1st Pennsylvania Cavalry / 44th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Juniata County
- Company B - Athensville, Montgomery County
- Company C - Mifflin County
- Company D - Lock Haven, Clinton County, and Cameron and Clinton Counties
- Company E - Centre, Clinton & Clearfield Counties
- Company F - Carmichael's, Greene County
- Company G - Harrisburg, Dauphin County and Blair County
- Company H - Fayette County
- Company I - Washington County
- Company K - Allegheny & Washington Counties
- Company L - Berks, Lebanon and Lancaster Counties
- Company M - Berks County
- Unassigned Men
- References
-  Medal of Honor Recipients
Falls, R. J. A Letter Received from Major...by the Chairman of the First Penna. Cavalry Association, and Read at the First Reunion of the Regiment, Held at Lewistown, Pa., October 14 and 15, 1886,. NY: Polhemus, 1887.
Lloyd, William P. History of the First Regiment Pennsylvania Reserve Cavalry, From its Organization, August, l86l, to September, l864, With List of Names of All Officers and Enlisted Men Who Have Ever Belonged to the Regiment, and Remarks Attached to Each Name, Noting Change... Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1864. (Library of Congress)
Scott, James K., Colonel. 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Story of the Battles at Gettysburg. Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1927
Col. James K. Scott, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Story of the Battles at Gettysburg. Harrisburg: Telegraph Press, 1927 |

1st Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cloud's Mills, Va., June 17, 1865, by consolidation of 2nd and 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Duty at Cloud's Mills till July. Mustered out July 13, 1865
- Roster of Officers

1st Battalion Militia Cavalry
Organized at Harrisburg, Pa., July 13, 1863. Attached to Dept. of the Susquehanna. Mustered out August 21, 1863 |

2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry/59th Regiment Volunteers
2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry/59th Regiment Volunteers
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Phildelphia
- Company B - Phildelphia
- Company C - Phildelphia
- Company D - Lancaster County
- Company E - Phildelphia
- Company F - Centre County
- Company G - Philadelphia
- Company H - Northampton County
- Company I - Crawford County
- Company K - Philadelphia and Berks Counties
- Company L - Tioga County
Company M - Armstrong County
- Company M - Armstrong County
- Unassigned Men
- References
From the National Tribune, October 2, 1924, page 7, column 6: "Wm. H. Bartholomew, Company F, 2d Pennsylvania Cavalry, Center Hall, Pa., says the the Center County Pennsylvania Veteran's Association had the best reunion ever held on September 3. There were present 83 veterans, whose ages range from 76 to 91 years, and average 81."

2nd Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cloud's Mills, Va., June 17, 1865, by consolidation of 1st, 6th and 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Mustered out at Lebanon, Ky., August 7, 1865
- Roster of Officers

3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry / 60th Regiment (Young's Kentucky Light Cavalry)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Philadelphia
- Company B - Philadelphia
- Company C - Philadelphia
- Company D - Washington, D. C.
- Company E - Philadelphia
- Company F - Philadelphia
- Company G - Pittsburg
- Company H - Philadelphia
- Company I - Cumberland County
- Company K - Philadelphia
- Company L - Schuykill County
- Company M - Philadelphia
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Monument at Gettysburg
- Colonel William Averill and Staff
- Lt. Colonel Samuel W. Owens
- Company D
Rawle, William Brooke, Captain, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry. History of the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, Sixtieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, in the American Civil War, 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1905.
William Brooke Rawle, Captain, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Right Flank at Gettysburg. Olde Soldier Books. An account of the operations of Gregg's Cavalry.

3rd Provisional Cavalry
Organized at Cumberland, Md., June 24, 1865, by consolidation of 18th and 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry. Duty at Clarksburg, W. Va., till October, 1865. Mustered out October 31, 1865
- Roster of Officers

4th Pennsylvania Cavalry/64thVolunteers
- Field and Staff Officers
- Colonel James Childs (Photograph)
- Colonel James Childs and Staff (Photograph)
- Company A - Northampton County
- Company B - Allegheny County
- Company C - Westmoreland County
- Company D - Westmoreland County
- Company E - Allegheny County
- Company F - Lebanon County
- Company G - Allegheny County
- Company H - Venango County
- Company I - Venango County
- Company K - Venango County
- Company L - Venango County
- Company M - Luzerne County
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Colonel Childs Monument at Antietam
- Medal of Honor Recipients
Doster, William E. A Brief History of the Fourth Pennsylvania Veteran Cavalry. Longstreet House, 1997. Reprint of 1891 edition.
Hyndman, William . History of a Cavalry Company: A Complete Record of Company A, 4th Pennsylvania . Longstreet House, 1997, Reprint of 1870 edition.

