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 23, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sadie, 5, dau; Willie, 3, son; Henry, 1, son284/293 Horrace B. RIDDLE, 49, Carpenter, Pa/Ire/Pa
Mary J., 28, Wife, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
Elliott R.* [or P.], 10, son; Holda, 7, dau285/294 Silas RIDDLE, 22, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Clara, 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Horrace J., 1, son; John, 1/12, b. May, son
Horrace H., 19, Brother, single, Laborer286/295 James GARDNER*, 53, Brick Manufctr., Ire/Ire/Ire
Sharlott A., 42, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Willie, 11, son, at school[p. 33]
[286/295 continued]
Mary A., 10, dau; Sharlot M., 9, dau; John J., 7, son
Fredrick M., 4, son; Jennie, 9/12, b. Sept., dau"Here Ends the Village of Lockport"
[p. 34]
"Fairfield Township Bolivar Boro."
287/296 Elizabeth HAMMOND, 70, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/[unclear]
Robert, 47, son, single, Clerk in Store, Pa/Ire/Pa288/297 William M. HAMMOND, 40, Dry Goods Merchant, Pa/Ire/Pa
Anna A., 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret J., 7, dau; Willie, 5, son; John, 3, son
Cora AGNEW, 18, House Keeper289/298 John F. LICKENFELS*, 24, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Levina J., 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Catherine, 3, dau; Willie C., 1, son290/299 James LONG, 35, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lizzie, 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary J., 14, dau; James C., 12, son, Laborer; George, 10, son
John T., 8, son; Robert, 6, son; Francis, 3, son; Willie, 9/12, b. Sep., son291/300 George NIXON, 49, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Edward, 10, son292/301 Elizabeth TREASURE, 42, Widow, Keeping house, Wales/Wales/Wales
John, 11, son, Laborer; Elizabeth, 88, Mother, Widow, Wales/Wales/Wales293/302 Auston* McCLAIN, 27, Wagon Maker, Pa/Pa/Pa
Susan, 21, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nuton*, 2, son294/303 Boyd KENADY*, 66, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret, 38, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
[name illegible], 25, son, Laborer; Alace, 21, dau
Lauran J., 19, dau; Anna R., 17, dau; Grant, 14, son
Amanda HENDERSON, 8, grand dau295/304 Samuel HENDERSON, 25, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Blanch, 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Thomas, 2, son; Anna*, 1, b. June, dau296/305 Josua HENDERSON, 29, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 24, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa297/306 Ensign HENDERSON, 59, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rachel, 57, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Fanny, 22, dau; James, 18, son, Laborer298/307 Clarence PATERSON, 27, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Susan, 26, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa[p. 35]
[298/307 continued]
Elgin*, 4, son; Allen L.*, 3, son298/308 Samuel MILLER, 49, Doctor, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 19, son, Laborer; William, 14, son, Laborer
Margret, 3, dau; Adam K., 1, son299/309 Saml. McCLENAHAN, 36, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lizzie, 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 6, son; Sarah, 3, dau299/310 William MUNDER, 30, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Susan, 24, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 7, dau; Emmy, 5, dau; Maggie, 2, dau300/311 Cyrus* LIER, 33, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Susanna, 32, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Frank, 9, son, school; Willie, 8, son, school; Viola, 6, dau, school
Pheobie, 2, dau; Mary, 8/12, b. Oct., dau301/312 William B. HENDERSON, 46, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Catherine, 43, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Blanch, 14, niece302/313 Robert H. COURSON, 26, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Emma, 21, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Ira M., 3/12, b. Mar.302/314 John HENDERSON, 21, Laborer; Pa/Pa/Pa
Hela*, 17, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Ire303/315 Clara MUNDORF, 63, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Gibson, 28, son, Laborer
Hugh LANEGAN, 5, grandson304/316 James HAMMOND, 50, Brick Manufct., Ire/Ire/Ire
Elizabeth, 55, Wife, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
Eliott, 17, son, Clerk in Store; James* B., 13, son, Clerk in Store
Morgan BERKEY, 28, Son–in–law, Brick Manufct., Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 25, dau
