1st Pennsylvania Rifles, Company K
First Artillery Regiment (Forty-Third of the line)
34th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers/5th Pennsylvania Reserves
42nd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - Bucktails
Company K - "Raftsman Rangers", recruited in Curwensville
44th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers/1st Pennsylvania Cavalry
5lst Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
53rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
Regimental Band
59th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - 2nd Cavalry/Pennsylvania in the Civil War
64th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - 4th Cavalry/Pennsylvania in the Civil War
84th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (Aldrich History)
84th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (S. P. Bates. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865, and Dyer's Compendium).
Company I
105th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company C
Company F
Company K Recruited in Centre, Clearfield and Indiana Counties
110th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
Company K Recruited in Centre and Clearfield Counties
149th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers - Bucktails
Reunion of the 149th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers,
Clearfield Republican - 30 Aug 1901Company E
For information on other PA Civil War units go to my Pennsylvania in the Civil War site.
172d Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Recruited in Snyder, Northumberland, Clearfield, Elk, M'Kean, Union, Montour, and Butler Counties
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This page was last updated on August 9, 2005
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