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry/65thVolunteers (Cameron Dragoons)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Regimental Band
- Company A - Philadelphia
- Company B - Philadelphia
- Company C - Philadelphia
- Company D - Philadelphia
- Company E - Philadelphia
- Company F - Philadelphia
- Company G - Philadelphia
- Company H - Philadelphia
- Company I - Philadelphia
- Company K - Lycoming and Philadelphia Counties
- Company L - Allegheny County
- Company M - Allegheny & Venango Counties
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipients

6th Pennsylvania Cavalry/70th Regiment (Rush's Lancers)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Regimental Band
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- Medal of Honor Recipients
- References
Gracey, Samuel L. Annals of the Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry Vanberg Publishing. Reprint of 1868 original. New Introduction by Eric Wittenberg.
Smith, Thomas W. & Wittenberg, Eric J. We have it Damn Hard Out Here: The Civil War Letters of Sergeant Thomas W. Smith, 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Kent State University Press. ISBN# 087338623X
Wittenberg, Eric J. Rush's Lancers: The Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry in the Civil War. Westholme Publishing, November 2006. ISBN: 1594160325

7th Pennsylvania Cavalry/80th Regiment Volunteers
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Schukyll County
- Company B - Lycoming and Tioga Counties
- Company C - Bradford and Tioga Counties
- Company D - Bradford and Tioga Counties
- Company E - Centre and Clinton Counties
- Company F - Philadelphia and Schukyll County
- Company G - Chester, Lycoming and Tioga Counties
- Company H - Allegheny, Chester and Montour Counties
- Company I - Dauphin and Lycoming Counties
- Company K - Cumberland and Fayette Counties
- Company L - Berks and Northumberland Counties
- Company M - Allegheny County
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipient
Civil War Letters of Jacob Sigmund, 1st Lt., Company E
Dornblaser, Thomas F., Sergeant, 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Sabre Strokes of the Pennsylania Dragoons in the War of 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1884.
Sipes, William B. The Saber Regiment: History of the 7th Pennsylania Volunteer Cavalry. Blue Acorn. Reprint of 1905 Original
Sipes, William B. The Seventh Pennsylania Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, Its Record, Reminiscences and Roster. Pottsville, 1905.
Vale, Joseph. Minty and the Cavalry: A History of the Cavalry Campaigns in the Western Armies, Harrisburg, Pennyslvania. 1886

8th Pennsylania Cavalry/89th Regiment Volunteers
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Chester County
- Company B - Lycoming County
- Company C - Philadelphia
- Company D - Philadelphia
- Company E - Philadelphia
- Company F - Philadelphia
- Company G - Philadelphia
- Company H - Philadelphia
- Company I - Philadelphia
- Company K - Philadelphia
- Company L - Philadelphia
- Company M - Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia Counties
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipients
Carpenter, J. Edward. A List of the Battles, Engagements, Actions and Important Skirmishes in which the Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry Participated During the War of 1861-1865, Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott's Printing House, 1866.
Huey, Pennock. A True History of the Charge of the Eighth Pennsylvnaia Cavalry at Chancellorsville, Philadelphia, 1885.

9th Pennsylvania Cavalry/92d Regiment (Lochiel Cavalry)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Regimental Band
- Company A - Perry County
- Company B - Dauphin County
- Company C - Harrisburg
- Company D - Luzerne County
- Company E - Dauphin and Susquehanna Counties
- Company F - Lancaster County
- Company G - Lancaster County
- Company H - Cumberland County
- Company I - Cumberland County
- Company K - Dauphin and Luzerne Counties
- Company L - Luzerne, Mifflin, and Northampton Counties
- Company M - Huntingdon County
- Unassigned Men
- References
- 9th Cavalry Cut to Pieces, July 10, 1862
- A Scout to East Tennessee, December 20 , 1862
Rowell, John W. Yankee Cavalrymen: Through the Civil War with the Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. University of Tennessee, 1971.
Veil, Charles Henry. (Edited by Henman Viola) Memoirs of Charles Henry Veil: A Soldier's Recollections of the Civil War and the Arizona Territory, New York: Orion, 1993.

10th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Organization not completed. |
11th Pennsylvania Cavalry/108th Regiment (Harlan's Iowa Cavalry)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Iowa
- Company B - Chester County
- Company C - Philadelphia
- Company D - Franklin County
- Company E - Philadelphia & New York
- Company F - Tioga County and New York
- Company G - Cambria County
- Company H - Northampton County
- Company I - Lancaster County & New Jersey
- Company K - Luzerne County
- Company L - Clarion County
- Company M - Columbus, Ohio
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipient
- Captain T. J. Elliot and Captain B. B. Mitchell, Company F
History of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, Together with a Complete Roster of the Regiment and Regimental Officers, Philadelphia: Franklin Printing Company, 1902.
Guss, Abraham Lincoln, 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Coward's Curse and the Patriot's Duty, Carlisle, Pa.: Printed at the "Herald" office, 1861.
12th Pennsylvania Cavalry/113th Regiment
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Companies F and I
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L - Company M
- Unassigned Men
- Monument at Antietam
- References
Maier, Larry B. Leather and Steel : The 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry in the Civil War. White Mane.