Leslie P., 2, son; Rebecca, 9/12, b. Sept., dau
Mary L. WELS, 11305/317 Daniel BRENDINGLER*, 24, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah M., 20, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa306/318 James E. McCARTNEY, 65, School Teacher, Scot/Scot/Scot
Harriet L.*, 60, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Md/Md
John B., 12, son307/319 Isaac P. LUTHER, 38, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
[p. 36]
[307/319 continued]
Jane, 38, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John W., 14, son; Andrew J., 11, son; Millo, 9, son; Lauran, 6, dau308/320 Patrick COMPTON, 53, Laborer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Kate, 43, Wife, Keeping house, Md/Ire/Ire
John, 25, son, Laborer; Ellen, 23, dau; James, 22, son, Laborer
Willie, 13, son, Laborer; Maggie, 4, dau; Joseph, 2, son309/321 Samuel EATON*, 35, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 26, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nellie, 6, dau; Harry, 4, son; Alace, 2, dau310/322 Jaccob WEST, 25, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Tillie, 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elmer J., 4/12, b. March, son310/323 Thomas Y. CRUSAN, 40, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Margret A., 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Eva, 11, dau; Robert C., 8, son; Maggie, 2, dau311/324 Robert McDONNAL, 35, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
Celia, 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Rebecca, 12, dau; Henry, 11, son; Anna, 9, dau
Lauran, 7, dau; Robert P., 5, son; Cora, 3, dau312/325 Samuel B. KENEDY, 35, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Amanda, 33, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John G., 12, son, Laborer; Boyd M., 11, son; Jackson, 9, son
Maggie M., 4, dau; Willie, 2, son; Annie, 1, dau313/326 Bigler MURRY, 21, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Annie, 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa313/327 David EVERHART, 36, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna M., 45, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Adela C., 17, dau314/328 Thomas R. HAMMOND, 26, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Ire
Mary, 23, Wife, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
Charles W., 3, son, b. Canada/Pa/Ire[p. 37]
[314/328 continued]
Belle E., 2, dau, Pa/Pa/Ire315/329 William KELLY, 49, Laborer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Rosa, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Eng/Eng/Ire
John, 21, son, Laborer; Thomas, 15, son, Laborer; Auguston, 13, son, Laborer
Sarah M., 11, dau; Joseph, 8, son316/330 Jane W. COLTER*, 58, widow, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
Robert, 20, son, married within the year
Martha, 18, dau–in–law, married within the year
Myrtil, 3/12, b. Apr., grand dau317/331 William R. SNYDER, 32, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Hannah, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire
Albert, 7, son; Gertie, 6, dau; John, 4, son; James H., 2, son; Grace J., 6/12, b. Dec., dau318/332 Andrew DUSHANE, 52, Blacksmith, Pa/Ire/Ire
Caroline, 47, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Joseph, 21, son, Blacksmith; Fanny, 19* [or 17 or 14], dau319/333 Clark YEAGER, 29, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Maggie, 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
James, 4, son; Rebecca, 2, dau319/334 John McABEE, 70, Widow, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 16, grandson320/335 Lewis McCOY, 18, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Christanna, 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
George H., 1, son320/336 John INGLE* [or ENGLE], 31, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Ella, 20, Wife, Keeping house, Kansas/Pa/Pa
Charles D., 2, son; Isaac, 3/12, b. Apr., son321/337 William CUNNINGHAM, 41, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 38, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 17, dau; Lorian*, 14, dau; Susan M., 9, dau
Mary S.*, 6, dau; Graham, 2, son322/338 David M. HORRELL, 24, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 25, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
William, 6, son322/339 Thomas DUFFY, 23, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Ire
Elizabeth M., 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa323/340 James BUTT* [or BULT], 54, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Kate, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa[p. 38]
[323/339 continued]
Nannie, 22, dau; John H., 20, son, Laborer; Clark, 17, son, Laborer
Climenia*, 15, dau324/341 Hannah McCLAIN*, 56, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Hannah HENDERSON, 12, grand dau
James JOHNS, 10, at home325/342 Fredrick DEEMER, 50, Laborer, cannot read or write, Pa/Pa/Pa
Susannah, 53, Wife, Keeping house, cannot read or write, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elmer, 14, son, Laborer, cannot read or write; Martha, 11, dau, cannot read or write
Martin LOWER, 22, Son–in–law, Laborer, married within the year
Caroline, 23, dau, married within the year326/343 David COULTER, 39, Laborer, Scot/Ire/Ire
Agness, 31, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary J., 6, dau; Charles M., 10/12, b. Aug., son326/344 Bernard C. SEATON, 32, Doctor, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Frank, 5, son; Carrie, 3, dau; Lilly E., 3/12, dau327/345 Wilson P. FRANCE, 35, Conductor on P.R.R., Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary J., 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John H., 12, son, Laborer; Robert W., 10, son, Laborer
Jane, 86, Mother, widow, Pa/Ire/Ire327/346 John FOUST, 26, Laborer, Pa/Pa/PA
Emma C., 20, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Ire
Albert G.*, 4, son; Lizzie, 3, dau328/347 Isreal STIFFY, 40, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 38, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Willie, 4, son; Dellia*, 3, dau329/348 William SHIFLY, 26, Blacksmith, WV/WV/Pa
Elizabeth, 25, Wife, Keeping house, WV/Pa/Pa
Mary, 4, dau; Edna L., 3, dau; Berth V., 1, dau329/349 Mathew GRIFFITH, 37, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Agness, 23, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Calvin G., 11, son; Serella M, 2, dau330/350 Samuel LONG, 41, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Martha, 35, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lucretia, 15, dau; Willie, 14, son, Laborer; Mary, 12, dau; Henry, 10, son, Laborer[p. 39]
[330/350 continued]
Rebecca, 8, dau; Gertie, 5, dau331/351 Thomas McHAIL, 62, Laborer, "Rheumatis", Ire/Ire/Ire
Anna, 60, Wife, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
James, 26, son, Laborer; Mary, 25, dau; Maggie, 22, dau
Rebecca, 18, dau; Thomas, 16, son, Laborer332/352 Jane COULTER, 30, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 7, dau; John, 3, son335/353 James ROBERTSON, 64, Miner, "General Debility", Scot/Scot/Scot
Jane, 62, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
William, 21, son, Teamster, Oh/Scot/Scot
Jane L. McDOWELL, 4, grand dau, Pa/Pa/Oh334/354 Andrew ROBERTSON, 25, Laborer, Pa/Scot/Scot
Margret, 28, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 9, dau; James, 3, son; Mary, 2, dau335/355 George DORMAN, 24, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Malinda*, 23, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Michel, 2, son; Joseph, 3/12, b. Mar., son336/356 Daniel J. SHAFFER, 35, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Elizabeth, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Charles L., 13, son, Laborer; Minnie M., 11, dau; Albert, 9, son
Edgar, 6, son; Ida E., 4, dau; Daniel W., 7/12, b. Nov., son337/357 Jane VON*, 60, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah H., 24, dau, single; John, 21, son, single, Laborer338/358 William BAIRD, 52, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 51, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna M., 18, dau; William H., 15, son, laborer
Annie C., 15, dau; John B., 8, son339/359 Lawrence HINES, 22, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Ire
Jane, 25, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire339/360 Susanna RAFERTY, 40, Widow, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Gearld, 12, son340/361 Charles JOHNSON, 26, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Pa
Rebecca A., 20, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Ire
Elizabeth E., 1, dau341/362 Robert McDOWELL, 63*, Boarding House, Pa/Pa/Pa
[p. 40]
[341/362 continued]
Jane, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Harry A., 20, son, Laborer; Robert, 45, Boarder, single342/363 John J.* RANDOLPH, 31, Shoemaker, Pa/Ny/Pa
Susan, 31, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Tillie, 11, son [sic]; Willie, 10, son; Harry, 6, son
Bertha M., 2, dau; Ira, 5/12, b. Feb., son; Allen, 5/12, b. Feb., son343/364 Jaccob WEST, 39, Dry goods mercht., Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna A., 40, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane McCONINE*, 16, niece344/365 Bernard CLARK, 50, Laborer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Ann, 62, Wife, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