13th Pennsylvania Cavalry/117th Regiment (The Irish Dragoons)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Recruited a Camp Frankford
- Company B - Recruited a Camp Frankford
- Company C - Recruited a Camp Frankford
- Company D - Recruited a Camp Frankford
- Company E - Pittsburg
- Company F - Cumberland County
- Company G - Lycoming County
- Company H - Camp Frankford
- Company I - Camp Frankford
- Company K - Camp Frankford
- Company L - Pike and Wayne Counties
- Company M - Philadelphia
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipients
Hand, Harold (Sonny), Jr. One Good Regiment. Victoria, BC, Canada & Oxford, UK: Trafford Publishing, 2000. 320 pages. ISBN 1-55212-460-6. A history of the 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry (117th Pennsylvania Volunteers). Available from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, or the author at sonnyhand@yahoo.com. |

14th Pennsylvania Cavalry / 159th Regiment (Stanton Cavalry)
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Companies K and L
- Companies K, L. and M
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipients
Extract from Regimental History, 1915
The 14th Pa. Volunteer Cavalry in the Civil War by Rev. Wm. Slease, 1915(Reprint), plus muster rolls added by Ron Gancus, 1999. Order from Mechling Bookbindery.

15th Pennsylvania Cavalry/160th Regiment
- The Anderson Troop
- Anderson Troop Muster Roll
- Field and Staff Officers (15th Cavalry)
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Medal of Honor Recipients
Kirk, Charles H. 1st Lieutenant, Company E. History of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry Known as the Anderson Cavalry in the Rebellion of 1861-1865. Philadelphia, 1906.
The 15th at General Joe Johnston's Surrender

16th Pennsylvania Cavalry / 161st Regiment
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- References

17th Pennsylvania Cavalry /162nd Regiment
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Beaver County
- Company B - Susquehanna County
- Company C - Lancaster County
- Company D - Bradford County
- Company E - Lebanon County
- Company F - Cumberland County
- Company G - Franklin County
- Company H - Schuylkill County
- Company I - Perry County and the City of Philadelphia
- Company K - Luzerne County
- Company L - Montgomery and Chester Counties
- Company M - Wayne County
- Unassigned Men
- Medal of Honor Recipient
- References
- Certificate of Diability for Discharge
(William G. Gayley)
Moyer, Henry P. History of the Seventeenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Lebanon, PA, 1911.
Bean, Theodore W. The Roll of Honor of the Seventeenth (17th) Pennsylvania Cavalry or One Hundred, Sixty-Second of the Line, Pennsylvania Volunteers, J. S. Claxton, 1865, 85 pages.

18th Pennsylvania Cavalry / 163rd Regiment
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- References
- Unassigned Men
- Corporal Lawrence Fiegenschuh
Rodenbough, Theodore. History of the Eighteenth Regiment of Cavalry Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-1865, New York: Wynkoop Crawford, 1909 .

19th Pennsylvania Cavalry/ 180th Regiment
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- References
- Unassigned Men

20th Pennsylvania Cavalry/ 181st Regiment
Six Months Service:
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
Three Years Service:
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- References

21st Pennsylvania Cavalry / 182nd Regiment
Six Months Service:
- Company A - York County
- Company B - Adams County
- Company C - Lancaster County
- Company D - Franklin County
- Company E - Bedford County
- Company F - Cambria County
- Company G - Lancaster County
- Company H - Franklin County
- Company I - Franklin County
- Company K - Franklin County
- Company L - Franklin County
- Company M - Franklin County
Three Years Service:
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
- Company E
- Company F
- Company G
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- References
- Monument at Gettysburg
Grier, Thomas H. Pennsylvania Cavalry, 21st Regiment, 1863-1865. Annual Reunions of the 21st Pennsylvania Cavalry Association, Gettysburg, 1891.

22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry / 185th Regiment
Six Months Service:
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A
- Company B
- Company C
- Company D
Three Years Service:
- Field and Staff Officers
- Company A - Ringgold Cavalry
- Company B - Washington Cavalry
- Company C - Keystone Cavalry
- Company D - Beallsville Cavalry
- Company E - Independent Cavalry
- Company F - The Patton Cavalry
- Company G - Lafayette Cavalry
- Company H
- Company I
- Company K
- Company L
- Company M
- Unassigned Men
- References
Farrar, Samuel Clarke. The Twenty-Second Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Ringgold Battalion, 1861-1865, Akron, OH: New Werner Co., 1911.
The Philadelphia Troop |
Ringgold Battalion Cavalry
- Roster of Officers
Elwood, John W. Elwood's Stories of the Old Ringgold Cavalry, 1847-1865, Coal Center, PA, 1914 |
Ringgold Cavalry Company |
LaFayette Company Cavalry
- Roster of Officers
Washington County Cavalry Company
- Roster of Officers
Other Independent Cavalry Companies