Ellen, 29, dau, NY/Ire/Ire
Celia MARTHA*, 11, Pa/Ire/Ire345/366 George HARMIN*, 20, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Maggie, 18, Sister, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa346/367 James McCLAIN*, 59, Laborer, Pa/Ire/Pa
Sarah, 53, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Celvestra*, 34, son, single, Carpenter; John, 27, son, single, Carpenter
Susannah, 25, dau, single347/368 Daniel FOUST, 55, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Laye*, 59, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Adam, 18, son, Laborer348/369 Daniel GARLAND, 50, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Mary, 49, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Daniel B., 21, son, Laborer; John C., 19, son, Laborer
Thomas*, 12, son, Laborer; Robert, 9, son349/370 John HOWARD, 51, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Catharine, 50, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 25, son, Laborer; Harry, 21, son, Laborer
Lizzie HIMES, 15; Sarah POOL, 5350/371 Samuel REAM, 25*, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Julia L., 22, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa351/372 Mary BURNS* [or BARNS], 3*, widow, Keeping house, Ire/Ire/Ire
352/373 Samuel LIER, 50*, Miller, Pa/Pa/Pa
Pheoba, 5*, Wife, Keeping house, cannot read or write, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nancy J., 19, dau; Mary H., 16, dau; John, 21, son, Laborer; Moses, 23, son, Laborer353/374 Frank McDOWELL, 24*, Carpenter, Pa/Pa/Pa
[p. 41]
[353/374 continued]
Rebecca, 19, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Barr, 2, son; Earl, 9/12, b. Sept., son354/375 Nicolas HUGHES, 60, Laborer, Ire/Ire/Ire
Susan, 49, Wife, Keeping house, Va/Va/[unclear]
Laurence, 17, son, Laborer; Mary, 16, dau; Annie, 14, dau; James, 12, son, Laborer355/376 Orange DORMAN, 70, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane, 51, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Orange, 22, Son, Laborer; Amanda, 19, dau; Willy, 17, son, Laborer
Anna, 14, dau; Ira, 6, son356/377 Jaccob ADAMS, 40, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sarah, 36, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Ellsworth J., 18, son, Laborer; Henry E., 12, dau [sic]; Robert, 10, son
Samuel, 8, son; Sarah, 6, dau; Nettie G.*, 3, dau; Bertha M., 1, dau357/378 Lewis ROSS* [or ROSE], 55, Laborer, Scot/Scot/Scot
Belle, 54, Wife, Keeping house, Scot/Scot/Scot
Maggie, 21, dau"Here Ends the Village of Bolivar"
[p. 42]
358/379 Alexander WEST, 27, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Jane E., 27, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Malinda, 4, dau; Harry, 2, son; Andrew, 4/12, b. Feb., son359/380 Peter BENNETT, 39, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Eliza, 37, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
John, 13, son, Laborer; Mary C., 12, dau
Harry, 9, son; Everett, 5, son360/381 Joseph McGARVEY, 33, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Emma, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Arnetta, 8, dau; Laurence, 6, dau; Grace, 5, dau; Lewis, 3, son
Jesse, 1, son; Dora, 3/12, dau361/382 Joseph C. BEAM, 44, Miller, Pa/Pa/Pa
Julia A., 39, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Norman L., 17, son, Laborer; Arthur, 15, son, Laborer; Alexander, 10, son
Nettie [or Nellie], 5, dau; Frank, 1, son
Christopher W. KELLAR, *5 [first digit unclear], Boarder, Miller, Pa/Pa/Pa362/383 Adam STORMER, 48, P.R.R. Laborer* Boss*, Pa/Pa/Pa
Nancy, 49, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Pa/Pa
Sada, 24, dau; John F., 20, son, Laborer; Alace, 18, dau
Anna, 17, dau; Samuel, 15, son, Laborer; Lauran M., 10, dau; Nellie C., 6, dau363/384 Samuel HENDERSON, 39, Laborer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Lenora, 34, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Ire/Pa
Clark C., 6, son; Nettie [or Nellie], 4, dau; Alexander, 2, son; Lizzie, 7/12, b. Nov., dau364/385 Alexander LANE, 56, Farmer, Pa/Pa/Md
Susanna, 30, Wife, Keeping house, Pa/Md/Md
Joseph McCLURE, 34, Sawyer, Pa/Pa/Pa
Anna, 28, Wife, Pa/Pa/Pa[end]
"I certify that I have completed the Enumeration of this District and that the returns have been duly and truthfully made in accordance with law to my oath of office"
{Signed} S.H. Luther
Westfairfield Pa
Westmd Co.
Contributed by Michael Caldwell for use by the Westmoreland County Genealogy Project (http://www.pa-roots.com/westmoreland/)
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